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ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 17:55:10 -0700
text/plain (221 lines)
help has arrived!!

--- "Cleveland, Kyle E."
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Criminals given the option of jail or service?  Not
> in the last 30+ years!!!  Where do you get this
> stuff?  Anything greater than a first-degree
> misdemeanor automatically precludes enlistment.  As
> does drug use.  Urine tests are done regularly from
> time of recruitment right up to enlistment.  One
> failed piss test and you pack your bags.  You're
> darn right my buttons are pushed!!
> The Peace Corps is a wonderful thing and I believe
> that every able-bodied young American should have
> obligatory service in the PC, a service NGO or the
> military.  But who do you think opens the door for
> the Peace Corps to dig the wells or plant the crops?
>  It's security backed by the strength of military
> forces.
> Where are we bombing a country's cultural
> heritage????  Where in the world are you getting
> your news of events in theater??  Certainly NOT from
> the young men and women who are putting their lives
> on the line every day.  I work with these kids every
> month at National Guard drill.  To an individual
> they tell me the most frustrating part of their work
> is that it is not reported on correctly by the
> media.  They ARE building schools, bringing medicine
> to villages, providing clean drinking water and
> sanitation to people who have never experienced
> either.  Unfortunately, these things do make for
> good news.  Blood and gore, whether soldier or
> civilian, does....
> Peace begets peace?  Not in humankind's natural
> state.
> ________________________________
> From: Cerebral Palsy List on behalf of Linda Walker
> Sent: Mon 10/29/2007 6:45 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: disgusting behavior
> I am sorry I pushed your buttons. Of course any
> criminal activity is only by a few and most
> servicemen and women are good people. My father
> was Air Force and a really good man. As he got
> older what he did as a fighter pilot bothered him
> more and more. He was an Ace. However we are
> lowering the standards for people to go into the
> service and giving convicted criminals the option
> of serving jail time or entering the service I
> am not sure I can agree with this policy.
> And service people are taught to kill. This is
> just not the training I want young people to be
> having. I am more the peace corps type if we want
> to truly help someone. I cannot agree that bombs
> and esp cluster bombs which ought to be banned
> help solve any problems. I remain extremely
> distressed by what we are doing in Iraq and I
> think time is proving me right. We cannot stop
> terrorism by making more people hate us.
> We can stop it by rebuilding schools and
> hospitals and we should not have bombed the
> cultural heritage of that country or any country in
> the first place.
> I do think there are stats on domestic violence
> rates related to war being higher. Trauma begets
> more trauma. Peace begets more peace.
> At 11:12 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
> >Yes, it was because you can't make sweeping
> generalizations like that.  The
> >majority of our servicemen are decent people who
> hare moral standads - the
> >cases you are talking about only represent a tiny
> fraction of the total
> >armed froces.
> >
> >If you want to talk about brutality, talk about
> Hitler or Saddaam or the
> >Japanese in WWII or the Chinese during the
> Revolution.  I think we
> >Americans are not as bad as they are or were.
> >
> >Sorry but you really pushed my buttons with that
> generalization - it's
> >simply not true of the majority of the people who
> are serving ihn Iraq or
> >Afghanistan or wherever.
> >
> >Kat
> >
> >Original Message:
> >-----------------
> >From: Linda Walker [log in to unmask]
> >Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:56:52 -1000
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: Re: disgusting behavior
> >
> >
> >I don't know if this is directed to me but I don't
> have time to do
> >that. My information is based on my own thinking
> and understanding of
> >the world. I know one Viet Vet who lived next door
> to me at USC
> >married student housing who was in Special Forces
> and blew his brains
> >out. The wife was told he could not live with what
> he had done. We
> >rent to returning soldiers here and they are a
> wreck. One drove off
> >the road and killed himself and others are
> alcoholics.
> >One female officer applied to rent and told me she
> couldn't wait to
> >get over there and kill someone. It was gross. My
> info is anecdotal.
> >
> >At 10:41 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
> > >Do you have statistics for crime waves after
> these wars:
> > >
> > >Civil War
> > >Spanish-American War
> > >WWI
> > >WWII
> > >Korean War
> > >Vietnam War
> > >
> > >Please give sources and/or links=2E
> > >
> > >Thanks!
> > >Kat
> > >
> > >Original Message:
> > >-----------------
> > >From: Linda Walker lwalker@CHILDPRO=2EORG
> > >Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:20:00 -1000
> > >Subject: Re: disgusting behavior
> > >
> > >
> > >War brutalizes people and so get ready for a
> crime wave like we have=20
> > >never seen as these traumatized soldiers come
> home=2E Disgusting isn''t=20=
> > >
> > >strong enough=2E
> > >
> > >At 10:08 AM 10/29/2007, you wrote:
> > > >*Martin Wainw=3D
> > > >
> > > >Jail for ex-soldier who urinated on dying
> disabled
> >woman=3D0A=3D0A*Martin=
> > >
> > >Wainw=3D
> > > >right=3D0ASaturday October 27, 2007=3D0AThe
> Guardian
> ><http://www=2Eguardi= <http://www=2eguardi=/> >an
> > >=2Eco=2Eu=3D>k/>*=3D0A=3D0AA drunken former
> soldier who urinated on
> > >a disabled neighbo=
> > >ur as
> > >=3D
> > > >she lay=3D0Adying after a fall in the street
> was jailed for three years
> > >yeste=3D
> > > >rday and=3D0Atold that he and his friends had
> shamed a town=2E Anthony
> > >Anderson=3D
> > > >, 27, and a=3D0Agroup of friends who filmed the
> humiliation of Christine
> > >Laki=3D
> > > >nski on a=3D0Amobile phone, have been
> cold-shouldered in Hartlepool and
> > >turne=3D
> > > >d away from=3D0Ashops and neighbours'
> homes=2E=3D0A=3D0AThey were
> >castiga=
> > >ted by a
> > >j=3D
> > > >udge and police at a brief court hearing
> which=3D0Awas told that their
> > >"almos=3D
> > > >t unbelievable" behaviour had turned the lesson
> of=3D0Athe Good
> >Samaritan=
> > >  on
> > >=3D
> > > >its head=2E Ms Lakinski, a 50-year-old bent by
> a spine=3D0Adeformity and
> > >bullie=3D
> > > >d for most of her life, had also been covered
> in shaving=3D0Afoam and
> >kic=
> > >ked
=== message truncated ===

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