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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Jul 2008 18:17:55 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (229 lines)
Afuan Ya Wuld Ammi,
Ma Yero montesgue,
I have read the Ulamaa's reasonings and opinions and I must say our  opinions 
do converge. I will explain here how I mean. But first I want to  impress 
upon you that right off the bat, your friend has multiplied his  quandry:
1. He seeks to enlist (voluntarily join) the US military.
2. He makes this decision for economic (selfish) reasons.
Yero, Islam, shariah, and Islamic fiqh addresses only muslims. If I were a  
christian living in Saudi Arabia, or a citizen thereof, I may not be guided by  
Fiqh or Shariah. Unlike the Saudi constitution which does not guarantee  
inalienable rights of non-muslims, the US constitution attempts to accomodate  
muslims of all walks of life. The latter is better in the eyes of Allah and God  
and even the Quran supports such effort to accomodate people of other 
religions  by the mere statement "Lakum Deenikum Walya Deen".
Yero, if you read the Ulamaa's opinions carefully, you will find that they  
do not address your friend's quandry, i.e. voluntary participation in the US  
military. And it was with that background I asked you to find out why your  
friend wishes to enlist in the US military. And I shared that if his intent was  
to serve his fellow US muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Mormons, Jews, Hindus,  
etc., there are a variety of ways to complete that desire other than through  
enlistment in the military. So my opinion runs a parallel course to those of 
the  Ulamaa.
Next point is that the very nature of fiqh and its uniqueness of audience  
(muslims), precludes the Ulamaa from considering the interests of non-muslims in 
 a plural society such as America. This is exactly why I suggested your 
friend  not rely on Fiqh, Islam, or the Quran to make his decision. At least not 
until  all the christians, Jews, Hindus, mormons, bahai of America decide to 
convert to  islam.
You must bear in mind that as a muslim who serves in the American military,  
in whatever integral capacity, you are defending the freedom and interests of  
American muslims also. The reason I brought this point up is because Islamic  
fiqh advises Not to fight with or kill fellow muslims. Let us therefore 
assume,  though not likely, that America goes to war with Saudi Arabia. Those Saudi 
 muslims will be poised to fight with and kill American muslims. This then 
brings  us to the higher quandry of which muslim is better than the other; the 
American  muslim or the Saudi muslim. Fiqh does not address that simply because 
the  overarching goal of Dawah is to multiply adherents and therefore 
considers all  adherents as equals, new or old. Although you will find out to your  
consternation that most Saudi muslims think of themselves better than American  
muslims. That is subject of another discussion. In a case such as this, 
Allah,  subhaanahu wa Ta'Aala advises me that both the Saudi muslims and the 
American  muslims should exercise restraint and consider the conscientious objector  
statute with their different governments. You tell me if the Saudi government 
 will accept that from her citizens in the military. We already know America 
at  least allows for that and has made good on that on some occasions. So who 
are  the better muslims, the Saudi government or the American government?? I 
can't  hear you.
Now then. The next point I want to share with you centers around harmonious  
co-existence with your neighbours. This is very important to Allah and 
Muhammad.  You can consult the hadith and Quran for more detail. Remember it is not  
terribly significant to Allah whether your neighbors are muslim, christian, 
jew,  hindu, mormon, or kafirs. It is an unqualified honour between neighbors. 
Imagine  being a muslim in America living likely among christians, jews, 
hindus,  buddhists, mormons, etc. and sharing a common constitution. That 
constitution is  now up for defense. The christians, jews, hindus, mormons, buddhists, 
etc.  enlist in the American military to safeguard the common constitution. How 
do you  think it would make those neighbors of yours feel when they learn 
that you  assert conscientious objector clause on account of your religion  
Do you think you deserve to be their  
How does your recusal from service for commoner value affect your ability  or 
fortunes in Dawah which your fiqh safeguards? If they were to later embark on 
 a campaign to expel you from their neighborhood after such defense of your  
common constitution, would they not be justified?
During the many badrs fought by Muhammad, Sallim Alaihi, there were muslims  
or prospective muslims who fought on the other side of the divide. How did  
fiqh and Dawah address those muslims and prospective muslims respectively?
In effect therefore, I part ways with the Ulamaa in the area of  warranty of 
war. It is extant to current considerations.
Also, it is not significant who is President of the United States when one  
enlists in the Military or indeed when one considers philanthropy or  
volunteering for the United States. The United states connotes the muslims,  
christians, jews, hindus, buddhists, mormons, jalangbatulaal, etc. Therefore, it  will 
be the height of treason and dishonesty to oneself, to serve or NOT, in the  US 
military, on considerations of who is President of the US. That is addressed  
by the ballot box. Not by the military. That is why the US is the greatest  
nation on earth at this time and precisely because of the diversities in  
religion and industry
I am getting long here. I am confident you can expand on the  thoughts I 
share. Some are only limited treatment of more profound fiqh and  Islam. Thank you 
for your audience and I still encourage your friend to  look for alternate 
ways of accomplishing his economic goals. I would further  advise the US 
military not to accept him in the military, in any capacity. He is  better placed in 
social work or service to the more indigent of his fellow  citizens. That will 
please Allah more.
Masoud. MQJGDT. Darbo. Al mutawakkil.  
In a message dated 7/24/2008 10:41:47 A.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
[log in to unmask] writes:

