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Sandy Zimmerman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Sun, 3 Feb 2008 07:24:32 EST
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Peter Luger fans
All I can say is my stomach is still so full it woke me up.  I don't  believe 
I have ever eaten so much even before being diagnosed.  So just to  wet your 
appetite we started with drinks and then on to the tomatoes onions and  huge 
shrimp which was served with their famous sauce but on the side.  Some  say it 
is gf and others say it is not so i was afraid to have. it.  We also  had an 
order of the bacon and I'm  never sure of the gf status of any bacon  but I did 
taste it.  Wow was it good.  Then on to the famous  porterhouse steak md rare 
of course and it was out of this world .  It  was served with the special 
sauce but since I am a ketchup lover.......This was  served with wonderful 
potatoes and their great creamed spinach which I was  craving but I knew I could not 
have and yet I still asked about so I had  delicious broccoli instead.  The 
food was wonderful.  Well I  thought I was finished except for coffee since I 
never have dessert and my  friends tell me that PL is also known for their 
strudel etc. so since everyone  was ordering I decided to have a little ice cream. 
 Well out came this very  large hot fudge coffee ice cream(my favorite) 
sundae with lots of home  made  whipped cream .  I could not resist it.  Oh my  and 
I wonder why my stomach hurts and today is 
super bowl and you know what that means!  Enough about  food........
Hot News!  Last month PL put an  addition on to the  restaurant.  It is to 
the left of the bar and is a lovely large room with  wonderful smiling happy 
waiters.  That's right you heard me the gruff nasty  waiters are gone maybe they 
keep them all in the old room.  Can you believe  we actually had fun with them?
I hope I remembered everything to report since many of you asked for a  
summary.  By the way for those who do not know or were just  wondering  everything 
is ala carte and is very very expensive.  But it  was worth it and I had a 
wonderful birthday.
Sandy in NJ

**************Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.     

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