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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 17 Dec 2007 14:29:30 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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"Haruna, I have to confess that you lost my interest when you delved into  
"Chicago shitside" Chicago shitside?" Jabou.

A'Outhou Billah minal Munaafiqoon. Jabou, I'm not sure I understand you.  I 
did say Shitown, and Southside of Chicago. Are you sure "Chicago Shitside" was  
not a figment of your imagination? God forbid I call the southside of Chicago 
 shitside. The Southside of Chicago houses honourable people of immense value 
to  the whole of Chicago and the world. I encourage you to look at everything 
I  wrote on this matter and bring such lectern to my attention. If you cannot 
find  it, it will be honourable for you to apologise to me as a child of 
Allah. I have  helped in presenting our notes here for your convenient review. I 
also encourage  you to peruse the archives for such odious lectern from me. I 
am indeed  offended. I will yield on the rest of your notes until you find it 
in your heart  to correct inadvertent error on your part. Thank you Ma'am.
Your brother, Haruna.

Aren't you just a tad bit angry for a discussion that is supposed to  help 
you win friends and influence people on behalf of the candidate you profess  to 
After reading your last response, I had a hard time trying to  discern 
whether yours was a personal anger towards Barack Obama because he was  of mixed 
race, attended Harvard and was president of the Harvard Law Review, or  was a 
community organizer in the South side of Chicago and failed to include all  the 
Ghettos in the United States in that effort and you think all of these are  
supposed to be indictments against him or if your truly feel that the way to  
promote Edwards was to drag his opponents in the gutter?

I guarantee you  that if you ran your response by any camp of the Edwards 
campaign, they would  have asked you not to post it.
I have never seen John Edwards drag his  opponents reputation or record in 
the gutter because he is intelligent enough to  know that this is hardly a way 
to win votes and that people are sick and tired  of this sort of senseless 
John Edwards speaks about how in his  youth, he witnessed lawyers and judges 
in his native South  Carolina

stand up against racism during the civil rights era and how  they risked 
their lives and had to be escorted to work by Federal Marshalls and  yet, they  
kept on. He speaks of the admiration he had for these people  standing up 
against racism. He would not wonder if people would vote for Obama  because he is of 
mixed race.

Edwards may have sued insurance companies  and won some judgements against 
them, but that has not resulted in any changes  that prevent insurance companies 
finding loopholes to pay out claims. Just ask  the victims of Katrina.
And the case for which Edwards won the largest  judgement was for a family 
whose child got her hair or was it a limb caught in  the drainage system of a 
swimming pool.

What supporters of the various  candidates should concentrate on is to 
present what their candidate can do for  the people when elected so they can 
convince voters that they are the right  person and how they do t hat matters a great 
deal.  Engaging in maligning  the other candidate as a strategy to win 
supporters never works and tends to be  symptomatic of some personal issue the those 
who engage in it may have.  Also,  when supporters engage in the latter, they 
become liabilities as  opposed to being assets.
Take it easy Haruna,  rage does not draw in  people, it makes them head in 
the opposite direction and it is bad for the  heart. It is the people who will 
have the last word.
Now, I shall leave you  to it.

-----Original Message-----
From:  Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Sent: Sun, 16 Dec 2007 6:44 pm
Subject: Re:  John Edwards/  Haruna/Jabou.

"Haruna,"  Jabou.

Yes Ma'am, hope all's well. Good to hear you again.

"Too  long winded so I will be brief." Jabou.

I cannot for the life of me,  believe mine own ears. Jabou? Dis-ease for  
Long-windedness? As Rocco  Mediate is wont to quip of Tiger, If there ever 
were a  

good time  to die, I'm red to go. Jabou, I'm extremely sorry for my long 
I will  have been remiss were I not to have been comprehensive with  your  
queries of John Edwards. In addition, I intended to share other  value-added  
process for discernment.

I remmembered a good  friend of mine, Corporate attorney Charles McClure  
shared, "Haruna,  our job is to discourage our clients' customers from  
detail  and comprehension without running roughshod to minimalist law.  My  
clients include Insurance Agencies and multi-national corporations". The  
seem to own just about everything Jabou. "And, when it  comes to any  
in courts of law, we encourage fellow corporate  attorneys and judges,  to 
review the entire constitution, ammendments,  and precedent law". I knew the  
Charles was unto something.  This is exactly the reason why John Edwards  
chooses cases carefully  for advocacy sakes. I enjoy your long winds from 

Jabou. I  know you were being sarcastic but it struck me befuddled.

