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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 13:26:14 -0800
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Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
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I received some interesting responses, some that branch off into other directions, but I will include because they are thought provoking.  [Some of the responses are really questions, which I will attempt to answer as best I can.]  {And, as usual, my obnoxious comments will appear in brackets.]  Valerie in Tacoma
>Is there a physical test for adrenal fatigue? ["Adrenal fatigue" is not an officially "coded" medical term, it's rather used to describe a condition of low adrenal function that falls short of full blown Addison's disease.  A standard one time blood draw won't show "adrenal fatigue."  The best test to assess for adrenal fatigue are the 24 hour blood or saliva tests.  Most docs don't use this.  For more information about this read, "Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by James Wilson ND.] >Also, since this causes build up of potassium, should those with this problem avoid bananas? [All fruits are to be avoided, but ONLY in the morning.  I do eat fruits in the PM.  We need potassium & the other nutrients fruits provide.]---------------
While it has never occurred to me to do this regularly, I have often used the salt water or sometimes just plain salt trick.  I tend to drink a lot of water which flushes out the salt in my system.  So I know if I start getting headaches, cranky and tired, to try a little salt, especially on hot days or when I sweat a lot such as with exercise.  Usually, this perks me right back up.  I think I may try the salt trick daily.  I also didn't know part of the problem may be excessive potassium and that avoiding fruits would help.  Thank you for the information!  Sharon
[I may have given the wrong impression about potassium.  It's not that we with adrenal fatigue have excessively high levels of potassium, it's just that we have too little sodium vs potassium.  Faulty adrenal function can cause loss of sodium so that the ratio of potassium to sodium is too high.  The problem is the inability to retain adequate amounts of sodium in the blood stream as Dr. Wilson explains it.]
I used to carry snacks w/ me everywhere thinking that my afternoon crashes were caused by hypoglycemia.  But when I tried the salt water trick, I didn't need the other stuff so badly.  I realize that food snacks helped me because of their sodium content.  This must be why soda pop & chips are such popular snack foods, they are both very high in sodium.   
-------------------We have been doing the salt for sleepiness or low blood pressure for several years. I think that's pretty neat that the Na [sodium] falls while leaving the K [potassium] to drop the BP [blood pressure] level. I never thought about that. I just figured my attacks of weakness I used to have in the bad old gluten days had been the gluten leaving the stomach an hour or two after a meal and being absorbed in the intestine, causing the adrenals to crash so the kidneys lose sodium like crazy. The other thing is when I have to deal with a lot of stress, it gets hard to focus after a couple of days, so I know my adrenals are down and I need salt to cope. I may have to look around for this book of yours. I got hold of a neat book, SOLVED, THE RIDDLE OF ILLNESS on low thyroid. It's a great book, I ordered 8 copies to peddle and loan out, took me about 7 days to get rid of them all. HOWEVER the chapter on taking iodine is total idiocy. The author concludes that although America has this huge problem with low thyroid which he thinks is all from other halogens and other chemicals and heavy metals, that we don't need to take iodine. We DO need to take natural thyroid extract instead of Synthroid, but no we plenty of iodine in our diets from salt. This is the 4th edition of this book, and I kid you not, he thinks that because we are getting a lot of salt from processed foods, that we are getting x amount of iodine per gram from the stuff. He is totally unaware that ONLY "Iodized table salt" contains iodine. You can't find it on the label, but according to my son up there in Olympia, it's actually bad for you to cook with iodized salt. I told him that they were all in big trouble, because that's all I used to use when they were growing up. Anyway, because you aren't supposed to cook with iodized salt, it's not in any processed foods. So the book is totally wrong on that count. Makes you wonder how well he did the rest of his research...   anyway, one of my clients who'd long wondered if she had low thyroid did the temp test and it was low so she went to her DC who AK tested her for Iosol  and she tested strong on it. So after about 5 days she says she feels better and less like she needs a nap in the afternoon. I have also had a client who'd been complaining about being tired all the time lately suddenly say, "Oh, I know what's wrong! I've run out of iodine!" I notice that when I've been taking iodine for weeks, I feel warmer and have more libido. I notice that when I haven't taken it for weeks, my fibroids get worse. But for day to day effects, all I notice is that a few hours after taking Lugol's I get to feeling a little weird, like my system is a little hyper. It's gone in a hour or so. I guess I wouldn't get it on just iodine, but I don't think I get all the benefits without the iodide. Anyway, Iosol tastes acrid to me, Lugol's tastes fine. I think that means something too.   Donna 
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