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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Oct 2007 02:53:29 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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"My brother Haruna," Yero.
Yes my good friend, how are you?
"Passing through shady characters might as well jeopardize things."  Yero.
I believe you imply my choice of Jatta and Mbowe as interlocutors. I also  
believe Jatta and Mbowe are shady characters. Even before they associated  
themselves with Yahya. I know the two of them and Yahya knows the two of them.  
Yahya does have a modicum of comfort with them regardless of what I or you  think 
of them. The idea here is to choose interlocutors that Yahya feels  
comfortable with because it is important for Yahya to know that I will  complete my end 
of the bargain when he completes his end of the bargain. That is  proper in 
considerations. It is not as important for me to choose my  favourite people as 
it is for Yahya to consider me a reliable partner. I hope I  make some sense 
here Yero.
"A donkey knows no negotiation, but the whip." Yero.
This is a bit extreme and it wreaks of grandstanding. I advise you cease.  
Besides, I do not have the luxury of such disposition. Lives and freedoms of  
other are at risk. Further, if I thought Yahya was a donkey, I would not have  
undertaken to share ideas with him. I think we should cease such gratuitous  
animus. It serves no purpose. I am just as frustrated as you with Yahya but  you 
ought to be able to articulate your frustration and with  propriety. 
Name-calling is banter for the clueless. I'm sorry Yero, I had to  give you some tough 
love. I know you don't really believe this about Yahya but  you're letting 
your frustration get the better of you. I would have thought you  would have 
supported or encouraged me in this endeavour. I want you to know that  FJManneh 
thinks highly of Magistrate Jawo and all the other Judges in whose  courtrooms 
she appeared. She thinks the charges are too extreme to be  adjudicable, and 
she awaits yahya's better judgement to drop all charges without  prejudice. And 
I have another deal to make with Yahya if he yields to FJManneh's  wishes. I 
was gonna surprise Yahya with that so I will reserve it until I am  able to 
surprise him.
"Until such a time when Gambians and their friends put it at the back of  
their minds that we don't beg" Yero.
I am not begging for anything. I seek trade of considerations for relief  for 
our fellow citizens. Full stop.
"or compromize freedom and liberty," Yero.
Compromise. I do not seek compromise of Freedom and Liberty. I share  
perspectives and considerations in Freedom and Liberty, and on the behalf  of my 
fellow citizens who desire relief from wrongful arrest and  detention.
"then we are stagnant." Yero.
Try original thought sometime and wean yourself of unintelligible  
soundbites. That is too much PDOIS. And they are stagnant. Life is an  exhilarating 
paradigm for those who desire to live it.
"You have to insist on it from any oppressor." Yero.
This pre-supposes the existence of the oppressor. I think you have herded  in 
the desert too many times. Mirages are the scope of your visions Yero.  How 
about not accepting an oppressor in the first place before you have to  insist 
on inalienable freedoms and liberties?
"The oppressor will never willingly give it up." Yero.
Exactly. But Yahya will consider value for their yield. Value that  folk like 
you and my uncle Suntou attempt to obscure from Yahya.
"Any of them, the minor one or the major one. It's nothing but 'shit' [  
excuse my french yaw.]" Yero.
Think for a minute Yero. What would your venom yield you? What could it  
possibly yield you? And whatever it yields you, how are you sure that that is  
more valuable to your fellow citizen than considered wisdom? I must share with  
you that you are still not the most frustrated or angry with Yahya. In fact I  
know that much of this display is grandstanding. People who mean business are  
more circumspect than what you and Suntou display. Consider that FJManneh is 
a  brave soul and she is more valuable to Yahya when she is free than when she 
is  detained. In effect, your hatred of Yahya could very well be misplaced. 
Ok I  know you didn't get this one. The reason why She has not been brought  
before any court for a long time after two courts rejected the case could very  
well be that Yahya needs the interlude to reflect and he may already have  
considered releasing her from the vortex of detention even before I thought  
about speaking with him about considerations. I know your mind is so far gone  
about Yahya, you can't bring yourself to believe this could be the case. The  
same goes for Rambo and Kanyibaa Kanyi. We must admit that there is a modicum of  
injured pride here for Yahya and we must be considerate of that too as we 
plead  with his better judgement. Allah can be funny sometimes.
