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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 30 May 2007 17:15:37 +0200
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Cornelius Edward Hamelberg <[log in to unmask]>
To: Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (494 lines)
"and how you are the generous philantrophist helping out Muslims in 
trouble and giving alms to Muslims who cheat you."

The lesson I learned from this  is that to do something sincerely in the belief that this is what the ALmighty wants, brings a blessing, that is all.

Do you have the heart to discern other hearts?
> From: Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 2007/05/30 on PM 04:17:54 CEST
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Ämne: Re: Zionism as a Racist Ideology
> Cornelius,
>               There are two concepts I would like to present before 
> going fyrther. They are:
> 1. ?Perception management? - a  "term used to describe the process of 
> transforming public opinion to conform to a premeditated political 
> agenda."
> 2. Doublethink which is ?? the power of holding two contradictory 
> beliefs in one?s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them. ? To 
> tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them?. (http://www.
> I shall come back to 
> them later.
> In your attempt to appear an innocent fighter against racism and anti-
> semiticism, you sent a list of articles that I forwarded and claimed to 
> be "responding to  some of the anti-Semitic and downright racist anti-
> Zionist articles" that I posted. Before posting anything about Israel, 
> I posted various articles dealing with propaganda, anti-imperialism 
> etc. for those who are interested to read and those who are not to 
> delete. Some of these articles were:
> - Conflict Diamonds: "A Linguistic Deception" 
> - Understanding Empire: Hierarchy, Networks and Clients 
> - Blair's legacy: Militarism a broad, social devastation at home 
> - Deconstructing the Founding Myths of France's Greatness 
> - Fascist America, in 10 easy steps 
> - Freedom of Expression in an Era of State Terror 
> - No hoods. No electric shocks. No beatings. These Iranians clearly 
> are a very uncivilised bunch 
> - Propaganda and the Politics of Perception
> - The Battle over Zimbabwe's Future
> - Bush and Islam: Words versus Deeds 
> - Fidel Castro - The Internationalization of Genocide: Transforming 
> Food into Fuel 
> and other articles. You stayed mute and didn't even lift an eyelid. 
> When I sent "Palestine & Israel: Know and Understand The Facts And 
> Decide For Yourself ", the Zionist in you arose and you responded and I 
> ignored you. My aim was not to send various articles about Israel but 
> just to send articles relating to Panafricanism, neocolonism, 
> imperialism etc. Kabir posted something about Israel and you responded. 
> You tried to use the concept of perception management to try to form a 
> favourable public opinion about Israel and Zionism. I did not want to 
> get in direct contact with you and posted another article countering 
> what you tried to portray. You posted something about Zionism not being 
> racist and I sent something to counter that. You sent something about 
> Israel being a democracy and I sent an article presenting another view. 
> You see, you conveniently try to assert that I, suddenly and out of the 
> blue, just started throwing these articles around with racist intent. 
> The two concepts of "victim mentality" and "racism labelling" employed 
> by Zionists to make gullible people and European and American sponsors 
> of genocide scared to talk about Israel and what it does wrong will not 
> work here. Do you think you have a right to make comments about France, 
> Gambia, Sierra Leone etc. but we don't have a right to comment on 
> Israel?  You are not an innocent victim in this case and I don't care 
> if you tie the racism label on me. You can do it until the cows come 
> home and I wouldn't care and it wouldn't deter me from expressing my 
> view about injustice be it in Israel, Sweden, Germany, America or 
> Timbuktoo. Habib and Jabou have told you that people are not 
> criticising Judaism as a religion or Jews as a people because that 
> would be downright narrowmindedness. There are very decent and nice 
> Jews just as are within other races and peoples and I do know some. 
> What we have a problem with is the concept of Zionist racism. Do you 
> see the difference or are you going to stick to the old Zionist "blur 
> the landscape" concept of blurring the two and trying to hang the anti-
> semiticism label on anyoneone who dares say anything about Zionism and 
> Israel? There are many Jews who are anti-Zionist. Some of articles I 
> forwarded are written be Jews. One is written by an Israeli former 
> Minister of Education? Is she anti-semitic? Aren't Arabs semites? How 
> about your derogatory references to them? Are you anti-semitic? Here 
> are a few links to Jews against Zionism websites: (http://www.
> , , http://www.
> ,  , http://www.yesh-
> and many more.
> In you application of the concept of "doublethink", you wrote:
> - "I have not been trying to defend anything" whilst defending Zionism 
> and Israeli policies towards Palestinians most of which are very 
> dehumanising.
> - "I have never criticized Islam either, not the religion Islam" and 
> wrote: 
>  * "Militarism is therefore an ideal that Muslims follow, with the 
> Prophet of Islam (S. A. W.) and Imam Ali (A.S.) as role model and this 
> overemphasis on Jihad "
>  * "One State, which the Dawa Party - four wives per man, full time, 
> would overpopulate within one generation. Shall we leave it there?"
