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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:04:00 EDT
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

My question was how does one get tested for a  possible casein 
intolerance/allergy.  I received 15 responses  which are as follows:
1.  Five people suggested I try _www.enterolab.com_ 
(http://www.enterolab.com)  to obtain a stool  kit.  I will consider going this route.
2.  One person suggested I take a probiotic and one L-glutamine with  each 
3.  One person said that lactose is in many medications but  usually not 
casein.  One person stated that the total amount of lactose  used in meds is very 
small and may not be enough to make a difference.
4.  Two people think that my problems could be related to gluten  
contamination and to do more checking, especially with medications and health  and beauty 
5.  One person stated that from what she has read that 50% of  Celiacs have 
an allergy or an intolerance to casein.  Interesting....
6.  One person recommended that I read the book, "Eat Right for Your  Blood 
Type", which I did do several years ago.  Interesting but not too  helpful.
7.  One person recommended looking into _www.alcat.com_ 
(http://www.alcat.com)  for testing.  Their phone  number is 1-800-US-ALCAT.
8.  One person had successful testing done at _www.yorkallergyusa.com_ 
(http://www.yorkallergyusa.com)  .
9.  Two people said that casein is everywhere just like gluten and I  need to 
do a thorough elimination diet. 
I want to thank everyone who responded.  It was most  helpful in making my 
Jane in Maryland 

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