Now  then.

"Just a few important points." Jabou.

Yes. Let'r  Rip!

"Edwards fought corporate America on behalf of his clients as  a  litigation 
attorney." Jabou.

Indeed. John Edwards challenged  the parts of law that  Insurance and drug 
companies relied on to stifle  claims for errors and  omissions. Indeed. 
John Edwards  litigated profusely and with all his  might, for his clients, 
illiterate of law, the powerless to challenge  wrongdoing, and in the  
he forced clarifications of hitherto  un-interpreted law to  yield precedent 
that discouraged the culprit corporations  and other  from taking refuge in 
ambiguity. I am sorry Jabou. Sometimes you must   be long-winded to yield 
context and comprehension. I am told  long  directional winds can be 

"When  he won on behalf of those clients, he was paid very well for his   
efforts." Jabou.

I would suppose so. Lawyers, like carpenters,  doctors, masons, engineers,  
and dishwashers, must receive value for  effort and productivity. John  
did not choose to litigate just  any infringement. The ones he chose to  
litigate have national and  constitutional dimensions. His remuneration came  
whatever the  judge determines is just penalty or compensation for victims  
their  advocate lawyer. The fees for lawyers are communicated to their  
prior to representation. They are normally a percentage of the   settlement 
penalty for corporate wrongdoing. Whether John Edwards   was paid very well 
not, is not terribly significant to me. Whatever he  was  paid, he invested 
heavily in his foundations (the poverty center,  One America,  The Ninth ward 
New Orleans, Carolina's poor and  dispossessed. All while his  wife Libby was 
under doctor's care for  terminal illness. Barak, like his  wife, is an 
accomplished lawyer.  They chose to side with corporate  interests that John 
serves notice to. Comparative values my  dear.

"He did not offer  his services gratis when he sued those corporations."  

I  should think not. Besides he has his wife's medical bills to pay  and his  
children to raise. Further, were he to have lost any of the cases, he   will 
have been compensated for his fees were reliant on his victory  over  evil 
jurisprudent compensation therefrom. That is why John  Edwards  represented 
the indigent and those of lesser means than his  fees would require.  He was 
confident in the victory of good over evil,  and he took enormous  risks of 

"Perhaps you can share with us  the major changes that came about as a  
of Edwards winning these  lawsuits." Jabou.

I'm sorry I must be long to do your query justice my  Jabou.

1. When we desire democracy, whose cardinal tenet is The rule  of   common 
law, we desire that the common comprehends law that  contains the rights  and 
privileges whose aversion by other should  trigger judicious challenge. In a  
society where there are some  (possibly one partner to that law), who are  
to this rule  of law and democracy indigents harp on about. That is  where 
need  for lawyers comes in. They are the bedrock of due-diligence and   
democracy. John Edwards being a lawyer, intrinsically accrues value to  any  
in which he practices.

2. Lawyers choose from  several areas of practice. Not all  lawyers choose 
cases for advocacy  for the indigent. John Edwards chose advocacy  law. He is 
valuable to  democracy and equal justice under the law.

3. When John Edwards wins his  cases, a precedent in law is  established so 
that no matter which of  the contiguous United States including  Hawaii that 
partner to the  constitution, may rely on such precedent. That  assists in 
discouraging  fraudulent practice by rogue corporations who seem  to own just 

4. Jabou, you and I, though never among John Edwards'  direct clientele, are  
currently benefitting from John Edwards' legal  victories. For the specific 
laws  and precedent, I refer you to the  public records of John Edwards' 

"Speaking of votes that have had a  major impact on American lives, I  would 
say none top that list more  than the Iraq war." Jabou.

How do you mean??? I beg to differ. I do agree  that the senate of which  
Edwards was a part, approved a military  campaign to apprehend Saddam and  
bring him to answer to charges of  mass murder and belligerent foreboding. 
Iraquis, Iranians, and  Kuwaitis lost their lives and liberties at the hand  
Saddam. Perhaps  I would agree with you that the campaign was badly  
prosecuted. For  which Edwards cannot be to blame. He saw fit however, to  
apologise for  
whatever part he may have played in the cantankerous  prosecution of a  
campaign of conscience. A Solid Human. I make no apologies for  John  Edwards.

