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Robert Cohen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 18 Feb 1997 11:19:32 -0800
text/plain (43 lines)

Hey, Gonzoles,   I think you are being paid by the dairy industry to
inflitrate this NO-Milk board and sabotage us.

Dear Margaret,

Mr. Gonzalez (who hides behind the anonymity of a JUNO address) has a
right to be here and I welcome him!  Perhaps he is with the dairy
industry and that would be wonderful!  Debate is healthy and I welcome
their best shot!

If Mr. Gonzalez is ignorant (so have I been about many things) he may
learn things here that he has previously not known about milk (as I

I have said that milk is POISON.  I am ready to defend that position.

If Mr. Gonzalez wishes to accept my challenge let's use the following as
a litmus test...

FDA told America that powerful growth hormones were destroyed by the
Pasteurization of milk.  This conclusion can be read in the SCIENCE
article, August 24, 1990, by Judy Juskevich and Greg Guyer.  This most
controversial subject resulted in the only FDA publication in a peer
reviewed journal in FDA'S history!

FDA, NIH, JAMA, WHO, USDA and the Dairy Coalition all say that when milk
is Pasteurized the new genetically engineered hormone is destroyed.

I say that all of these prestigious scientific organizations are
incorrect and that I am right.  I say that fraud was used to obtain the
data and I can prove it!  I say that these hormones are not destroyed by

If Mr. Gonzalez is with the Dairy Industry he will know that I am
correct and "slink away," never to be heard from again.

If Mr. Gonzalez seeks truth, and/or feels that I am incorrect, he will
accept my challenge.

Robert Cohen