>  * "What is the point of blowing innocent people up and going to hell 
> in the process of creating a so called Islamic State?"
>  * "The Jews are praying for peace all the Time. The SIDDUR is full of 
> prayers for peace:................................ I have never heard 
> or read a Muslim prayer for    peace, since I was born, till now. 
> Prayers for ?VICTORY over the unbelieving folk?, yes but peace? Never 
> heard."
>  * I find it a little disturbing, that the military agenda is at the 
> top of Muslim?s political agenda?. "
>  * Others would like to wipe out the ideological basis of terrorism. 
> Yet others would like to wipe out terrorists/ their enemies??"
>  * "There is always the divide and rule factor and the Shia/ Sunni 
> dichotomy in Islam, provides that kind of balance ? if it comes to 
> nuclear weapons too, an equilibrium of terror from both sides of the 
> qibla."
>  * "HAMAS has an Islamic agenda (does not seem to be taking the 
> precedent of the Treaty of Hudaibiya, as seriously as one had hoped. 
> Perhaps the Islamists will try to retake Spain this century ? all based 
> on Dar al -Islam, who knows?)"
>  * "The devil also has mass followers and recruits suicide bombers, 
> officiates at literary bonfires, and does not want the real 
> Prophets......."
> Should I continue? You see how you are speaking from both sides of 
> your mouth? You see how you are professing to believe one thing and 
> saying something completely different? You see how you keep 
> contradicting yourself? You see how the contempt you have for Muslims 
> keeps seeping through in your statements? You see how you try to 
> convince us that you are an ok guy with a lot of Muslim friends whilst 
> inadvertently betraying your true feelings through careless remarks?
> Another fib  (we nickname it "ehem" in Gambia) you told was when you 
> wrote:
> "The Arabs were able to persuade their South of the Sahara African 
> brothers that ?Zionism is racism? probably with the help of some petro-
> dollars to grease the usual palms"
> This statement is not true and it is also derogatory because you are 
> implying that black Africans are corrupt, cheap, without principles and 
> can be bought. Isn't that racist? Find below the voting record of all 
> the countries which voted for, against or abstained in that vote. Are 
> Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist 
> Republic, Cambodia, People's Republic of China, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, 
> German Democratic Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, 
> Iran, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Pakistan, 
> Poland, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist 
> Republic, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics "South of the 
> Sahara African brothers" with greased usual palms? You see how you try 
> to "selmal" us? (pull a fast one on us). The following "South of Sahara 
> African brothers" Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Liberia, 
> Malawi voted against and the following abstained: Botswana, Ethiopia, 
> Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Togo, Upper Volta, Zaire, 
> Zambia. Were their hands also "greased"? Who did the greasing? You see 
> how you look?
> You wrote:
> "The Jews are praying for peace all the Time. The SIDDUR is full of 
> prayers for peace:................................I have never heard or 
> read a Muslim prayer for peace, since I was born, till now. Prayers for 
> ?VICTORY over the unbelieving folk?, yes but peace? Never heard."
> You try to give the impression that Muslims don't pray for peace but 
> only pray for victory basically because they are a warlike people. You 
> know that that is not true but once in the doublespeak mode, no bounds 
> are available. Here are a few Muslim prayers for peace:
>    **  "O God! O our Master! You are eternal life and everlasting 
> peace by Your essence and attributes. The everlasting peace is from You 
> and it returns to You. O our Sustainer! Grant us the life of true peace 
> and usher us into the abode of peace. O Glorious and Bounteous One! You 
> are blessed and sublime.
> Allahumma ya mowlana antas-salaam, wa minkas-salaam, wa ilaika yarjaus-
> salaam, haiyyina rabbana bis-salaam, wa adkhilna daras-salaam, 
> tabarakta rabbana wa-ta'laita, ya zal jalali wal ikram "
>   **  In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Praise be to 
> the Lord of the Universe who has created us and made us into tribes and 
> nations, that we may know each other, not that we may despise each 
> other. If the enemy incline towards peace, do thou also incline towards 
> peace, and trust in God, for the Lord is the one that heareth and 
> knoweth all things. And the servants of God, Most Gracious are those 
> who walk on the Earth in humility, and when we address them, we say 
> "Peace." "
>   **  "A Prayer for Brotherhood - The Believers are but a single 
> Brotherhood: So make peace and reconciliation between your two 
> (contending) brothers; 
> and fear Allah, that ye may receive Mercy." Al-Hujurat 49:10  |  
> Source: The Qu'ran 
>   **  "Oh God, You Are Peace
> Oh God,
> You are peace.
