>During the progress of the project someone (not us) in the chemistry lab
broke some bottles of 'unknown'
chemicals. The place was immediately shut down with an emergency chemical
response team to do clean-up. I was not there but it is reported as an
exciting day on the job.
I was there that day and it was interesting. We were told to stay behind our
fence (it was quite the zoo like environ) and we would be fine while they
set up the decontamination booth (plastic curtain enclosure) where they made
the exposed volunteers strip and get showered down. One of the volunteers
was female which of course meant everyone wanted to work on the roof.
We pointed out that the window on our side of the building where the
"incident" occurred was open and they ended up borrowing one of our ladders
to close it. They didn't even decontaminate it afterward.....
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