> Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 20:57:27 -0500
> From: Mike Howard <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Infant on Paleo Diet
> Does anyone know of any
> research/info on what would be expected of a Paleo baby?
*** I don't have much experience with baby paleo humans, but I do have with
other species (rabbits, dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, etc.). Without
exception, baby animals fed a species-appropriate diet grew more slowly and
took longer to mature than their counterparts fed a commercial formula. I
conducted a study on meat rabbits in which it took them almost twice a long
to reach market weight on a natural diet is it took those fed pellets (will
send copy to any interested party). They did reach market weight eventually,
and it cost less overall in feed to get them there.
My rawfed puppies also grow much more slowly than kibblefed dogs. Be
assured, though, that they do reach "normal" adult size and weight, with
none of the joint and hip problems and growing pains that plague large breed
kibble-fed pups. I say "normal" because I think my pups (and rabbits, etc.)
are normal and the kibble and pellet-fed ones are abnormal. Nor are they
deficient in intelligence, socialization etc. I hope I do not offend,
comparing your infant to animals, but I think humans are different in
degree, not in kind, and my experience with other mammals will apply to
humans as well (keeping in mind Robert's comments on genetics and calories).