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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Aug 2007 21:28:41 -0700
text/plain (207 lines)
That's too deep for me.  Who says that scientists don't have faith.  They 
have to have some kind of faith to even understand and spout off that stuff.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:18 PM
Subject: God Defined

> God Defined.  Checkmate.
> By Phil Scovell
>     I am no scientist.  I did dissect a frog in high school
> biology class, he was dead of course, but I doubt that ranks me up
> there with the great scientific minds of the world today.  For
> that matter, I never cared for math all that much in the first
> place.  I even dropped out of my second year of high school
> algebra the second I found out you didn't need two years of
> algebra to graduate at that time.  I did become slightly more
> interested in mathematics in general when I studied, at the age of
> 13, for my amateur radio exam, and subsequent exams over the
> years, as I progressed up the latter.
>     At the age of ten, I found electronics very interesting.
> When I discovered a friends TV repair shop in his basement, I
> began spending hours asking all kinds of questions as he worked at
> his bench.  Seeing my definite interest, he began taking me on
> house calls and teaching me what he knew.
>     One day he said, "Phil, you need to get your ham radio
> license with your interest in electronics."  I didn't know what he
> was talking about so after that house call that night, he took me
> into his radio room, turned on all the equipment, and I was
> hooked.
>     About this same period of time, my father became ill at work
> one day and three weeks later, he died unexpectedly.  Six months
> following his death, I began having problems with my retinas and a
> year after my father's death, and more than a dozen eye
> operations, I was totally blind.
>     I never forgot all the fascinating things about electronics
> and when we moved to Nebraska and I began attending the school for
> the blind, a student befriended me who just so happened to be
> studying for him ham radio exam.  The school had a ham station set
> up and by age fourteen, I had my license.
>     What's all this have to do with God?  Haven't you ever
> wondered who and what God is?  He has personality, this we know,
> as Christians I mean, and we read about His persona throughout the
> Scriptures but what is He?  By that I mean, what is God made of,
> or spoken correctly, of what is God made?  This question alone,
> to some is disrespectful and even irreverent.  It may, in the
> minds of some, be sacrilegious and blasphemous.  However, in my
> healing journey and walk with the Lord these past fifty years, I
> have learned that God isn't afraid of my questions.  Why should He
> be?  He knows all the answers.
>     Generally speaking, we know what we are made of, that is, we
> know that all things are made of matter.  Matter is essentially
> atoms.  We can't see these tiny little solar systems but when
> they are collected together in one place, they make up the wooden
> desk I am seated at, the chair I am sitting on, the keyboard I am
> typing with, and as my computer runs, trillions of atoms or doing
> their thing in my office, streaming down the cable to a satellite
> dish, out into space, passing through a geosynchronous satellite
> thousands of miles above the earth, back down again to a ground
> based receiving satellite dish, and flows through all sorts of
> wires and cables and fiber optic lines, and continues its speed of
> light journey into your computer as you read this article about
> God.  We can't see the with the naked eye, of course, but none of
> us have any problems believing we are sitting on a chair,
> watching television, listening to the radio, viewing the stars at
> night, or looking up into the sky and seeing clouds drifting by
> with the sun shining nearby.  Scientifically, on the other hand,
> many find the concept of God impossible to believe.  After all,
> seeing is believing?  Yes, I know we can see some things which
> are invisible, such as atoms, if we used specially designed
> electron microscopes.  Even many of the lights we see in the sky
> at night, which we call stars, are not even there any longer
> because some of the starlight we see were, I say were,  emitted
> millions of years ago, we are told, and are flashing over the
> vastness of empty space from dead stars.  Yet, because we are
> hundreds of millions of light years away, we are only seeing their
> left over light emissions before the stars, or suns, winked out of
> existence.
>     Then there are black holes.  No one has ever seen one but
> mathematically, it is believed they are there.  This is what I
> was getting to.  The scientist, although he cannot now, nor ever
> will be able, to see certain aspects of our universe outwardly, or
> inwardly, that is atomically and subatomically, still believes
> that certain things he cannot see exists based upon mathematical
> calculations.  At first, therefore, scientists could not calculate
> something as complex as God but then came quantum mechanics.
>     Not only am I not a scientist but I am not a teacher of any
> of the sciences.  I am likewise not a theologian.  So what you are
> about to read is only basic in nature from a layman's viewpoint
> and understanding of what he has read.  It isn't even necessary
> you understand a single word I say but you can still know God on
> an intimate personal level that literally few people in the world,
> or even throughout history, have ever spiritually experienced.
