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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Sep 2007 16:58:51 -0400
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I wanted to let all you helpful people who responded to my posting about college and food service issues know how things ended up.  We went in to see the nutritionist who had said that we could not store food in the cafeteria.  She was nice and tried to be helpful.  She agreed to let my son store some stuff in the Fridge there.  She even said that they are considering getting a small fridge for the kids that they would put in the Cafeteria. She told us that there are 10 or so kids with food issues also.  When I brought the food to her when he moved in she put it in her office and said that my son should ask her where it was as she didn't know where they would put it.  Unfortunately, although I told my son to make a point of using the stuff, my son has never asked where it is.  He says that he is doing fine without it and that there is plenty for him to eat .  We do not have the cross contamination problem with the grill, etc. that a lot of celiacs have as his is an intolerance or allergy.  He says that he eats the hot meal if it is appropriate, and stir fry, chicken breast, or a plain burger if it is not. He is not a kid who likes to draw attention to his allergies, so that initial bad start turned him off to asking for his special bread and standing out--he would rather go without.  Oh well.  After awhile I plan to see if that fridge in the cafeteria for kids with food issues shows up and will put some stuff in there where he can just get it without drawing attention to himself.

Anyway, he seems to be doing fine, and we supplied him with a fridge with freezer and a microwave for his room.  I send lots of gluten free desserts and he has cereal in his room if he wants it.  He says he is being careful about his allergies, and I hope that is true.  He looks fine and is acting fine if that is any indicator.  

I received a really nice email from a Food Service Director at a college.  Although I can't find it today, it basically said that most schools will try to accommodate for special diets and will buy special foods for you if they do not let you store them in their cafeterias. His cafeteria used the same food service company that my son's does, so that made me feel better.  

I did receive several emails from people who said that the colleges tried to accommodate their kids but that the kids had problems anyway.  One person said that the college flat out told them that they couldn't accommodate the diet. Some colleges actually went out of their way to make special gluten free stuff like pizza and cake for their kids.  Several people said that their kids eventually stopped eating in the cafeteria and cooked for themselves in apts or available kitchens.  One woman had to bring food for her daughter(during a camp at a college) as her daughter kept getting sick as the food service was not careful enough.

I am interested to know how others have made out at college.  I will forward some of the responses I received in a separate email to the list.

Again, thanks for your help!

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