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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Dec 2007 18:41:42 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252
Ginny Quick <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (205 lines)
Greetings and assalamu alaikum all, while the Ahmadiya movement seems
to be outside Islam (as they claim that there's another prophet after
Muhammad peace be upon him), Shai Muslims are antoher matter.

While there is a lot of disagreement between Sunni and Shia Muslims,
they are still our brothers and sisters in Islam, I'd suggest checking
out the <a href="">Amman Message</a> for a
different perspective on this!

I, personally, hesitate in calling anyone who says La Ilaha Ill-Allah,
Muhammadar-rasulullah, anything other than fellow Muslims like myself,
although we may have many disagreements, and very heated and
controversial ones at that!  As we all know as Muslims, if you call
someone a kafir, then that saying aplies to at least one of us, either
me or the person I'm calling that.  So I am just careful in using that

However, sadly, some groups are very liberal in the use of that word
and not only in the use of that word, but in how far that take that
whole "kafir" concept.  Look at Iraq!  You have a group of Muslims
killing Shias because ostensibly to this group "they're just a bunch
of kafirs anyway".

My whole point is we all just must be careful!  I can't imagine that
Islam has been in The Gambia as long as it has, and someone's not
taken the time to translate the Qur'an into the local languages.  If
the Ahmadiya have done it, and it's deemed to be a reliable
translation than what's wrong with that?

As far as the Islamic Supreme Council goes, this is an organizating
that just seems to be kowtowing to Jammeh, allowing him to use Islam
as a prop in his "curing" of people, so what is worse?  The Ahmadiya
translating the Qur'an or Yahya Jammeh misusing Islam for his own
benefit?  If they want to excert some "authority" why don't they tell
the truth to Yahya Jammeh?  I mean, if they want to be all
"authoritarian", and say that everything Islamic in nature must go
through them first!