Big bro  Haruna,

Are you still there?

Heck of a busy life you know, but  thanks for your reply. I will catch you 
active soon again.

Your mention  resembles the advise I collected for him from the mosque 

Be rest assured, I will print out yours for him. 

Thank you for  your replies. Thanks to the private mails too -the many that 

His reasons for joining the military are strictly 'economical,'  according to 
him, and some degree 
to serve his country men.

He is a  life-long friend. With all these wars everywhere, I just didn't know 
what to  tell him, though the 
position he is offered is 'public relation.' Military  is military, and that 
much I can ascertain.

I will print out these  replies for him. 

Waa' salam
> Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008  21:58:52 -0400> From: [log in to unmask]> 
Subject: Re: Question: US  Military enlistment> To: [log in to unmask]> > > 
Ma  Yero,> > Where do I start?????? I thought this was a no brainer but I  
reflected. I do > not want to come off as condescending. So here's me  taking a 
crack at this:> > I presume your friend is an American citizen  and or 
qualifies for enlistment > in the Armed forces of the United States.  My first query 
would be to find > out from your fiend why he wished to join  the United States 
Armed forces. This > is because there are various ways to  serve the United 
States different from > joining the military. However, if  your friend 
contemplates joining the military > but wished Islamic or  Quranic advice, your friend 
has his priorities messed > up. If your friend  really does have such 
potential decision conflicts, I > advise that he NOT  enlist in the military but 
consider philanthropy or volunteer > work in his  immediate American community. 
Because he/she will not do well in > the  military and may be tempted to become 
an agent provocateur.> > Joining  the US military would mean promising to 
safeguard the United States > and  her interests, the honour of serving God and 
country, and to assist in >  upholding the constitution of the USA.> > Being a 
muslim means to  believe in the five pillars that identify a muslim, > and 
serving Allah and  self.> > In the USA, there are christians and muslims in 
addition to  Jews, Hindus, > buddhists, Jehovah's witnesses, etcetera. Therefore, a  
muslim serving the United > states serves him/herself, other muslims,  
christians, Jews, hindus, > mormons, and buddhists. Islam has enlisted many  a man 
to serve alongside Muhammad. > The badr of Hudaybiyya comes to mind.  All the 
while serving self and Allah. > Where a muslim finds that a  particular 
engagement runs contrary to his or her > religion, The US  constitution makes room 
for conscientious or religious > objectors.  Muhammed Ali comes to mind.> > 
Yero, it is not a good idea to consider  religious edicts when desiring to > serve 
God and country. The separation  of state and religion would advise > 
estoppel. It is good that your friend  shares his quandry with you prior to > 
enlisting. We all thank him/her for  that. I would not want him serving in my > 
military. I will be for ever  jittery.> > Where have you been for the last year or 
so??? I missed your  bazula > galagawangas. Oh yeah, and your poems. Yero 
montesgue. Haruna.>  > In a message dated 7/23/2008 5:17:40 P.M. Mountain Daylight 
Time, >  [log in to unmask] writes:> > Brothers & Sisters,> > A  Gambian 
friend of mine notified me of his decision to enlist in the US >  army soon. He 
have fears that he might fight unjustly (as is under the clown  > Bush 
administration) or get trapped in fighting Muslim nations. > >  I want to offer the 
best of advise to him. The closest I could gather on a  > research is Quranic 
chapters 4: 135 (Al-nisa) and 5:8 (Al-maidah) >  > (I) Under what conditions 
can he join the U.S army?> (II) Is this ok  under Islamic law -Quran & Sunnah?> 
(III) How should he behave?>  > > Please share your advise sincerely knowing 
this is a life-long  matter for > him, with emphasis on Quranic verses, sunnah, 
rulings from  schools of thought, > et cetera... You can post any answers 
here or e-mail  them privately to my > e-mail [log in to unmask] I will 
compose all the  answers for him > -inshallahu.> > Thanks for any well-researched  
information.> > God bless!> > YJ> > > >  
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