>     Let's get one question out of the way right off the bat.  "Is
> God a hypermathematical equation?"  The scientist, or the quantum
> physicist, might say such was possible, although I don't know if
> anyone has ever tried mathematically theorizing God's existence
> and composition, but that is only because he believes more in
> mathematically based theory than he does eternal knowledge.  In
> other words, 1 times one can only be one.  Of course, this same
> physicist believes in parallel universes all coexisting
> simultaneously.  Some believe that everything a black hole sucks
> into its bottomless pit dimensions is crushed to barely above the
> level of matter, including light itself, and is then deposited at
> the end of the black hole into another universe.  Mathematically,
> of course, it is theorized these parallel universes exist.  Some
> have black holes, they say, and some don't.  this is convenient
> because then matter is never destroyed but transferred to another
> universe.  You see, a basic law of physics is that matter, or
> information, that is data, can never be destroyed, that is, made
> nothing.  Some theorize that just such a black hole from another
> parallel universe belched out our present universe in which we
> live.  Some even call this even "The Big Bang."  I'm sure you've
> heard of that.  In reality, there was a big bang once upon a time.
> when God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.  Bang!
> Perhaps I digress.  Let's get back to who God is or what he is.
>     Recently, I heard this illustration from a scientist which I
> thought was apropos.  He wasn't a Christian but I think he hit the
> nail on the head without even realizing it.  He described quantum
> mechanics in this manner.
>     Let's reduce the entire universe to a chest board with all of
> it's piece in place on the board ready for a game.  If you have
> ever played chest against your computer, perhaps you have
> experienced the same thing a friend of mind did many years ago.
> This was back in the days when computers, home computers, were
> nothing more than game machines.  Games were loaded into the 8K of
> memory by plugging in a cassette type like cartridge.  My friend,
> one day, loaded his chest game.  He had been playing against the
> computer for some time but was getting bored so he selected the
> highest level the software was capable of playing.  He made his
> move and then sat and watched the screen.  The computer, as
> primitive as it was in those days for home usage, just sat there.
> The screen indicated the computer was working, or thinking, about
> its move.  He waited a few more minutes.  Nothing changed.  The
> computer, of course, was attempting to figure out every logical
> move possible to win the game.  My friend went and got a cup of
> coffee and returned.  Nothing had changed.  He got up, after
> downing his coffee, and went and did some work around the house
> and yard and came back an hour later.  The computer was still
> working on it's first move.  He switched the computer off.
>     comparing this, the scientist said, to a quantum mechanics
> computer, of which there are none, at this writing, in existence,
> but theoretically they claim one is possible, it would see the
> entire universe, with all of its visible and invisible, elements,
> collectively.  Such a quantum computer could function totally
> independently on every single aspect of the chest match and
> logically to the completed end of the game.  In other words, a
> quantum computer could never lose.  It could be thinking,
> independently, and simultaneously, on every possible move
> unlimitlessly and it would all occur at the exact same time.  In
> short, the quantum computer would never make a mistake and never
> be wrong.  Sound like anybody you know?  Now, the scientist said,
> we can expand this concept to the entire universe and to all the
> parallel universes since quantum mechanics and quantum physics.
>     About this time, I began laughing as I listened to the
> explanation of the quantum physicist.  When we moved beyond the
> DOS stage of computer functionality, multi tasking has become the
> normal.  those of us using computers, run various programs all at
> the same time without even being aware of their presence.  Sound
> like anybody you know?  If there is a God, therefore,
> theoretically speaking, of course, and He has created everything
> and even maintains everything simultaneously, is should be clear
> God is infinite.  Of course, such is exactly the case according to
> the Bible in Colossians 3:15-17 and I quote:  "Who is the image of
> the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation:
> 16  for in him were all things created, in the heavens and upon
> the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or
> dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been
> created through him, and unto him:
> 17  and he is before all things, and in him all things consist."
>     In mathematic quantum mechanics theory, therefore, does God
> exist?  If so, how and what is He?  He isn't a mathematic equation
> because he is infinite.  Therefore, no mathematical calculation
> could compute God.  The quantum mechanics characteristics of His
> existence merges theory with fact.  His creation confirms His
> existence of real.  What is he?  He is like his creation, that is,
> man because He created us in His image.  Who is God and of what is
> He made?  1 times 1 equals God.
> How Big Is God?  The Size Of Your Mouth.