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Lelia Struve <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 15 Nov 2007 07:38:29 -0700
text/plain (46 lines)
Kim, amen, I know about insomnia and so do a lot of us grin Praise God


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kim Etheridge" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2007 6:40 AM
Subject: an answered prayer

> Hi. Normally, I don't publicize my prayer life, except to tell someone I'm 
> either praying for them, or that I'll put them in my prayers. However, 
> last night's example of answered prayer is too great for me to keep to 
> myself. Also, you can consider this a praise report. Well, lately, or at 
> least until last night, I've had constant battles with insomnia, which is 
> one of the enemy's weapons. Anyway, the night before last, I didn't sleep 
> at all. I finally crashed at noon sharp yesterday, and didn't completely 
> awake until seven. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have slept at 
> all, after sleeping all day. Anyway, once everyone was in bed, I finally 
> went to my room and crawled into bed. The first thing I did was pray. 
> Sure, I prayed for other things and people, but I also prayed the Lord 
> would put me to sleep. Of course I didn't mean put me to sleep, like call 
> me home, or anything of that nature. Anyway, I put in a CD I got from 
> Focus on the Family Radio Theater. It was a dramatization of the life of 
> Jesus. All of a sudden, I was out of it. I didn't take any sleep aids of 
> any kind, and besides, the Melatonin I've taken lately hasn't worked 
> anyway. Anyway, though, except for a nightmare, I had a decent night's 
> sleep, and actually awoke feeling refreshed, for the first time in I don't 
> know when. Even though the enemy attacked me with a nightmare, I'm still 
> glad I slept. I'm not ashamed to praise Jesus Christ for His mercy. He 
> knew what was happening, and knew that it would happen, before any of us. 
> I couldn't have slept without Him giving me a dose of Mercy Anesthetic, as 
> I call it. Ok, I may be overexagerating, but it's an answered prayer, 
> unlike anything I've seen.
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