For blind ham radio operators


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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Jun 2007 12:54:53 -0500
text/plain (15 lines)
I have a problem or at least i think I might, but never being on the broadcasting side of internet radio, i have no idea, and last time i got the far out idea to try this, winamp and the plugin and the shoutcast server thing were quite different, but I just thought I would but something up, just private for now until i get everything working and i know for sure if i want and what i want if that incomplete sentance made sense
so, if anyone has played around with the sc_serv.exe console program and the dsp plugin for winamp I'd like to know some things.

first off, i found out i cant have the server on the network if i intend to use the router so that means i guess, a seperate connection
but now that i got it to give me all the connect messages and tell me the ip and all that, that won't happen when things arent right but..i get the connection from yp.shoutcast add or whatever it is, but about 30 secs later i get a "no data, disconnected" error but i am not sure why, i have the promo file in the content directory so there is a file at least, and i cant seem to go to my page if there even is a page for it, by typing in internet explorer, my ip, colon, and the port number i specified in the .ini file for the server config.  
I guess my question is, can a person not monitor their own stream to see what if anything, is being broadcast, or am i even broadcasting the promo file at all since about 30 seconds after yp.shoutcast finds me, i get disconnected

I'd like to figure this out before i would or if i would, throw the router back into the mix
