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Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:09:28 +0000
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
yanks dabo <[log in to unmask]>
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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I embrace your new pacifist approach to resolving Gambian issues, 
but i beg to differ on the issue of dialogue with Karl Marx and Frederich Angel's

Dialogue with these socialists monks had not work in the past, i wonder what 
guarantee do you have to suppose that it will work in the future. As far as i'm concern 
things are better off as they are, we don't need another Halifa lectures on superstructures
and base structures of our societies.

No more Nadd!
and No more another Nadd!
No deals with the socialist! Simple!

Do you realise the UDP as a party performed well before joining Nadd than after 
joining Nadd. Nadd was one big mistake Ousainou had ventured into 2 years ago. The result
was accusation upon accusation, if you ask me, Ousainou lost whilst MC Halifa went platnum 
with sales. 

I am not being contmacious to take this view! It is my ardent believe that things are better 
off as they are.  It is for the best that the UDP/NRP dont jeopardise their chances by meddling with 
the socialist trinity again.

Brethren Yanks

> Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:30:47 +0000
> From: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Pa Pierre is a handsome man/ Foroya for the source of authoritative news
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Haruna
>   My global outlook is neoliberal. I don't subscribe to socialism but I embrace social justice and equality in humanist perspectives. But with Gambian predicament PDOIS is a key player and for the way forward Ousanoiu and Hamat has protagonist in Gambian political scenery should liase and have a dialogue. They are active voice for social enligtment. I belief in liberal democracy and enhance active voice for democracy. In a country of our birth the mass media is none functional and the active voice in the media for authorative voice of the oppressive is Foroyya. It with be a lot of dishonesty without given the medium the acknowledgement for a job well done.
> Haruna Darbo <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   My good friend Pa Pierre,
> I know you're a good and innocent man but I did not know you will wear the 
> PDOIS heart on your sleeve. I want you to take a deep breath and let your mind 
> wander a bit. I know that is anathema to PDOIS dogma, but just try it. 
> Please. I think you have too terribly insulated your imagination and creativity to 
> a point that like PDOIS, you fail to grow with nature.
> "Dear Haruna, I have stated in the past that you belong to fine calibre of 
> inellectuals. A trait that stands out among your other attributes is how you 
> employ the Socrates techniques of using opponents statements to shackle them 
> intellectually. I do not wish to pick a debate with you; Needless to say, do 
> not bother to shackle me." PP
> Thank you Pa Pierre, you're too kind. You belong to your own unique calibre 
> of intellectuals too you know. We only diffre in calibres and circumstance 
> but intellectual nonetheless. I appreciate the kind words and I promise you my 
> engagements with you can only be civil. Because you have demonstrated immense 
> restraint even though I may have caused you enormous pain by seeming not to 
> like PDOIS or Halifa, or Sam, or Sidia. I think that's a big stretch but I'll 
> pretend you're right. I don't know about PDOIS, but the gentlemen can 
> discern if I dislike them or not.
> "I have a few observasions and objections to unfold on your table. PDOIS, or 
> Halifa, Sam and Sedia, are not wolfs in sheep clothings." PP.
> Pa Pierre, what brings you to such query? I agree with you that these fine 
> and handsome gentlemen are indeed genuine and sincere to the core of their 
> souls. They are and have always been generous also. So I wonder why you bring 
> yourself to consider "are not wolves in sheep's clothing"? 
> "They are not angels chanting satanic pranks either." PP
> OK. From the two statements I believe you share with us that they are 
> humans, you just can't qualify their characters. Fair enough.
> "They are men like you and i. Men who deliberately chose to lead a livestyle 
> less confortable than i guess yours and mine." PP
> I would be more comfortable if you were to speak for yourself Pa Pierre. The 
> reason is because I don't compare very well to others.
> "In view of this you may use your own yardstick to determind where u want to 
> place them." PP
> I see where the problem lies. You probably think I am trying to place 
> Halifa, Sam, and Sidia somewhere. I was not, and I am not. I am looking at the trio 
> through the prism of PDOIS, what they wish to offer me and my fellow 
> citizens. That's all. I couldn't care less where they are placed besides PDOIS.
> "In Gambia, i had the rare opportunity to interact with many personalities 
> of high esteem, but almost in all cases, i come out of the experience with a 
> disappointing impressions. Every department i walk into, welcomes me with that 
> ugly vice of corruption. Nawec, Gptc, Gamworks, Customs, portauthority, 
> Gcaa, Gamtel, Police, etc." PP
> Did you agree to be welcomed by their enticements??? That is the question.
> "All the places i names, i can mention an incident of corruption i was 
> forced to be part of or some how know about it by virture of my position at the 
> time in question." PP
> Wait a minute. How do folk force you into incidents of corruption Pa Pierre? 
> I don't get it. You see, and being a man of the cloth as you are may agree 
> with me, One is corrupt only to the extent of his or her pre-disposition. 
> Think about it a little bit Pa Pierre. I do not believe you when you tell me you 
