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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jul 2007 12:14:21 +0100
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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ABDOUKARIM SANNEH <[log in to unmask]>
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Lamin Jatta Stated......Why are you bragging too much as being a journalist Pa like you are one. Where do you get your journalist degree from? You are just like a 
monkey in the dry forest with match in hand. Why do you want to 
discredit the good reputation of every body who worked very hard to build a 
niche? What do you achieve in life? The last time I checked, you only get 
a secondary four certificate with a pen in hand calling yourself a 
journalist. Lamin you really speak for me. The Guy need to have a decent education. Essau Bakau/Pa Nderry Mbai was just a security guard in RVH that metamorphosis himself to a joint-the-list. Today with his sensational freedom newspaper which lack quality and substance think he is an authority in Gambian Affairs. Lamin you knows what a sick joke, biggest joke for that matter. It is unfortunate without standard every patch and samba can call himself a journalist. Pa Nderry Mbai I know and many knows you are hiding behind disgruntle and renegade ex-diplomat, soldiers and politicians. You are use like a tool fostering egoism and jealousy. My brother it is never took late to catch get into community college and struggle your way to get a decent education. Stop your sensational style of journalism and avoid dragging innocent families. It is unethical and ungambian. You created problems to lot of your fellow journalist. Today because your immature and outdated style of journalism
 without making risk assessment for the duty of care to others back home, lot peole fall victims to your own making. Freedom is just one year old and it not near to other online outlet of Gambia and related matters. Pa Nderry Mbai this every forum is just coming to decade old. You must be an illusionist to term you paper as the source of authorative information on Gambian affairs. Gambia-l, Gambia-post,, Gambiajournal and Echo are the sorce of quality and authetic news or debate on Gambia and related matters. They have reach that stage because educational standard and academic background of its contributors. Pa Nderry Mbai you think you can use you pen to destroy decent citizens are in this struggle not for name but principle. Many of us have never be in power in that country but we saw it as ethical and social responsibity to fight for the redemption of our country. It is that ambition that we are doing all efforts to work days and night to finance our
 education so as to prepare Gambia under viable democractisation and development after Jammeh. America or Europe is not a heaven for us. 

Lamin Jatta <[log in to unmask]> wrote:  

I was shocked to read scathing and unwarranted personal attacks by Pa Nderry Nbai of Freedom News Online on the person of Pa Samba Jow, Joe Sambou, President, and Treasurer, GPU-US branch, and the executive members of the union. I wanted to stay out of it to let this angry so called journalist cool down from his lunacy but it appears that no such scenario is feasible in the short run as he go wildly on the rampage using diatribes riddled with a libelous content. Pa Nderry violated a section of the GPU_US branch which says “Persons using foul or defamatory language shall be publicly reprimanded and if necessary, excluded from the activities of the organization.”

Mr. Jow just made a simple plea that considering the unfolding situation back home affecting journalist that it was high time that we reassert our commitment to the ideals of the constitution of GPU-US to support our colleagues like Fatou Jaw Manneh who fell victim of Jammeh’s brutality directed on journalist and he bravely named the names of people who are not active on the union. Considering his paranoia and dumbness, Pa Nderry misinterpreted this to be a personal attack on him and rapidly went out blazing, attacking the GPU-US branch, our president and treasurer in a silly rant.

Pa Nderry, was invited from the word go to participate in the GPU US but never participated in any way positive that I know of. At first he just forwarded some articles from his online paper to the GPU-US list server but people were not interested in his articles and perhaps he realized that and just stopped. Now we can understand why he could not get along with the and Yankuba Jambang. Probably we can attribute this from his misguided mantra that "Journalist Doumboka." Being our friend, don't make you Immune from being criticize by Freedom.” 

When Pa Nderry understand that the GPU-US is not going to be a stooge to his freedom Online’s diatribe he keep a grudge in him. When his website was hacked Pa Nderry lobbied for the GPU to come out with a statement to condemn it but we were not going for it because for one thing, he never participated in the activities of the union in any positive way despite the fact that he was abreast with the activities of the union and that our good union cannot vouch for his slanderous editorials.

“The Gambia Press Union USA branch, under the leadership Pa Samba Jow is a total failure. It’s membership and Executive are in total disarray. No line of immediate communication amongst its members, no conference call, no offices, no serious leadership to steer the affairs of the organization. One is compelled to reason, if GPU USA is not another one “man show” surely and wholly hijacked by coach Jow. Yes, GPU USA is all about Jow and nothing else.
Pa Nderry you are an errant member of the GPU-US and as such think we have no positive thing happening. Why do you failed to mention that GPU_US has an active list server where member exchange ideas on issues affecting journalists and that you yourself personally used it. If there is any one man show any where is the Freedom Online, because you are the be all and end all; but you fooled people who don’t know to believe that you have a big media empire calling your self the managing editor and publisher. I was shocked when I call your house line you put a message in saying: you have reached the offices of the Freedom Newspaper, for editor, press 1, for enquiry, press 2, for support, press 3, All of these numbers go to the voice mail of the phone in your house any way; your own house line. What the heck in the world is the matter with you? You crave so much for power but the problem with you is that you want to take a shot cut to glory. Trust me there is no such honest
way; less you want to make a big mockery of yourself, like you have stated doing thinking that if you bring everybody down from the top you will ascent. You have to go through the hard way boy.

“Why using journalists names to raise funds when you are not accountable? Who are you to handle journalists funds when you are not a journalist? Why not engage in civil society

work activities and leave the journalists to run their own show? Are you for real

joe? Wy do you always wanna showcase that you Mr.Know all? Who begged or prevailed on you to run the financial activities of GPU USA? Not the general

body? Perhaps, Jow and his clique? Few people cannot just sit there and started writing letter, demanding funds for GPU USA.”
Why are you bragging too much as being a journalist Pa like you are one. Where do you get your journalist degree from? You are just like a monkey in the dry forest with match in hand. Why do you want to discredit the good reputation of every body who worked very hard to build a niche? What do you achieve in life? The last time I checked, you only get a secondary four certificate with a pen in hand calling yourself a journalist. In fact, if you just know a little about unionism you bragged so much about, you will have known that the constitution of the GPU_US states that Associate Membership shall be open to all lovers of press freedom and the rule of law regardless of professional affiliation or national origin. And remember Joe get the mandate of the general body and you have no right to individually wrestle that mandate from him even he is not a journalist. If any thing I think Joe know more in journalism than you.

“A majority of your so called GPU USA Executive were never members of GPU Gambia

and are at loss about what unionism is all about. It's about time for Gambian
journalists to take charge of this organization.”

I don’t blame you; because of your secondary four certificate, you think people have to be a member of the GPU Gambia before they get an understanding of what unionism is. False, even you just attend high school you should have a good understanding of what unionism is all about. Unionism may sound complicated for a secondary four graduate but is a simple thing for somebody who get little understanding of how people organize and protect their interest.

Like you already know this Union received the blessings of D.A. Jawo, former President, Gambia Press Union, Madi Ceesay, current President, Gambia Press Union, and the Gambia Press Union is our umbrella organization and of course enjoys the membership of luminary journalists and friends of journalists like Baba Galleh Jallow, Abdou Salam Jammeh, Canada, Fatou Jaw Manneh, Baboucarr Ceesay of the All, Soffie Ceesay, Madi Ceesay, New York, among many more. 

Lamin Jatta

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