> From you comes peace,
> To you returns peace.
> Revive us with a salutation of peace,
> And lead us to your abode of peace. "
> - Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 
> Are these prayers for war or victory over "unbeleieving folk"? You see 
> how you have caught again? 
> You wrote:
> "It is widely reported that one of the Prophet of Islam?s last wishes 
> before he blessed the hereafter with his presence, was to rid the Hijaz 
> of any Jewish presence. "
> I shall forward under separate cover Muhammad's (peace and blessings 
> of Allah be upon him) dealings with the Jews and a treaty with them and 
> others. You and fellow Zionists try to take the circumstances of over a 
> thousand years ago and juxtapose them alongside conditions today and 
> try to paint Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as a 
> violent person. I can point out many Jewish prophet's violence (eg., 
> Moses, peace be upon him) and immorality but I cannot slander him and 
> the other prophets because I am commanded by Islam to have high regards 
> for them. The so-called "violence" perpetrated by Muhammad (peace and 
> blessings of Allah be upon him) against Jews pales in comparison to 
> what the Europeans did to them, what America and Israel have done to 
> the Arabs and other people of the World. You see, you can't pull a fast 
> one here either.
> Your haughtiness and sense of self-aggrandisement coupled with self-
> deception compel you write self-righteous applesauce such as:
> - "We are far too intelligent for that and even today I prefer the 
> company of a good book (like Amos Oz?s ?A Tale of Love and Darkness?) 
> to that of a lout."
> - "There is no war going on between US and Iraq."
> and how you are the generous philantrophist helping out Muslims in 
> trouble and giving alms to Muslims who cheat you. Get your head out of 
> the clouds and come back to earth man! Sitting on your high horse and 
> narrating your life history is not interesting to me and probably many 
> others. Through what you wrote, you stated some personal positions. I 
> asked you questions relating to those. I am not interested in reading 
> someone else's opinions about what they believe. If I wanted to know 
> what Professor so and so thinks, i would have asked you Professor so 
> and so thinks. I asked you questions. Either answer them or take the 
> fifth for fear of incriminating and contradicting yourself but don't 
> point me to any links because I am not going to click on them. The 
> questions are there. You can answer one question per day or week if you 
> want but give me your opinion and not someone else's. You also wrote: 
> "much love". What I want from you is not love but honest answers to my 
> questions or a refusal to answer them or silence.
> Buharry.
> P.S.
>       There were typos in my previous posting, which I realised after 
> sending it.
> D.S.
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ---the United Nations voted, 97 to 35
> Voting record
> Voting record Sponsored by: (25) Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Cuba, 
> Dahomey, Egypt, Guinea, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libyan Arab 
> Republic, Mauritania, Morocco, North Yemen, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, 
> Somalia, South Yemen, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, and United 
> Arab Emirates.
> Voted yes: (72) The 25 sponsoring nations above, and additionally 47 
> nations: Albania, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Byelorussian 
> Soviet Socialist Republic, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, 
> People's Republic of China, Congo, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Equatorial 
> Guinea, Gambia, German Democratic Republic, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, 
> Guyana, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, 
> Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, 
> Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sri 
> Lanka, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, 
> and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
> Voted no: (35) Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Canada, 
> Central African Republic, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El 
> Salvador, Fiji, Finland, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Haiti, 
> Honduras, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, 
> Liberia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, 
> Norway, Panama, Swaziland, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
> Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay.
> Abstaining: (32) Argentina, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Burma, Chile, 
> Colombia, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Jamaica, 
> Japan, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, 
> Peru, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad 
> and Tobago, Upper Volta, Venezuela, Zaire, Zambia.
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ----Original Message----
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Date: May 30, 2007 12:59:09 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subj: Re: Zionism as a Racist Ideology
> ? For one who acknowledges that Gambia and Gambian fora 
> are not significant in determining policy, you seem to be spending an 
> awful lot of time trying to defend the indefensible.?
> I was responding to  some of the anti-Semitic and downright racist 
> anti-Zionist 
> articles that you  have been posting fiti-fata,  these past twenty 
> four hours all 
> to prove that  you are ?more sober and sophisticated than the half-
> baked 
> ?.and can see through the mistruths, half-truths? etc.
> You posted these.
> 1. FWD: Palestine & Israel: Know and Understand The Facts And Decide 
> For 
> Yourself 
> 2 FWD: 'Israel's Right To Exist': Is It A Real Issue? 
