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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Jun 2007 22:09:41 -0600
text/plain (62 lines)
I know some will find this odd to talk about but I often go back and read
favorite chapters in my books.  These two Christian e-novels sometimes just
amaze me.  I was reading the sequel tonight, a couple of my favorite
chapters, number 15 and number 18 and the epilogue, and I cried like a baby
at times.  When my synthesizer stopped at the end of one of the chapters, I
sat silently in my office thinking and wondering how in the world those
ideas came to mind because I know I could not have made those things up on
my own.  It isn't pride you are hearing, it is the feeling of humility in
the presence of the Lord.  I'm not, as you know, a humble person and pride
is something I have been confronted with more than I care to remember.  Yet,
as I read some of these chapters, I find myself saying, that isn't me.  No,
I don't believe in automatic writing, well, I believe in it but it comes
from the Enemy and not from the Lord.  How do I know?  Just read the books
by those who claim to have spirit guides and wrote their book using
automatic writing.  Even some of the phony non canonical books that some
claim are the other gospels of the bible and they claim are by automatic
writing.  Sure, but it wasn't the moving of the Holy Spirit doing that
writing.  I have read too many of those books so I know what I'm saying.
Anyhow, I am the first to admit that the two Christian adventure e-novels
are not for everybody.  Some just can't take it when they read it because it
stirs up too many bad feelings.  Some think the stories are pornographic,
sinful, and a few other things.  I have seen others, who have read and
called me on the phone and asked for prayer, that have been healed in
miraculous ways, too.  So, who did that?  Not me and certainly not the
Enemy.  At the same time, I find areas of humor that make me laugh out loud
when I read.  So this isn't a plea to get people to read what I write, or
what I have written, but I know Jesus wants to work in your life even if you
don't want to read the books.  At least read the other stories that are true
testimonies on my site.  Let me tell you something else that I will explain
in detail soon.  Many people on this list are blind and your blindness, as
it does me from time to time, attempts to destabilize your relationship with
Christ.  He, Jesus, knows this already and, yes, He does care about it, and
yes, He has not forgotten that you are blind.  He is making a way for you
which no man can explain.  You will see it before He returns.  He isn't
afraid and He has never been wrong and He has known you from the beginning.
Others may have forgotten you and most don't even care.  He has seen you
standing alone in church when everyone else is talking and shaking hands and
yet no one comes to even say hello to you.  Yes, He has even recognized that
they have only noticed you because you have a dog with you and they are
literally more interested in the dog than you.  Jesus has not forgotten you
and although He loves the dog, He loves you more because He died for you and
rose again to prove He meant what He said.  So, in the days and weeks to
come, if we have that much time, more will be said and more will be done
because Jesus is not coming back until He has finished His work on earth.
He is coming for a bride without spot or wrinkle and this was not a
metaphorical poetic way of speaking.  He meant what He said and you, we, are
that bride without spot or wrinkle.  I was reading today about Peter, James,
and John when Jesus took them up on the mount of transfiguration with Him.
Remember?  It says that the face of Jesus shined like the sun and his
clothing white as the light.  White as light?  What's up with that?  White
light?  Far out!  Read it for yourself in Matthew chapter 17 if you doubt
it.  Then the voice of God said, This is my Son.  Listen to Him.  It wasn't
a suggestion either.  Jesus had to go and touch each of the boys because the
volume of the voice of God the Creator, not to mention his presence, slammed
them to the ground and knocked them loonie tune.  Now that's what I call
having church.  Man, would I have loved to have been there when that
happened.  Just remember this.  Church ain't over yet and we are going to
see Him as He is because we will be like Him.  I didn't say it, He did.  He
said, we are going to see Him.  Now you know why a bride wears white.