"and Edwards voted for the war" Jabou.

John Edwards voted  along with his coleagues to approve a military  campaign 
in Iraq. Not  for the Iraq war we now witness. He is being magnanimous  in 
remorse of  poor prosecution of the campaign. I would like John Edwards to  
a military campaign against me in that manner. And I will not require   apolo
of him.

"and it has impacted American lives as well  altered  how America is  viewed 
by the World forever."  Jabou.

Indeed. Anything America does, impacts on the lives of Americans  and  world 
citizens in a big way. That is why circumspect and  due-diligence is  advised 
prosecutions of campaigns.

"Haruna,  your amazingly harsh rhetoric against Obama is bordering on the  
"swift  boat" strategy  of the last elections." Jabou.

I am not familiar  with the Swift Boat incident. I therefore do not  consider 
it in  demarches. I am sorry you regard our exchange here as harsh  rhetoric  
against Obama for on mine own part, I know no personal cause to  spurn  at 
but for the general. Besides, in my effort to solicit support  for  John 
Edwards, it will be utterly foolhardy to offend other,  including Obama. You  
must leave open, the prospect of future  collaboration between John  Edwards 
Barack Obama. Here, we engage  in studious discernments and  recognition of 
comparative values. I  advice temperance toward John  Edwards.

"you don't want the angry  label being made against your candidate to be  
for his  supporters." Jabou.

Should the angry label be self-fulfilling against  John Edwards, We will  
invent commensurate compassion and  understanding. We are children of 

Rabbil  Aalameen.

"Enough of negative campaigning already! Another reason why  Obama is a  
breath of fresh air?" Jabou.

Indeed Obama is a  breath of fresh air. John Edwards is  Freshivating.

"Have a good  weekend." Jabou.

Thank you my sister. As if Allah was aware of your  prayer. I made merry  and 
produced value for other this weekend. I pray  for your glorious sustenance  
all weekends. Thank you for the  prayer.

Your bestest brother, Haruna.

-----Original  Message-----
From:  Haruna Darbo  <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Sent:  Sat, 15 Dec 2007 3:54 pm
Subject: Re:  John Edwards/  Haruna

"Haruna,"   Jabou.

Yes Darling, how are you. I like the way you speak and  what  you say  
You have an immensely powerful voice  fertilized, as  our friend Karim is  
to drammatize, by  prolific study, acumen, and  measured tone. Any candidate  
would  like to have your support. I'm not  giving up on Ousman either. I love 

very much. Just don't get  any funny ideas  Ousman.

"I do not know  that what Edwards can  represent to the  American  people is 
not the same as what Obama will."   Jabou.

I was under the same impressions too. Then I began a study  of  senators  who 
later run for President in a revolutionarily  different  way that reviews  
marginal values. There is a wealth of  information  that when properly  
reviewed in  the directions of  questions one might have when making  
distinction assessments,  you will come away with a benign but   discerning 
conclusion. If you  review the matters/bills that Clinton,  Obama, and  
offered votes on in the senate,  (not the ones Obama and Clinton   
absented  themselves on for expediency sakes), you can  draw  important  
demographic information from their affect on Americans,  both in   quantity 
that has brought me to the conclusion   that Edwards is  a more valuable 
change to 

more Americans  than  either Obama or Clinton. I had  also come to the 
conclusion  that Obama  will be a more valuable change to  immigrant 
either  Edwards or Clinton, and that Clinton is the   hungriest of them all 

become President. Take a look at how many bills  Obama  and Clinton  absented 
themselves from voting on and find  out what those bills  are.  Then look at 
all  three voted on and you will notice that  Edwards  never absented  
from voting on critical and significant  matters as well   as those matters 
are politically inexpedient to  vote on. A  solid  human.Let us know how your 
review looks   like.

"Also, I do not think that there is any indication that Obama   beileves in  
religion as other than a moral compass."   Jabou.

