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Print Reply
Thomas Adeetuk <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Thu, 8 Dec 2005 15:15:08 -0600
text/plain (242 lines)
** Please visit our website: http://www.africanassociation.org **

Dear Aggo,

I will be working this Saturday and so will miss the General Meeting.
But for moving AAM forward, I am willing to serve on the Board if so
considered by other AAM members present at this meeting. I wish you and
AAM a very successful meeting.

Thomas Adeetuk
College Library
Helen C. White Hall
600 N. Park Street
Madison, WI 53706

----- Original Message -----
From: Aggo Akyea <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, December 6, 2005 10:10 pm
To: [log in to unmask]

> African Association of Madison, Inc general membership meeting
>  Saturday, December 10, 2005 starting at 5:00 PM
>   Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
>  Hall of Fame Room
>  One John Nolen Drive
>  Madison, WI 53703
>  Phone: (608) 261-4000
>  AAM members, supporters and all friends of Africa.
>  1. Welcome & Introductions
>  2. Minutes of Sept 24, 2005 General Meeting
>  3. President's Report
>   & Calendar
>  4. Financial Report
>  5. Highlights of the New Constitution & By-Laws
>  6. Adoption of the New Constitution & By-Laws
>  6. Membership Registration/Annual Dues Payment
>  7. Election of Board of Directors
>  8. Other Matters
>  9. Adjournment
>  Parking in the Monona Terrace building will be restrictive.
>  Please park in the street or in the available City or County
> Parking ramps.
>  Thank you.
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>  At Hospice Center, Madison, WIMinutes of the third quarter
> general Meeting held September 24, 2005
>   Augustine Soko, Felix Ossia, Kervin Soko, Meja L. Maka, Anita
> Makuluni, Joseph Brewoo, Ann Marie Dawson, Jennifer Kendagor,
> Samba  Baldeh, Godwin Amegashie, Salifou Issoufou, Bill Bosu,
> Gibril Jarjue,  Richard Yarl, Adelaide Fiske, Devine Akabutu, Ego
> Enemuoh, Angie  Osakwe, Kaari Njiru-Lowe, Dean Makuluni.
>  GUEST SPEAKER: Janice Beers
>  Opening: The President, Mr. Aggo Akyea, welcomed members and
> declared  the meeting open at 5:17PM. Members introduced
> themselves. The  President asked the Vice President, Mr. Richard
> Lowe, to convey his  gratitude and that of the Association to the
> management of the Hospice  Center for allowing us use their
> facility for our general meeting.
>  APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Item 4 (III) was moved to Item 6 and agenda
> was approved.
>  APPROVAL OF MINUTES: This was not necessary because minutes of
> the last  general meeting were not available due to transition in
> leadership.
>  SPECIAL TOPIC ? Immigration
>  Janice Beers, an INS certified immigration specialist from the
> Jewish  Social Services, was invited to address the meeting on
> immigration  issues as part of our outreach program. Janice
> introduced herself and  gave some background information. She has
> been doing immigration  advocacy since 1990. She started out
> advocating on behalf of Russian  emigres. She is trying to reach
> out the various communities in Madison.  Her services are
> confidential, fees are on a sliding scale and  referrals, when
> necessary are made to an attorney. She stressed that  she was not
> an attorney. Beginning in Oct. her hours at Centro Hispano  will
> be 12:00 PM ? 5:00 pm on Mondays. She available for consultations
> to all who need it.
>  1)    Announcements
>  a)    Hospice Care?s Sister Relationship with Karibu in  Meru
> Kenya. It was announced that the Hospice Care had sister-institute
> relationship with Karibu, a similar establishment in Meru, Kenya.
> A  doctor from the institution is on an official visit here and a
> fundraising dinner was scheduled for Oct. 4, 2005.
>  b)    Schools of Hope ? Needs volunteers. It provides tutors for
> elementary, middle and high school students.
>  c)    St. Peter?s Parish has a sister-diocese  relationship with
> a diocese in Ghana. St. Peter?s is hosting visitors  from the
> Ghanaian parish.
>  d)    AFFEST 2004 video is available for sale. The price is $20
> per copy.
>  e)    Volunteers are needed for badger games. Proceeds  go to
> finance Africa House. Interested persons should contact Richard
> Yarl, Chairman of the Outreach Committee.
>  f)    Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas,  ULAA,
> will be meeting in Madison on October 22, 2005 at Bethany
> Methodist Church. Your support will be appreciated.
>  2)    Committee Reports
>  a)    Financial Report ? Joseph Brewoo, the  Association?s
> Treasurer, presented a summary of the financial  activities of the
> Association since he took office. His report covered  both the
> General and the Scholarship Accounts. On a question by Godwin
> Amegashie on whether AAM had any expenditure on Monona Terrace and
> Convention Centre, Joe reported none. Joe reported that he was in
> the  process of convening a meeting of the Financial Committee,
> which  comprises of himself, Frank Kooistra and Adetunji Lesi to
> look into  updating the Association?s tax status with the IRS. He
