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[log in to unmask][log in to unmask] 9604C 115 25 16_term paper on CD15_Rene' [log in to unmask], 15 Apr 1996 15:23:12 -0500435_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying d w/celiac disease. She would love to have local support
(I'm in Southern California) -- are there any people in the Fort Worth area?
If so, please contact me at my E-mail: [log in to unmask] and I will give you
her number. Thanks!
Danna Korn
Raising Our Celiac Kids31_7Dec199515:28:[log in to unmask] 9512 3278 21 39_Re: GF list from New England Deaconness15_ROSALIE [log in to unmask], 7 Dec 1995 22:45:20 EST541_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The Deaconess Hospital is on Pilgrim Road in Boston, Ma. I will be there
for my husband's check up on Tuesday. I'll stopped in the dietary office
and see what they are giving out. I know that my son, the celiac, could
not eat there when Ron was in the hospital and he was here visiting him. We
had to cook in our hotel room. I did meet with the dietitian and she knew a
little about the disease but not much. [...]38_7Dec199522:45:[log in to unmask] 9512 3300 40 28_Mochi - question and comment19_Kirsten [log in to unmask], 8 Dec 1995 07:45:44 -0800406_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I just read the delightful (if time-intensive) recipe
for appalam, and it sounds vaguely like how I guess the
Japanese "pastry" mochi is made. I've never seen a recipe
for mochi before, however, and would love to find one or
to be referred to a Japanese cookbook that might help. [...]36_8Dec199507:45:[log in to unmask] 9512 3341 33 28_Re: Nursing home legislation16_Nancy E. [log in to unmask], 8 Dec 1995 10:02:31 -0600520_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

In asking whether any legislation requires nursing homes to provide
adequately for residents with celiac disease, Ann Maureen Surra has raised
an issue that probably concerns many of us. However, I suspect that
legislation such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, even if
applicable, won't help much when people cannot constantly monitor their own
care or have an advocate who does this for them. [...]44_8Dec199510:02:[log in to unmask] 9512 3375 10 32_Re: The Best Mail Order GF [log in to unmask], 8 Dec 1995 11:51:11 -0500351_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Bob attends the Celiac support group meetings at Children's Hospital in
Boston and he is very knowledgeable about both Celiac and Baking. His rolls
are by far the best gluten free bread products that we have ever tasted.
Everyone loves them!!!38_8Dec199511:51:[log in to unmask] 9512 3386 29 16_Re: Oats and IgA13_Kemp [log in to unmask], 8 Dec 1995 15:41:26 -0500648_- <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On Dec 06, 1995 20:17:00, 'Len Menzies <[log in to unmask]>' wrote:

>Will an IgA test identify if oats cause problems with my daughter?
> She is asymptomatic

IgA checks only for the gliadin found in wheat, though it's highly
sensitive to the toxic beast in barley and rye. I asked before what the
relative sensitivities to the other grains were and got no answer. The EmA
test may still respond to oats since it measures damage to the wall of the
intestines. I think both the IgA and IgG tests would be [...]39_8Dec1
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 17:58:25 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Subject: Any legislation for nursing homes?

I have a very real concern and would like some definite information.
As a preface to my query, I remind the list that we celiacs seem to be
held responsible for our own well-being.We are encouraged to
learn all we can, so we can impart the information to professionals.
They, conversely, might well charge us a fee for giving them the
lessons. We must be knowledgeable in stores, restaurants, etc.

If any of us make it to extreme old age, what are our protections in
nursing homes and such if we lose the ability to care for ourselves? No
institution or profession seems to show much respect for Celiac Disease.
Indeed, we are castigated for even inferring that some consideration in
diet, nutrition, and labeling should be shown. Other medical conditions
get lots of government support. Are there any laws to protect helpless
celiacs from being slowly poisoned in institutions?

My forebears lived long lives. Should I emulate them, I would like to
know what my chances for decent care would be! I hope this questioning
seems reasonable. I seem to be thought irascible when I manifest any