"That's why it turns me off when i see killer-instincts and people with  
tendencies to become oppressors, any form of it." Yero.
I abhor killer-instincts and people with tendencies to become oppressors as  
much as you do. You may not know this but both you and I have this capacity. 
The  trick is to manage it for good rather than evil. That is where our better  
judgements come in. Do you agree? Or do you not believe you have killer  
instincts and tendencies of an oppressor?
"That's where self-defense should come into play." Yero.
Allo! Allo!!, Earth to Yero, can you hear me?? Can you hear me now? Good!  
Now focus. The only way you defend yourself against your more odious instincts  
is to strengthen your benign and more valuable instincts and hone your 
retrieval  mechanism to train on wisdom. As Gandhi is wont to quip; "Be the change 
you  seek".
"But thanks for your open demonstration, and it does make a lot of  
difference to me, because time and again, you featured her name in your  threads." Yero.
Don't worry Yero. I am confident there is method to some of our seeming  
madnesses. The way I see it, you appreciate value but it will forever be  out of 
your reach if you remain so restless and sensitive. I frankly don't  know what 
grandstanding could possibly yield anyone. More than likely death  by 
accidental injury.
"It can be only out of concern and frustration I realized." Yero.
Indeed. And love for my fellow citizen. Not concern and frustration only  
(which is all you and Suntou have right now). I have the additional interest of  
love for my fellow citizens Suntou, Yero, FJManneh, Yahya, Rambo, Kanyibaa  
Kanyi, Tamsir Mbowe, Veep Ajaratou, and baboucarr Jatta. Did I  share a story 
about Baboucarr and myself with you? Well, you'll have to wait  until June of 
'08 and remind me or you can check the archives of Posten.
"If you want to know how to be in further help to her, please give her a  
courtesy call, I am sure she will appreciate it." Yero.
Don't worry. When I call FJ, it will be to let her know she is free to go  
anywhere she pleases without prior written permission from anyone. I'll let  you 
do the courtesy calls to her and keep us abreast of her spirits. Better yet,  
I don't want you or Suntou calling FJManneh until I announce that you can. 
You  may hinder her expeditious release unawares. You hear me?
"Little one," Yero.
Haroun Al Khairawan. You call yourself my younger pliny all the time but  you 
don't listen to me. Why is that? MQDT. Darbo. 

Fatou Jaw  Manneh’s CaseWhat’s On?By Fabakary B. CeesayThe sedition trial 
involving  journalist Fatou Jaw Manneh and the state has been at a standstill 
since the  case was rejected by Magistrate Imelda Mboto of Banjul Magistrates 
Court on  Monday 6 August, for lack of her court’s jurisdiction to hear the 
case. She then  maintained that the case should be filed at Brikama which has 
jurisdiction over  the matter since the accused was arrested in that 
jurisdiction.Journalist Fatou  Jaw Manneh was first tried at the Kanifing Magistrates Court 
by Magistrate Buba  Jawo from 4 April to the 3 July 2007. On 3 July the trial 
magistrate ruled that  his court has no jurisdiction to hear the case and 
therefore transferred the  matter to Banjul which he maintained had jurisdiction. 
On Monday 6 August,  Magistrate Imelda Mboto of Banjul Magistrates Court also 
declined to hear the  case noting that her court had no jurisdiction to hear 
the case. She said the  prosecution should file their case at the Brikama 
Magistrates’ Court. Since then  the trial never proceeded either at Brikama or 
Banjul.Fatou Jaw Manneh, a  Gambian journalist based in the US, was arrested upon 
arrival at the Banjul  International Airport on the 28 March and detained at 
the National Intelligence  Agency (NIA) for five days before appearing in 
court on 3 April before  Magistrate Pa Harry Jammeh.She refused to take her plea 
without a counsel. The  following day 4 April, she re-appeared before 
Magistrate Buba Jawo. 

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