> informed members  of donations made on their behalf to various
> relief efforts ? Hurricane  Katrina and Stoughton Tornado ($100 to
> each  effort).
>  Kervin Soko moved for adoption of the financial report and was
> seconded  by Godwin Amegashie.  The motion was unanimously adopted.
>  b)    Outreach Committee ? Richard Yarl, the Chairperson  of the
> committee reported he was still looking for interested members  of
> the community to join the committee whose membership currently is
> the chairman and Ben Weller.  He encouraged members to purchase
> the AFFEST 2004 video which is now available at $20 per copy.
> Richard  Yarl also solicited volunteers, especially High School
> Students, for  Badgers game day volunteer service.
>  The President thanked Anita Makuluni on her work producing the
> newsletter and the Outreach Committee for reaching out to the
> community.
>  3)    Collection of Dues- More members introduced themselves and
> the meeting took a break for collection of dues.
>  4)    Presentations ? Focus Group & Bye-Law
>  a)    Focus Group ? Richard Lowe gave a final  presentation of
> the Focus Group initiative. Please see handout. His  presentation
> outlined the type of activities AAM could engage in. The  project
> identified problems facing and opportunities available to the
> association.  b)    Aggo Akyea delivered the second presentation.
> Please see attachment. He focused on a specific recommendation
> generated from the Focus Group initiative ? change in the
> organizational structure of the Association. Part of the
> recommendation  from the Focus Group initiative was to move to a
> Board-run association  instead of the current presidential system
> where all power rested with  the President and the executive
> accountable only to the general  membership. Aggo compared both
> structures and listed why the move to a  board-run association was
> necessary. Some of the reasons included  better management of the
> association, assurance of continuity, better  accountability, and
> discernible line of authority and more commitment  to the goals
> and aspirations of the Association. The Association will  be able
> to tap into the community to get experts to serve on the  board.
> The presentation highlighted the responsibilities of the  board
> and those of the executive and the line of
> authority between the  two- the Executive reports to the Board of
> Directors.
>  5)    Next Steps
>  a)    4 volunteers are needed from the floor to join the
> Executive in finalizing work on the Bye-Laws
>  b)    Scheduling of a special meeting to ratify the Bye-Laws
>  c)    Implementation is tentatively scheduled for the December
> general meeting.
>  6)    OPEN Discussion- Questions, Comments & Suggestions
>  Several speakers commended the Executive for the Focus Group
> project  and the restructuring initiative. A member wanted a copy
> of the  presentation. Samba wants extra volunteers to help promote
> the December  general meeting for better attendance.  Kaari Lowe
> wanted to know  if any of the positions were salaried. The reply
> was ?No?.  Ann  Marie Dawson suggested that a good way to recruit
> new members was  through the national associations. Adelaide Fiske
> suggested that  individuals take the initiative of promoting the
> Association through  word of mouth.
>  Kervin Soko commended the Focus Group for a job well done and
> suggested  that the national groups be represented in the Board of
> Directors.  Samba and Salifou agreed with Kervin that national
> associations be  represented on the board. Samba further suggested
> that AAM had a low  image among the national associations because
> AAM had no tangible  accomplishments after several years of
> existence. Dean Makuluni  disagreed. In Dean?s opinion to suggest
> that AAM has failed ignores its  accomplishments like AFFEST. He
> said that it was a question of  developing programs that will
> appeal to members and the  community.  Ego Enemuoh thanked the
> President for the presentation  and concurred with the switch to a
> board-run association. Maja said the  presentations were good and
> relevant to the progress of the  association. He thinks there is
> room for optimism pending what programs  are developed and if
> there is accountability.  Richard Yarl  charged members to
> participate because the association
> will fail  without members participation.
>  Ann Marie wound up the discussion by reminding attendees that
> the  constitution is dynamic and a work in progress. Therefore,
> members  should not wait until November (time for adoption of bye-
> laws) to offer  suggestions. Salifou suggested that the Outreach
> Committee get involved  with the job of notifying our community of
> the anticipated changes ?  the constitution and the Focus Group.
>  The following volunteered for the respective groups:
>  a)    Constitution Drafting Committee
>  i.    Kervin Soko
>  ii.    Samba Baldeh
>  iii.    Kaari Lowe
>  iv.    Salifou Issoufou
>  b)    Outreach Committee
>  i.    Jennifer Kendagor
>  ii.    Gibril Jarjue [log in to unmask]
>  The meeting adjourned at 7:32 PM on a motion by Ann Marie Dawson.

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