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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 19 Oct 2007 15:42:41 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Galleh you just have a way of rehbilitating the lunatics. I wonder if John  
Yahavich knew that Democracy was an African way of life and when the Europeans  
and Arabs came to Africa, they stole Democracy and took it to their 
respective  countries. I guess we shouldn't tell Yahavich that story cos he'll more 
than  likely attempt to recover our Democracy from the thieves!!! Hehehehehe! I 
think  God/Allah fights for the oppressed in a myriad ways. They are hard to 
recognize  though. Thanx again for sharing. There are parallels between Yahavich 
and Amin,  especially during the latter's dying days.
Haroun AL Khairawan. MQDT. Darbo.
In a message dated 10/19/2007 3:41:37 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
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John  Yahavich Rumbles Loudly On

By Baba Galleh Jallow

I must tell you  that I am really angry today and because you so-called 
elders have come to  worship my power and glory, I will have to tell you what 
I think and even  do not think. I hear people saying fight against terror, 
fight against  terror. What do they mean fight against terror? Who is this 
so-called  terror? Do they think I do not understand what they mean? But if 
you say  you are fighting terror then you are fighting against the word of 
God  because terror is a word of God. As far as I am alive, I John Yahavich  
will not allow such words to be spoken in this world or even the next if  
such a thing as the next world exists. I will never accept that. Over my  
rotten body!

If you say you are fighting evil, then you must fight  evil even if it lives 
inside your own head and your heart. Which means  that you must take a knife 
and cut off your head and cut open your heart  so that you can kill the evil 
inside. But some of you and those so-called  western powers say that you are 
fighting evil, when evil itself lives  inside you and makes you say nonsense 
and commit evil deeds which appear  good in your evil eyes. You say you are 
protecting the word of God when  your very life is based on breaking the word 
of God. You say don’t kill,  then you kill; and you say don’t steal, or don’
torture or even don’t  think when that is what you do in all your life. If 
you think I will  accept those stupid things, then you don’t know who John 
Yahavich is.  Belay, belay, belay some of you are blind. And belay, I will 
show you that  I am the most learned man in this world because I am the most 
powerful man  here. If you are powerful then you are also wise, which is the 
same as  saying that you can always say anything you like because you can 
never  tell lies because you are the wisest man in the world. It is just like 
counting one two three or saying today, tomorrow and yesterday.

You  say you have one law of God and then you say you have another law of God 
and then three laws of God. If you say this, then you are an enemy of God  
and when you die, you will go to hell and burn there forever and even  after. 
If you say you believe in God and then you want to come and attack  me, that 
will not work. The first time, the so-called West came to Africa  and said 
they have brought us God. How can they bring us God? Now that  they cannot 
fool us, they come again and talk about so-called democracy  because they 
want somebody to throw me into the sea just as I threw Ex  into the sea. They 
want somebody to come here and take my place and enjoy  what I am enjoying 
right now and will enjoy forever whether they like it  or not. That is why 
they talk about so-called democracy. If they want  democracy, they should 
stay in their countries and have their democracy. I  will not tolerate anyone 
coming here to talk about so-called democracy  which actually means something 
evil. The only cracy in this country is  Yahacracy and that is my own cracy, 
whether they like it or  not.

They think that I do not know about their history. Even their  future history 
is right here in my hand because they don’t know who John  Yahavich is. They 
used to kill each other and now if I kill somebody they  start opening their 
big mouths and shouting lies and nonsense. They want  us all to worship their 
so-called democracy and forget about pretending to  be the chosen people. 
They want me to forget that God Himself chose me to  be John Yahavich. I want 
to ask them one thing. If God did not choose John  Yahavich, then how can 
John Yahavich exist? Did the great philosopher  Decassey not say I think 
because I can? Do they not know that Decassey  himself is my friend and is 
afraid of me? Why then do they talk about  democracy? They don’t even read 
logic and they try to argue with me. I  must tell them that they can go to 
hell and wait for me there. If we do  not believe what we believe, then we 
all will go to hell. But John  Yahavich will never go to hell because before 
you go to hell you have to  die first and they will not get their evil 

The west came  here and sat on our backs for one thousand years. And now they 
want to say  that I cannot sit on your backs for thousand years; but they are 
telling  lies because no one can tell John Yahavich that enough is enough or 
what I  can do or not do. They came here and they changed our culture and  
tradition. They brought their paint and brush and they wanted to paint us  
white. But if something is black, how can you paint it white? That just  
shows you that the west is really stupid and did not read logic in  school.

The west came to Africa and stole all our money and goats and  pigs and even 
our air and left us nothing. Now they come back and want to  colonize us by 
talking about so-called democracy and the rule of so-called  law. What law? 
The only law I can accept in this country is my own law and  I say what my 
law is. As the most powerful and the wisest man in the  world, I want to tell 
them that they can go to hell with their so-called  democracy because I do 
not believe in democracy or any kind of other  western nonsense. Not even 
their language, which I am speaking right now  or even the radio or 
television or even my own personal car which was made  in the west. So they 
can go to hell because John Yahavich is John Yahavich  today and will be John 
Yahavich forever and there will never be any  so-called democracy in this 
country for the next thousand years. And if  you report what I say in the 
so-called newspapers, I will kick you out of  my picture.  It’s-a-mad-day!!

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