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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Aug 2007 22:35:54 -0600
text/plain (224 lines)

And they say the Bible doesn't make sense.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vinny Samarco" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: God Defined

> phil,
> That's too deep for me.  Who says that scientists don't have faith.  They
> have to have some kind of faith to even understand and spout off that
> Vinny
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:18 PM
> Subject: God Defined
> > God Defined.  Checkmate.
> >
> >
> > By Phil Scovell
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >     I am no scientist.  I did dissect a frog in high school
> > biology class, he was dead of course, but I doubt that ranks me up
> > there with the great scientific minds of the world today.  For
> > that matter, I never cared for math all that much in the first
> > place.  I even dropped out of my second year of high school
> > algebra the second I found out you didn't need two years of
> > algebra to graduate at that time.  I did become slightly more
> > interested in mathematics in general when I studied, at the age of
> > 13, for my amateur radio exam, and subsequent exams over the
> > years, as I progressed up the latter.
> >
> >     At the age of ten, I found electronics very interesting.
> > When I discovered a friends TV repair shop in his basement, I
> > began spending hours asking all kinds of questions as he worked at
> > his bench.  Seeing my definite interest, he began taking me on
> > house calls and teaching me what he knew.
> >
> >     One day he said, "Phil, you need to get your ham radio
> > license with your interest in electronics."  I didn't know what he
> > was talking about so after that house call that night, he took me
> > into his radio room, turned on all the equipment, and I was
> > hooked.
> >
> >     About this same period of time, my father became ill at work
> > one day and three weeks later, he died unexpectedly.  Six months
> > following his death, I began having problems with my retinas and a
> > year after my father's death, and more than a dozen eye
> > operations, I was totally blind.
> >
> >     I never forgot all the fascinating things about electronics
> > and when we moved to Nebraska and I began attending the school for
> > the blind, a student befriended me who just so happened to be
> > studying for him ham radio exam.  The school had a ham station set
> > up and by age fourteen, I had my license.
> >
> >     What's all this have to do with God?  Haven't you ever
> > wondered who and what God is?  He has personality, this we know,
> > as Christians I mean, and we read about His persona throughout the
> > Scriptures but what is He?  By that I mean, what is God made of,
> > or spoken correctly, of what is God made?  This question alone,
> > to some is disrespectful and even irreverent.  It may, in the
> > minds of some, be sacrilegious and blasphemous.  However, in my
> > healing journey and walk with the Lord these past fifty years, I
> > have learned that God isn't afraid of my questions.  Why should He
> > be?  He knows all the answers.
> >
> >     Generally speaking, we know what we are made of, that is, we
> > know that all things are made of matter.  Matter is essentially
> > atoms.  We can't see these tiny little solar systems but when
> > they are collected together in one place, they make up the wooden
> > desk I am seated at, the chair I am sitting on, the keyboard I am
> > typing with, and as my computer runs, trillions of atoms or doing
> > their thing in my office, streaming down the cable to a satellite
> > dish, out into space, passing through a geosynchronous satellite
> > thousands of miles above the earth, back down again to a ground
> > based receiving satellite dish, and flows through all sorts of
> > wires and cables and fiber optic lines, and continues its speed of
> > light journey into your computer as you read this article about
> > God.  We can't see the with the naked eye, of course, but none of
> > us have any problems believing we are sitting on a chair,
> > watching television, listening to the radio, viewing the stars at
> > night, or looking up into the sky and seeing clouds drifting by
> > with the sun shining nearby.  Scientifically, on the other hand,
> > many find the concept of God impossible to believe.  After all,
> > seeing is believing?  Yes, I know we can see some things which
> > are invisible, such as atoms, if we used specially designed
> > electron microscopes.  Even many of the lights we see in the sky
> > at night, which we call stars, are not even there any longer
> > because some of the starlight we see were, I say were,  emitted
> > millions of years ago, we are told, and are flashing over the
> > vastness of empty space from dead stars.  Yet, because we are
> > hundreds of millions of light years away, we are only seeing their
> > left over light emissions before the stars, or suns, winked out of
> > existence.
> >
> >     Then there are black holes.  No one has ever seen one but
> > mathematically, it is believed they are there.  This is what I
> > was getting to.  The scientist, although he cannot now, nor ever
> > will be able, to see certain aspects of our universe outwardly, or
> > inwardly, that is atomically and subatomically, still believes
> > that certain things he cannot see exists based upon mathematical
> > calculations.  At first, therefore, scientists could not calculate
> > something as complex as God but then came quantum mechanics.
> >
> >     Not only am I not a scientist but I am not a teacher of any
> > of the sciences.  I am likewise not a theologian.  So what you are
> > about to read is only basic in nature from a layman's viewpoint
> > and understanding of what he has read.  It isn't even necessary
> > you understand a single word I say but you can still know God on
> > an intimate personal level that literally few people in the world,
> > or even throughout history, have ever spiritually experienced.