> were ever forced into corruption or had to live with it even if your life 
> hung in the balance. That is why I cautioned you that I don't compare well with 
> men in your sample.
> "On the other hand, what i saw when i walk into PDOIS political Bereau is 
> humanity at its best." PP.
> Pa Pierre, Pa Pierre, Pa Pierre. There you go too. Just like Father Mose. So 
> you were forced into corruption and looked the other way when your fellow 
> citizens corrupted themselves. You did not go to Church or the mosque to seek 
> salvation and forgiveness and you did not ask those you defrauded to forgive 
> you, but you seek refuge at PDOIS' politburo. What do you think is wrong with 
> that picture father????? For one, I think the Lord advises that we may not 
> seek nor may be receive salvation from the good that others do or from their 
> salvations. He, the Lord, most merciful, will save us when we seek it from him 
> on condition that we repent and train on due-diligence and circumspect from 
> thence onward. Pray tell, why do you compare your experiences at the PDOIS 
> politburo to an experience you helped create and propagate? Do you not know that 
> if you pluck Sidia, Sam, or Halifa out of the politburo and place them in 
> the "compromising" situations you had been under when you were corrupted under 
> duress, that the trio will have to rely on their own characters and 
> pre-dispositions to counter the temptations you yielded to??? What I share with you my 
> good brother, is that when you compare an organisation of several 
> individuals (PDOIS politburo is actually more than Halifa, Sam, and Sidia, why you 
> honed in on those three is bewildering) to just you, you have already 
> self-imposed a disadvantage which when considered in relation to your questionable 
> stamina, may lead to a victim and saviour pre-disposition. This was done just 
> before your first step into the politburo. What it did to you for eternity, was 
> that it relieved you of your own responsibility toward your fellow citizen and 
> the Lord, and it supplanted your belief in your own possibilities and 
> potential with the potential and possibilities of a larger group of your fellow 
> citizens and so you wouldn't have to worry about personal accountabilities and 
> such. This is very fundamental and I encourage you to think of it a bit 
> further.
> "their Dedication, Devotion and Determination to Duty is second to none in 
> the entire Gambia." PP
> These are the pronouncements it leads you to make. Here, you share your 
> impressions of the Politburo, Halifa, Sam, and Sidia, in relation to your 
> singular failures, and unawares, place the onus of accountability on the shoulders 
> of these good people. That is exactly why you have the mirage in your mind, 
> that Haruna does not like Halifa, Sam, or Sidia. Lets not get overly 
> sentimental here. I happen to have higher admiration for Halifa, Sam, and Sidia, than 
> you may ever conjure much less have for these individuals. The difference is 
> that I don't place the burdens of my personal ware on the shoulders of these 
> fellow citizens even though they are willing and able to shoulder those 
> burdens for me. You see, what I think is that people who look to these three people 
> for salvation are themselves suspect and listless. It is highly unfair to 
> Halifa, Sam, and Sidia.
> "If every Gambian sense of responsibility is close to what i see at the 
> PDOIS political Bereau," PP.
> I dare say Pa Pierre that you have a limited scope of Gambian experiences. 
> What you saw at the Politburo was less than 1% of Gambians. You must believe 
> that had you experienced many more Gambians, you may appreciate them better. 
> And try to divorce your personal shortcomings from your expectations of them.
> "we would have made a superb achievement of our goals as a nation." PP
> This is non-sequitur. The politburo works everyday to achieve her goals. If 
> Pa Pierre also works everyday to achieve his goals, and were those goals 
> national in theme and affect, then your statement immediately above will be good. 
> For now it is non-sequitur and inconsequential as to Gambia.
> "While i was in High school, we would converge in serrekunda for private 
> studies with Sam Sarr of PDOIS. I would normally go to this class with my Maths 
> problems and i have never paid a dime for this bi-weekly classes. Other 
> students come with chemistry problems, others Physics and Sam was amaising during 
> those encounters. He walks into the class empty handed and it was just 
> amaising how he was solving problems he has not had time to rehease. Halifa, i bet 
> you my brother, you probably do not want me to go through what u and i already 
> know. Sidia, with whom i had little or no interaction, except to say the 
> Arabic version of Foroyaa newspaper published in the 90s was probably his 
> translations. I was buying the arabic version regularly for my Mandinka neighbor." 
> PP.
> I am pleased you recognized Sam to be intelligent and generous. I had known 
> that sooner than you. You guys like telling these mushy stories Pa Pierre. Do 
> you not think that because you had pre-conditioned your mind to seek 
> salvation in the politburo, that these personal experiences take on more spiritual 
> and ecumenical fervour??
> "Haruna, when u try to draw a parallel between respect for personalities of 
> PDOIS and the votes they gain at election as your bases of condemning Halifa, 
> then it will be tantamount to employing the mockery tactic used by one of the 
> robbers on the cross with Jesus Christ;" PP.
> Wait just a minute Pa Pierre. With all due respect I think you are 
> mis-informed here. I want to remind you that I had shared John Edwards' value with my 
> coleagues here, and out of left field comes Jengfann telling me that the 4% 
> John polled in Nevada would mean that his coffin is nailed shut. So I shared 
> that for Jengfann, a PDOIS diehard, a party which polls significantly less 