> 3. FWD: The Occupation Of Palestine 
> 4. FWD: 'Wiped off the Map' ? The Rumor of the Century 
> 5. FWD: Palestine: Israeli Killing Fields 
> 6. FWD: Israel's Right To Be Racist 
> 7. FWD: Compassionate Oppression: Subjugating Your Inferiors With A 
> Human 
> Touch 
> 8. Fwd: Holocaust Museum: Israeli Holocaust Against Arabs 
> 9. FWD: Zionism and the Media 
> 10. FWD: Zionism as a Racist Ideology 
> 11. FWD: A Review Of The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine By Ilan Pappe 
> 12. FWD: UN RESOFWD: Various Articles On The Farce Of Israeli 
> Democracy 
> 13. FWD: Various Articles On The Farce Of Israeli Democracy 
> 14. FWD: Answering Zionist Propaganda 
> You are all very important as people, most of you are Muslims, and I 
> have 
> nothing against that.
> I have not been trying to defend anything.
> I have posted some links and you may believe what you want.
>  I don?t know whether answering your twenty questions will make any 
> difference, but please give me some time to think about it, and I will 
> try to 
> answer them in my own personal way. 
>  Of course, you know that avoidable or unavoidable human suffering 
> and 
> tragedy causes much pain to all of us.  The daily carnage that we 
> witness on 
> TV, from Iraq, sometimes I wonder if we are still human beings.
>  (Have you tried to obtain Saudi citizenship yet?)
>  I could ask you twenty easy questions, but you don?t have to convince 
> me 
> about anything. I am not easily convinced and if you are destined to 
> follow the 
> prophet Moses, so be it, if not it doesn?t mean that you are going to 
> go ? to 
> hell.
>  I CAN TELL YOU THIS: THAT SINCE Israel?s ?Independence day? 59 years 
> ago, 
> It?s akin to the period 610-623 of Islam. You could say that the whole 
> period 
> during which the Islamic revelation took place, was during a state of 
> emergency. 
> There has been much more bloodshed among and between Muslims  since 
> that 
> time, though not on the scale of  the 2nd World War  bloodshed was 
> concentrated within six years.
>  Militarism is therefore an ideal that Muslims follow, with the 
> Prophet of Islam 
> (S. A. W.) and Imam Ali (A.S.) as role model and this overemphasis on 
> Jihad 
> etc and Palestinians unwillingness to negotiate is what puzzles me. 
>  I find it a little disturbing, that the military agenda is at the top 
> of Muslim?s 
> political agenda?. And oh yes, the Shia have also suffered very much?. 
> As 
> you well know.
> The year was 1987, and this was my first Sufi Teacher and this is how 
> I met 
> him: I was once sitting with some Gambian friends. One of them was 
> lamenting 
> something ? and BLACK is my weakness. 
> There and then, I counted the sum of eight thousand Kronor and handed 
> it 
> over to him as a loan. He needed the money. Later on, when I asked him 
> for it, 
> he told me to get out? did we sign any paper etc.
> In the first week of Ramadan, I  was reading the Qur'an and came to 
> the 
> section where it said  that if someone owes you some money, give him 
> more 
> time to pay it, but it would be even better, if you waived it as 
> Sadaka, and I 
> did just that. I wrote a letter to this my Gambian friend, and told 
> him that this 
> was Ramadan sadaka from me to him.
>  Immediately after that, I was impelled to go to Vattumannen Bookshop 
> - 
> three minute walk from where I lived, and there I bought, ?In the 
> Paradise of 
> the Sufis? by Dr. Javad Nurbakhsh. When I got home, I opened the book, 
> on 
> the first page or so, saw an address, and phone number. (Of course, I 
> thought 
> that Dr. Nurbakhsh the author was in Iran.  I called the London 
> Branch 
> number, and was told that Dr. Nurbakhsh was not at home, and could I 
> call 
> the Khaniqah, later. I did so half an hour later and talked to Dr.  
> Nurbakhsh I 
> think that it was on a Monday, and he said that I could see him on 
> Wednesday, in London.
> After I put down the phone. I danced - I mean DANCED and cried for 
> half an 
> hour.
> I was there on Wednesday, popped in to see my mother at Edgware, and 
> stayed with her that week.
>  Within fifteen months I went so see Dr. Nurbaksh eight nine times ? 
> eight 
> times in London and once in Cologne, Germany when he invited me to 
> the 
> opening of the Khaniqah there.
> But that was just the beginning of something and I tell you this (it?s 
> not a 
> secret) because I want you to understand that I am not some unfeeling 
> brute 
> who wants to slaughter any Muslim   heaven forbid, or Palestinian, but 
> in a 
> them or US situation what do you do? 
> hl=en&rlz=1T4ADBR_enSE222SE222&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&
> q=DR.+Nurbakhsh+on+LOVE
>  So, sabre, please, my Judaism puts a lot of emphasis on CHESED, 
> perhaps my 
> greatest weakness and with that too, I will try to answer your 
> questions.
> Much love,
> Cornelius
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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