> >
> >     Let's get one question out of the way right off the bat.  "Is
> > God a hypermathematical equation?"  The scientist, or the quantum
> > physicist, might say such was possible, although I don't know if
> > anyone has ever tried mathematically theorizing God's existence
> > and composition, but that is only because he believes more in
> > mathematically based theory than he does eternal knowledge.  In
> > other words, 1 times one can only be one.  Of course, this same
> > physicist believes in parallel universes all coexisting
> > simultaneously.  Some believe that everything a black hole sucks
> > into its bottomless pit dimensions is crushed to barely above the
> > level of matter, including light itself, and is then deposited at
> > the end of the black hole into another universe.  Mathematically,
> > of course, it is theorized these parallel universes exist.  Some
> > have black holes, they say, and some don't.  this is convenient
> > because then matter is never destroyed but transferred to another
> > universe.  You see, a basic law of physics is that matter, or
> > information, that is data, can never be destroyed, that is, made
> > nothing.  Some theorize that just such a black hole from another
> > parallel universe belched out our present universe in which we
> > live.  Some even call this even "The Big Bang."  I'm sure you've
> > heard of that.  In reality, there was a big bang once upon a time.
> > when God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.  Bang!
> > Perhaps I digress.  Let's get back to who God is or what he is.
> >
> >     Recently, I heard this illustration from a scientist which I
> > thought was apropos.  He wasn't a Christian but I think he hit the
> > nail on the head without even realizing it.  He described quantum
> > mechanics in this manner.
> >
> >     Let's reduce the entire universe to a chest board with all of
> > it's piece in place on the board ready for a game.  If you have
> > ever played chest against your computer, perhaps you have
> > experienced the same thing a friend of mind did many years ago.
> > This was back in the days when computers, home computers, were
> > nothing more than game machines.  Games were loaded into the 8K of
> > memory by plugging in a cassette type like cartridge.  My friend,
> > one day, loaded his chest game.  He had been playing against the
> > computer for some time but was getting bored so he selected the
> > highest level the software was capable of playing.  He made his
> > move and then sat and watched the screen.  The computer, as
> > primitive as it was in those days for home usage, just sat there.
> > The screen indicated the computer was working, or thinking, about
> > its move.  He waited a few more minutes.  Nothing changed.  The
> > computer, of course, was attempting to figure out every logical
> > move possible to win the game.  My friend went and got a cup of
> > coffee and returned.  Nothing had changed.  He got up, after
> > downing his coffee, and went and did some work around the house
> > and yard and came back an hour later.  The computer was still
> > working on it's first move.  He switched the computer off.
> >
> >     comparing this, the scientist said, to a quantum mechanics
> > computer, of which there are none, at this writing, in existence,
> > but theoretically they claim one is possible, it would see the
> > entire universe, with all of its visible and invisible, elements,
> > collectively.  Such a quantum computer could function totally
> > independently on every single aspect of the chest match and
> > logically to the completed end of the game.  In other words, a
> > quantum computer could never lose.  It could be thinking,
> > independently, and simultaneously, on every possible move
> > unlimitlessly and it would all occur at the exact same time.  In
> > short, the quantum computer would never make a mistake and never
> > be wrong.  Sound like anybody you know?  Now, the scientist said,
> > we can expand this concept to the entire universe and to all the
> > parallel universes since quantum mechanics and quantum physics.
> >
> >     About this time, I began laughing as I listened to the
> > explanation of the quantum physicist.  When we moved beyond the
> > DOS stage of computer functionality, multi tasking has become the
> > normal.  those of us using computers, run various programs all at
> > the same time without even being aware of their presence.  Sound
> > like anybody you know?  If there is a God, therefore,
> > theoretically speaking, of course, and He has created everything
> > and even maintains everything simultaneously, is should be clear
> > God is infinite.  Of course, such is exactly the case according to
> > the Bible in Colossians 3:15-17 and I quote:  "Who is the image of
> > the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation:
> > 16  for in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon
> > the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or
> > dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been
> > created through him, and unto him:
> > 17  and he is before all things, and in him all things consist."
> >
> >     In mathematic quantum mechanics theory, therefore, does God
> > exist?  If so, how and what is He?  He isn't a mathematic equation
> > because he is infinite.  Therefore, no mathematical calculation
> > could compute God.  The quantum mechanics characteristics of His
> > existence merges theory with fact.  His creation confirms His
> > existence of real.  What is he?  He is like his creation, that is,
> > man because He created us in His image.  Who is God and of what is
> > He made?  1 times 1 equals God.
> >
> >
> > How Big Is God?  The Size Of Your Mouth.
> >