On 12/5/07, SUNTOU TOURAY <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Sal ,thanks for your the noble Quran was translated into
> mandinka a long time ago by a scholar called KAN KALIFA JABBI .This man did
> a lot for mandinka speaking people when it comes to Islam.
>   also there are many quranic translations into sarahuleh in the Gambia and
> Senegal.
>   there is one Mr manneh is Saudi Arabia who also translated the whole hajj
> rights in mandinka freely available to all Gambian on pilgrimage .some
> scholars are doing their bit to enlighten the rest of us.
>   yero ,i got the bun jeng v jikene tape ,it is full of scholarly knowledge
> ,may Allah bless the soul sheik Omar bun Jeng.amen.he explain the correct
> art of quranic translation.
> Sal Barry <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   I commend the SIC for taking up the Qur'an translation issue by none other
> than the Ahmadiyyahs. This group has firmly established itself as a
> philantropic outfit in many 3rd World countries building hospitals, clinics,
> schools, and many social services while spreading their beliefs. Dont' be
> surprised that beneficiaries of these services (who most likely do not
> understand what this group represent) come to their aid in times like these.
> There is so much that meets the eye when it comes to this group that one
> doesn't know where to start. Let us hear from the SIC and see if they can
> shed some light on this matter for us.
> Regards, Salieu Barry
> The existence of numerous sects - each one claiming to be rightly guided -
> is a predetermined fact which the Noble QURAN makes reference to. Allah
> Ta'ãlaa declares, 'And if your Lord had so willed, He could have made
> mankind a single unified group, but they will continue to dispute and differ
> …' (AL-QURAN HUD 118).
> Nabi said, 'Verily this nation (of Muslims) will be divided into seventy
> three sects. All of them would be in the fire except one.' When asked which
> one, he replied, 'The one that adheres to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of my
> companions.' (Abu Dawood).
> This brief article, details some of the fundamental differences between
> Muslims, Qadianis and the Shiites. It is hoped that the reference below will
> highlight some of the deviant beliefs of both the Shiites and the Qadianis.
> · IslaamThe QURAN in its present form is authentic, complete and protected
> from any distortions up to the day of Qiyamah.
> · QadianismVerses pertaining to Jihaad have been abrogated by the Wahy
> revealed to Ghulam Ahmad. He has in addition to the QURAN, received Wahy,
> which is as important as the QURAN.
> · ShiaismThe QURAN is incomplete and distorted. The original QURAN had
> 17,000 verses. Hence 2/3 of the QURAN is missing. The original QURAN,
> compiled by Hadhrat Áli would be brought back by Imaam Mahdi.
> · IslaamNabi Muhammad was the final Nabi, through whom Islam gained
> completion and through whom prophethood was sealed and Wahy (revelation)
> ended.
> · QadianismThe Prophet had been sent twice to the world. The first time he
> appeared in Makkah, in the form of Muhammad and the second time in Qadian in
> the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
> · Shiaism Nabi Muhammad was the final Nabi, through whom Islam gained
> completion and through whom prophethood was sealed and Wahy (revelation)
> ended.
> · QadianismThe Prophet had been sent twice to the world. The first time he
> appeared in Makkah, in the form of Muhammad and the second time in Qadian in
> the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
> · ShiaismThe Imaam is a successor to the Nabi appointed by God. He is
> infallible and excels all Prophets, besides Nabi Muhammad in dignity. They
> possess the knowledge of the past and the future. They possess authority of
> death. They are divinely protected against error.
> · IslAamThere is no object of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the
> messenger of Allah.
> · QadianismThe same Kalimah as the Muslims, except that Muhammad in the
> Kalimah refers to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
> · ShiAísmSame Kalimah with the following addition: 'Salvation is only
> attained by granting allegiance to Ahlul Bayt (the immediate household of
> Nabi and by disowning their enemies i.e. Abu Bakr, Uthmaan and Úmar and all
> non-Shias).
> · IslAamImaan, SALAAH, Zakaat, Sawm and Hajj
> · QadianismObedience to Allah, obedience to English government.
> · Shi'aISMSalaah, Sawm, Hajj, Zakaat, Khums - 20% tax on profits, Jihaad,
> enjoining good, preventing evil, Love for the godly ones and hatred for the
> evil ones i.e. the Sahâbah.
> · IslaAmThe companions of Nabi have been praised by Allah Ta'ãlaa Himself in
> the Noble QURAN. It is therefore not permissible to criticise them or
> undermine their integrity.
> · Qadianism'The companions ate cheese from the Christians, although it was
> well known that it contained pigs, fat'. Fatimah appeared to Ghulam Ahmad in
> a revealed state.
> · Shi'AismAll the companions became Kaafir except the immediate household of
> Nabi and three other Sahâbah after his demise. Áli is considered by some as
> a vicegerent, others regard him as a prophet, whilst another group regard
> him as god
> · 1880 - 1884: He wrote Baraahin-e-Ahmadiyya - four volumes
> · 1890: He claimed 'I am the replica of Jesus.'
> · 1892: 'Muhammad was the final prophet. I do not lay claim to prophethood.
> I am the son of Mary.'
> · 1893: 'God speaks to me and gives guidance for reforms'
> · 1894: 'Jesus was a liar and his grandmother was a whore.'
> · 1899: 'I am a Nabi but in an indirect sense.' (Shadow of Nabi)
> · 1900: August 7th - an Imaam in his Jumuáh Khutbah called him a Nabi and
> Rasool.
> · 1902: He declared: 'I am superior to all prophets including Muhammad'.
> 'One who does not believe in me is a Kaafir.' 'The QURAN and my words are
> from Allah.'
> · 1904: He declared 'I am god and Lord also Krishna'
> · 1908: Mirza was struck by Cholera and slipped into a comma on May 25 and
> died in the next day. He was buried at Qadiyaan.
> May Allah Ta'ãlaa protect our Imaan and save us from being part of the
> deviant groups, Aameen.
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