Probably not and I did not qualify Obama's belief in that realm.  I  shared  
Edwards' belief in the realm.
Obama had recognized  the value  of religious congregations and the almost  
complete  patronage of  evangelists by Republicans. Given his political   
industriousness, he  embarked on a campaign to wrest a slice of this  section 
from Republicans and rightly so. I  happen to believe that you neither   
nor discount the  religious evangelist vote. You allow them to  choose  
giving the facade of their participation as a group in  governance  and  
administration of the state. An active campaign to woo  them  trends too  
quid-pro-quo and if you do not  deliver  their perceived quid, they can  
malign your  administration.  Only a seasoned governor and policy-maker  can  

recognize these subtle  flaws in character. Because as you know,  the  

are  active voters and they vote in order  to skew public policy  in favour 

their religion. They do not  hide their intentions and motives. It   takes a 
strong character  to resist the temptation to maligned  judgement.  When you 
Obama, he frames his responses this  way:
"We have to show America  that Democrats too care about religion".  That  
statement itself  says a lot about his dispensation. Jabou, I know  that you 
are a   

devout muslim. Have you ever felt like you have to  show me and  Suntou and  
Malanding how much you care about Islam? If you  begin  to run for President, 

you then embark on an active   campaign to show us how much you care about 
whether that is good  or  not, would it not give me pause in distinctions? 
friend Ousman  shared  that Obama fought for the downtrodden in the south 
of  Chicago. I  will share more on this later but that southside  vote was 
gained   Obama the state seat against an  incumbent democrat, also African 
American.  When  you delve deeper  into Obama's activities in South Chicago, 
will come to  the  realisation that there are other communities in  Chicago 
were down-trodden  for one reason or the other. But Obama  chose  these other 
down-trodden people of  South Chicago. Edwards   running as senator in North 
Carolina fought for the  down-trodden  in  other areas of North Carolina, 
Carolina, Georgia,   Louisiana,  Tennessee, Massachussetts, Alabama, and 
Speak with  Jimmy  Carter and ask him to share his views on Obama  and 
Edwards. He  

will tell you he  loves both of them but  that Edwards is more  valuable to 
America than Obama.  It  is not because Edwards is white  and more Americans 
are white that is  why we  say this. It is because of  the quality of his 
and since African Americans  are  disproportionately  disenfranchised in all 
states, they received the value  of   Edwards' efforts more than Whites. 
does not apologise for   that. When the  question arose in one of the debates 
Obama  being black and Clinton being a  woman, John Edwards  responded, and 

public, that whoever does not vote for  Obama  because he is black, or  
because she is a woman, he, John  Edwards  does NOT want your  vote. Now the 
untrained eye will view  this as political  suicide and  indeed it costed 
some  white support because they began   labelling him as an angry  
course they cannot make a  distinction  between  anger and passion and half 
those idiots belong  in an insane  asylum  anyways, we just don't have a 
comprehensive mental  health  intitution in the US  that is why some of these 
find   their way on talk shows and radio  programs and TV interviews. Obama  
has a  
keen eye on the Presidency, has had even  before the  "grassroots  
advocacy" in SOuth Shitown.

"As for  being beholden to  corporate America, well, all American  presidents 
are somewhat beholden  to corporate America, and the difference  is  perhaps 
a matter of  degrees." Jabou.

Let us  say you are right in the immediate above. You are  therefore   
that corporate America does command inordinate and  a  formidable power  to 
coerce American Presidents. The same will   therefore be true of Evangelic  
America. Now Edwards actually   challenged the powers of corporate America in 

court of law  and  won overwhelmingly. He therefore helped stem the cancer in 
corporate  America and enhanced the good in it for the prosperity of  

his campaign speeches when he ran with Kerry  and now, he has always  served  
notice that he is immune to  corporate control, no matter how  formidable 

be.  And another thing. I think your  recognition that both Edwards and Obama 
will  represent refreshing  change in the American Presidency  gives you hope 

the  two will  be different from past  American Presidents. We all therefore 
take   solace in the idea of  an Edwards or Obama Presidency. You will 

agree with me  that in America, Just being President does not innoculate  the 
ordinary American from the relentl;ess onslaught of Pharmaceutical   and  
Corporate interests. We must therefore go further than  just  the Presidency  
is the refreshing change we  are really  interested in. It has come to light  
that most of  Obama's advisors are  leftover Clinton advisors. You may  
when one of those  advisors disrespectfully tried  to malign the former 
President  Bill  Clinton. And Obama shared  with us that the former Clinton 
advisor was  
speaking of his past  relations with Bill Clinton and therefore he, Obama is  
not  privy  to that and cannot say anything on it. And the former  Clinton 
advisor  is  now an Obama advisor. Discernments. I also would  like our  
friend  Ousman to share with us one tangible   value accrued from Obama's 
"campaign for  down-trodden votes in  south  SHitown". It is evident that the 
Steel  workers  of America,  The united Mine Workers of the same nation, The  
Carpenters  Union, and  many more see more value in John Edwards  than Obama, 
Clinton, or   other. Is there a national union of the  un-employed of South 
Chicago? We  
may be  presented with  mirages of "grassroots campaign for votes" and  
"grassroots   conscientious advocacy".

