On Jan 7, 2007, at 10:10 AM, DS wrote:
> I am wondering how to determine biologically appropriate foods for
> a given area. I grew up in USSR. I found this info on Russian diets
> and this is congruent with the foods that I grew up on.
You grew up in USSR. But where are human beings from? The food
culture you describe is of course a product of agriculture. It is
native only in the sense that it was developed locally, and existed
undiluted by foreign influence for some time. But, before that, what
could hominids eat if they existed in that area? Before agriculture,
there was no dairy, no grain, certainly no liquor - the balance of
the diet, the "plentiful fish, poultry, game..." etc. is Paleo. You
can certainly get very close to Paleo even using spices and cooking
things, and some crop foods are closer to wild than others. We have
some pretty good reasons to avoid beans and other legumes, and some
New World vegetables that aren't likely to be found in Russia anyway,
but you could eat roots like beets and carrots and turnips and
rutabagas, and all leafy greens, like kale and collards, and of
course all fruits. I'd say that if you avoid bread and grain products
you will be mostly there - the rest is refinement.
Since grain crops initially enabled, and continue to enable, feeding
large groups cheaply, they are an inextricable part of most
civilizations, almost by definition. When saying "what shall I eat?",
the most readily available choices will be mostly grain. The
limitation this puts on you will be difficult in every culture, but
worth it.
All stunts performed without a net!