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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 1 Aug 2004 03:14:47 EDT
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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
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In a message dated 7/31/2004 11:00:09 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
 On 18 grains
of Armour, her blood presure was 120/80 or lower, and her pulse rate was
around 70.  It's unbelievable.   Anyway, she didn't feel well on 18 grains,
probably because she produced too much reverse T3, and I have a suspicion
that's a
cause of some problems in people.  Even if you produce adequate T3, too much
may not be good. >>>
That was exactly the way that I was set up to "discover" the validity of
Wilson's Thyroid Syndrome: I had this big collection of patients who had all the
signs and symptoms of Hypothyroidism, fairly bland looking blood tests, and a
good initial response to thyroid replacement (usually T4 alone).

I would increase their T4 when their initial good response would fade, they
would do better for a while, and then need to have repeated increases to remain
"better, but not well."

Actually, it was Skipper who suggested the diagnosis because the patient we
discussed was "part Irish and part Native American." I recall the beginnings of
a Migraine when I heard that, but I took his advice and looked into the topic
further. The "Doctor's Manuel for Wilson's Syndrome" spells it all out in
logical detail. The rest is history and this is a much better theoretical model
than what is taught in Med School.

Now, I have no doubt that any doc who calls it "Quackery" has never treated a
single, well selected patient according to the principles that Wilson
outlines in the book.

I owe a vote of thanks to Wilson and Skipper.

Doc Don


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