"Having said that, Obama  has spoken out  against the insurance companies  
are at the top of  the food  chain when it comes to corporate America because 
they own  just  about everything." Jabou.

Exactly my point Jabou. First, you should   never speak against any  
or individual interest because  they  own just about everything. That is  the 
wrong impetus. Now  John Edwards  did not stop at speaking out against rogue  
corporate policies, he  challenged them in courts on the behalf of  Americans 

overcame  their enormous powers. He is only  a lawyer as was Obama. Has Obama 

filed suit against any rogue  corporate policy on the behalf of the  common  
American? Those  insurance companies he "spoke out against", has  he 
in a court of law on the merits or demerits of  his disdain of  them? Obama  
was head of the Harvard Law Review. If  Obama finds  himself in a situation 

vote-counting can yield a   loss of his election to a Republican candidate, 
what  do you think  will  happen? What do you think Obama will do?

"You are right, I  like both  Edwards and Obama, and I think that Edwards  is 
great candidate, but  I do not think that he will win the  primaries."  Jabou.

I think you  are looking at the polls of  those who view Edwards as an  angry 
candidate. Look deeper and  follow the citizens of Iowa, New  Hampshire,  
Carolina,  and Nevada. We are talking about primaries aren't   we???? Check  
around your neck of the woods  around Cleveland  Tennessee,   Chattanooga, 
Nashville, Jackson, Milan,  etcetera. Let us  know what you  find out.

"He is good but America  sees him as  having been part of the old  
establishment even if only  because  he ran before." Jabou.

I know you're just being sarcastic here.  Who  among all candidates,  
Republican or Democratic, has not been  part  of the old Establishment. Don't 

by  cliches of these  lunatics who fell through the administrative cracks   
lack of enough  space at rehab.

"I think Obama on the other  hand stands a very good  chance of winning the  
primaries and  Americans are angry enough at the  republicans so that none of 
their candidates stands a chance in the  national elections, no matter  who 
are." Jabou.

Indeed  Jabou. I agree with you.  Obama does stand a very good chance of   
winning at least one of  the primaries if not all. As far as the anger  of  
at Republicans, I presume you share that all the  democratic  candidates  
equal chances when pitted against a   Republican. We can all cherish that  
let us focus for now on  the  voting democrats for the democratic primaries.  
What we are  trying to  discern is "EDwards, Obama, or Clinton, who 

most valuable  and desirable change for Democratic Americans".  After the  
primaries,  we will change our effort by removing the  word democratic from 

"So a wonderful and  winning strategy for Democrats this time  would be an   
Obama/Edwards ticket." Jabou.

That wouldn't be a  bad ticket  either. If that ends up being the ticket it  
would be  formidable.  It will be more formidable against the Republicans in 
of  America if it turns out to be Edwards-Biden, Edwards-Clinton,   
Edwards-Obama,  or Edwards-Gore. What do you   think????

"Together, they can restore the hopes of the people and  make  great  headway 
towards reversing  the damage that the  last 8 years  of a Bush  
has done"  Jabou.

Anything is a  refreshing change from the last 8 years  of  cluelessness.

"Thanks  for providing the link to Ousman's  blog, I had not known of it  
before.  As for Andrew Young Ousman,  he dances to the music of corporate 

and so he  has to pay the piper so no surprises there. He has now made a   
of leading the pillagers and plunderers into Africa. Dr  King is  no doubt 
turning  in his grave." Jabou.

This is  not fair. I have  contributed in forming a comprehensive alliance   
against my person and  Edwards' person. This is not fair Jabou and  Ousman. 
two of you  simply are too overwhelming even if I  summon the entire essence 
of my  

very being. Please have mercy  on me from here on in or pledge not to  gang 
against me and  Edwards.


