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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Jun 2007 14:41:57 -0400
text/plain (117 lines)
I know of what signs you speak.  We saw them when we were out there 
in January.

As far as the bathroom, no joke, the one that I heard gets top 
billing right now is at some restaurant in Flushing Michigan.  Go figure.

At 12:22 PM 6/30/2007, you wrote:
>Let's hope so. There are yet signs plastered around teh country 
>encouraging people to get active and say no. There is an 
>organization established soley to fight off that project called 40 
>something, or something 40, I can't remember. Now, onto the best 
>bathroom question. Depending on the need, I would say the best 
>bathroom is probably the nearest bathroom? I'm sure God does get a 
>huge shake of the head at such, but we too can see how other 
>countries look at us very similarly to him. Who dreams up this 
>stuff. They have a whole lot more spare time and energy than I.
>At 08:07 AM 6/30/2007, you wrote:
>>         I think that the Shakey Lakes area might be safe too 
>> because there are Indian mounds there.  My Dad showed them to me 
>> once.  Some things are just too strange.
>>         By the way, I'll just throw this in for the fun of 
>> it.  Have you heard the contest about finding the best bathroom in 
>> the U.S.?  Boy, we sure have our priorities on correctly don't 
>> we?  I think that we give God a big laugh.
>>At 08:57 AM 6/30/2007, you wrote:
>>>I agree on the Earth worshipping bit. The perspective is indeed 
>>>backwards.  People are too interested in the "right" to do things, 
>>>rather than doing things right. I believe our president already 
>>>has his legacy which was very pivotal in the future of our country 
>>>which I'm not so sure  will be very popular with him. The response 
>>>out of 911 was good, although much of that had to do with the 
>>>people waking up to a national tragedy and pulling together, and 
>>>because it is so rare these days, it made a big impact, but it is 
>>>the response afterwards that built the legacy. Very deep and long 
>>>lasting decisions which we have yet to feel the affects of to full 
>>>degree. Whether or not the parks actually get sold or not, 
>>>probably not, it does give insight to their blatant disrespect for 
>>>the citizens to even bother with legislation for it. Speaking of 
>>>oil, they know it exists under the Great Lakes, and have been 
>>>trying to get angular drilling off the shores of the lakes for 
>>>some time, which could mean your relatives  would be looking at 
>>>oil rigs in the U P. Or worse they are wanting to mine zinc in the 
>>>Shakey Lakes Area which would make drastic negative affects on 
>>>that whole area in the U P, affecting water, wildlife and land 
>>>value as well, and since most folks do not own the mineral rights 
>>>to their land, guess who does and can come on your land to reap 
>>>the minerals? The huge mining company, so far the local people and 
>>>legislators have managed to keep at bay. I'm not a worshipper of 
>>>land but I think we need to make smart decisions to maintain 
>>>stewardship of what has been given to us to live. Even a dog knows 
>>>not to soil his own den.
>>>on 06:08 AM 6/30/2007, Kathy Du Bois said:
>>>Okay, Brad,
>>>         Since you liked the stick about the food and fuel, how 
>>> about a log discussing our environmental policies which are 
>>> destroying our country.  Our environmental policies are the main 
>>> reason that forest fires are so bad because they refuse to allow 
>>> the dead brush to be cleared away.  You mentioned earlier that 
>>> Bush is considering selling off our national parks to improve our 
>>> highways?  ?Forget it.  It will never happen.  The 
>>> environmentalists would crucify him in the press if he did and 
>>> right now, he's looking for a legacy, not a crucifixion.  The 
>>> reason that we cannot be self sufficient in fuel and energy is 
>>> because the environmentalists won't let us build refineries or 
>>> explore other energy sources.  Instead of us subduing and caring 
>>> for the earth, we are being ruled by some who wish to worship the 
>>> earth and rid it of people altogether.  Now, before anyone gets 
>>> bent out of shape on my stand, I will tell you that I am an avid 
>>> recycler.  I recycle everything from paper to tin.  I 
>>> compost.  I'm lucky if I can scrape together one bag of garbage 
>>> to go in our local land fill per week, so I'm not talking about 
>>> running rough shod over the earth and destroying it because I'm a 
>>> person and have a right to do so, but I understand what my God 
>>> given relationship is supposed to be with the earth and 
>>> worshiping it at the cost of man's life isn't it.
>>>         We see in all of this how man is getting it 
>>> backwards.  We love the earth above people.  We think that 
>>> compassion is letting people come into our space and bring their 
>>> filthiness with them instead of insisting that they learn how to 
>>> do better.  We let them worship whatever they want instead of 
>>> teaching them about Christ because to do so would appear 
>>> judgmental and that would be cruel.  Why isn't letting them die 
>>> in sin and ignorance and squaller seen as cruel.  It's all about 
>>> how things appear and not about truth and reality any 
>>> more.  America has become shallow, where Paris Hilton's suffering 
>>> in prison is more important than those who are really suffering 
>>> from poverty and injustice.  On top of all that, the church has 
>>> lost its voice.  It has the answer to all this, but is too timid to speak out.
>>>         Just one more thing, you're lucky that barbicuing hasn't 
>>> been ban in Wisconsin, as it has in either Denmark, or Norway, I 
>>> can't remember which, but as long as you're doing it, have a 
>>> bratt for me.  Man I miss those things.