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Adrienne Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 09:16:50 EDT
text/plain (26 lines)
In a message dated 6/26/2007 8:34:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
[log in to unmask] writes:

He's 55, almost 56 and has 4-9 months left

So sorry to hear about your friend.  I don't know if zero carb would help 
with his particular kind of cancer -- but likely wouldn't hurt and certainly 
seems to make sense.  However, the link mentions that the diet must be 
personalized -- this makes sense because if disease involved the kidneys, protein would 
likely need to be limited according to doc's instructions.  Contact the docs 
mentioned in the article.  What I would also say is that your friend should try 
as hard as possible to banish the "4-9 months left" mindset.  NOBODY knows for 
certain when a person will check out of this world.  My husband's uncle has 
advanced metasticized kidney cancer and was told to put his affairs in order 
YEARS ago.  Yet he's still alive and able to enjoy his favorite thing -- 
creating elaborite Asian style landscapes.  I suggest books by Larry Dossey MD on 
this matter.  He explains how docs can unwittingly "curse" a patient -- those 
told they will die in 6 months usually do to the very day when those who believe 
there is hope often fare better.  No guarantees of course - but the mind is a 
very powerful thing -- just look at placebo and nocebo effects.  

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