What Friggin-ever.  You mean Jabou and  Ousman, don't you?? Whew. New    


-----Original   Message-----
From: Haruna Darbo   <[log in to unmask]>
To:  [log in to unmask]
Sent:  Thu, 13  Dec 2007 11:26 pm
Subject:  Re: John Edwards/    Haruna

Jabou, you know you   are  beautiful. I can never get upset at you.

I think you like  both  John  Edwards and Obama, but that you like Obama more 
because his  election  will represent much needed  change.

Would you consider that  the election  of John Edwards  will also represent   

The work therefore  is  in discerning between John  Edwards and Obama, who is 
the  more  desirable  change!!!

Now, like you about John Edwards, I  like Obama a lot   because I think he is 
brilliant, popular,  and his election will  give  hope to a lot of Immigrant  

John Edwards  not only  represents hope for more  Americans than Obama, he 

shown the value  of the change  that he may accrue us. I have not had  the  
opportunity to   witness a sampling of Obama's change except  that he looks   
from past presidents.

John  Edwards' One  America Foundation offers  some hope.
John Edwards'  rebuilding  efforts in the Lower Ninth ward offer  hope in 

America  can be.
John Edwards fought with Huge  corporate outfits on  the  behalf of regular  
common Americans, and  John  Edwards  and Obama are both lawyers.
Senator John Edwards of North   carolina will  get dirty for you and with  
North Carolina used  to be  the  home of Senator Jesse Helms.
John Edwards enjoys  enormous peer support   and the most endorsements from   
Democratic governors of states  than  either Obama or  Clinton.
John Edwards is more electable across the  United  states  than any candidate 
currently seeking the  presidency,  Republican  or Democrat. Check the stats.
Libby Edwards is   beautiful and is not beholden  to corporate America. Mrs.  
Obama  is beautiful but may be beholden to  corporate America. She  sits on 

board of Walmart.
John Edwards  is  handsome and is not given to  religious distinctions nor  
he  believe religion ought to  be mixed with governance. John  Edwards  
in Religion  as moral and ethical  compass, not administrative    compass.

Obama is good. John  Edwards is more valuable to all  America.  Edwards-Obama 
may  be formidable. What do you think my  dear? Lemme  know, Lemme know!!  
Ousman is an Obama-head!!!  Don't  you??

Your  friend and colleague Haruna. 

In a message  dated  12/13/2007  8:40:01 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,   
[log in to unmask]   writes:


I both like and have a  great deal of respect  for  John  Edwards and his 
Elizabeth  for many reasons,  some of which  are mentioned  below.  However,  
an Obama supporter  myself.  I also think Obama  has  a  better chance  of 
elected because among other   things,   he is seen as the "change"  candidate 
a  country that desperately needs  change and Hillary ain't   it.   Infact, I 
think Hillary has turned into a  "snake oil  sales  lady"  and she is 
everything to 

everyone in her  zeal to be    president and I do not trust her at all and 
rest  of the country  is   beginning to see through her. I think that  

shot will be as  a V.P  for  Obama.  I think together they  would make an 
Now,  now, don't get  too     upset.

-----Original     Message-----
From: Haruna Darbo   <[log in to unmask]>
To:     [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 6:49  pm
Subject:   I  wish to share John Edwards with     you:

We just concluded   another   conference call with David Medina, the national 

campaign  director  for John Edwards.

We are excited  about  the prospects for a  John Edwards  Presidency. We  are 
pleased to have the support of  Harry Belafonte   and Danny Glover  in South  
Carolina. Our  gratitude to the  United  Steel  workers Union, The Mine 

The Carpenters   Union, and Friends of the Earth Action   Network. I am proud 
John  Edwards' performance in  the just  concluded democratic  candidate 

sponsored by the Des Moines  Register. John  Edwards is  humble, intelligent, 
stands up  for the   Common American even on unpopular issues. He  has vision 

character, attributes that are extremely valuable   to   American foreign  
and stature in the   world.

We  would  like volunteers to assist in South  Carolina,  Iowa, Nevada, and  

Hampshire. We also  wish to ask for  your financial support if  your time  
not  allow  volunteering. Please visit us at    _http://www.johnedwards.com_  
(   and  thank  you  for your  support and company 


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