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Gabriel Orgrease <[log in to unmask]>
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Sun, 17 Jun 2007 09:02:57 -0100
text/plain (39 lines)
>     Regardless, when a whole slew of otherwise  'professional' folks
>     descend on the young conservator and begin to yell,  scream,
>     denigrate, use overly foul words, call them a liar and otherwise 
>     act like complete A-holes... and as it turns out for no good
>     reason but  their own freakin paranoia... it makes me wonder if
>     the grad programs  should include workshops in stress
>     management.  H*aving reached the ripe old age of 23 or so after
>     years of college and grad school, you would think they'd have
>     learned SOME of that, but I can see where working with Contractors
>     on swingstages is different from looking through paint chips under
>     a microscope.*

I should make it clear... it was NOT contractors or trades dishing out 
all the foul and degrading crap... it was supposed 'professional' types 
on the street, in the open to whomever happened to be passing and it was 
very loud. A half dozen of them stomping on one lone young conservator. 
After everyone calmed down they realized it had been over nothing. I 
don't know how that got soothed over, or not, but my attitude if I were 
the conservator (who when not being ganked can be as foul mouthed as 
anyone) would be a bit biased after that.

It was the elder members of the gang that needed the stress management, 
leastways enough self-control to investigate the situation before 
blowing a gasket.

I am reminded of at least two projects where the project manager (on the 
client side) was said to have had a nervous breakdown and required 
hospitalization as a result. There is really nothing very pretty about a 
lot of these situations.


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