> than 4% in Gambia National elections and even local county elections, to be 
> disdainful of John Edwards, an honourable gentleman dispised for his strength to 
> tell the truth and stick with it regardless of fame or fortune, a character 
> trait that PDOIS itself preaches to you people if you'll ever listen to what 
> PDOIS is sharing with you, to proclaim the death of John Edwards from that 4% 
> gain in Nevada, which John is proud and appreciative of, means that you PDOIS 
> diehards either do not understand what PDOIS really stands for, shares with 
> you and your fellow citizens, or that you are patently dishonest and you are 
> in PDOIS for your selfish interests. Halifa, Sam, and Sidia, do not have 
> anything to do with your malcomprehensions and your ulterior motives. The only 
> thing is that you will not help PDOIS as party this way. You will only keep 
> worshipping men who do not wish for your worship, and PDOIS as a party will 
> never be able to grow, overburdened by such considerations. Jesus has nothing to 
> do with this, and leave the man outta this.
> "That if jesus was really the son of God why does he had to share the same 
> fate as they the robbers." PP
> Pa Pierre ifanang ikebaayata nying yele. Just like Suntou, I don't think you 
> ought to be proseletising here. Do I look like I care if Jesus was the son 
> of God or not? That is only for Jesus and God's consideration. All I know is 
> I, Haruna, am a son of God. Just like many of my fellow humans and citizens 
> are children of God. It is what you do that qualifies your life than mere love 
> of your father.
> "That is a fallacy which challenges the notion that; if PDOIS was a fine 
> calibre of Men the onus is on it to attract a large following." PP
> No Pa Pierre, you got it upside down, inside out. After Suntou shared with 
> us that the people of Wulli practically worship the ground that the 
> Afro-toting-wing of PDOIS walks on, The question became, "Might PDOIS not therefore do 
> better in the polls when the apostles share a more common message"? You are 
> straying too far into Jesus to appreciate PDOIS Pa Pierre. I encourage you to 
> expand your horizon to better receive PDOIS' message.
> "How can we blame God for making hell gate larger then Heaven gate." PP.
> Just to play along with you Pa Pierrre, who told you Hell's gate is larger 
> than that of the heavens?
> "In short, God is good, but it is our responsibility to draw close to god by 
> fulfilling his commandments and not the other way round." PP.
> You are very funny. Just like Suntou. You know the truth and you come to it 
> after each tour in fanciful cavortin, but then you stray from it again at the 
> beginning of each tour out.
> "Pdois has demonstrated with their little resources that they are good It is 
> therefore our responsibility to vote for them and not their responsibility 
> sir." PP.
> What????? Pa Pierre come on men. I would think that if PDOIS has 
> demonstrated to you that they are good with their little resources, you ought to give 
> more resources. You know they send out pleas to their congregation for more 
> resources. I hope you afford them more resources so they can continue to be and 
> do more good. Why does that translate into a responsibility for other to vote 
> them into office. Are you not concerned that PDOIS will leave a vacuum in 
> Good-doing when they now lead a nation? Besides, I think you benefitted from 
> PDOIS politburo good that is the only reason why you owe an obligation to them 
> so more people can benefit from their good. I like the Catholic Relief 
> Service's work and the Jammeh Foundation's work, but you don't see me placing a 
> responsibility on myself to vote them into leadership office. I use their 
> good-doing as inspiration to do good also. That is what they love more than votes. 
> You get it Pa Pierre. The Politburo has a fundamental discernment question to 
> answer. Will we continue to do good selfless work as a charity or should we 
> requisition votes for PDOIS in exchange for our good-doing????????????????? 
> That is the existential question. Pa Pierre, I don't wanna hear any u' this 
> nonesense about good quid for vote quos. You remmember you shared that you were 
> forced to be corrupt once. Well now everybody knows PDOIS is not forcing you 
> to do anything. I'm just saying.
> "I know you will be surprise that i had all this to say today." PP.
> No Pa Pierre, I wasn't surprised. I knew it all along. ANd I can see you 
> coming 10 miles away. Besides, it wasn't much you said. It just looked like it 
> for the Jesus and church stories and your experience at the politburo.
> "I am using this opportunity to respond to several of your previous postings 
> which have been consistent in their condemnation of Halifa and PDOIS." PP.
> I recognised that. The only thing is the comprehension of those posts is 
> deficient. And you offer no context. Dishonest. For example, you could at least 
> share one post where I condemned either PDOIS or Halifa, or both. That will 
> have been more interesting.
> Pa Pierre, don't disappoint me and our other coleagues here. I thought you 
> were diligent and reasonable. Don't give me doubts. Just let me love you men. 
> Don't mess it up men.
> A tout a l'heure. Haroun. Al Khairawan. MQJDT. Darbo
> was available at most of our symposia making magnificant presenta
> --- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> From: Haruna Darbo 
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Halifa Sallah is a handsome man /
> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 13:34:00 EST
> My friend Bailo, good to hear you again. But how come all you Obama heads 
> got your heads buried in cloud-cuchoo sand?? And you seem so intelligent!!!!
> "Haruna, My supposition is that Halifa doesn't want to show off his 
> handsomeness." Bailo.
> You mean "DID NOT" all those years. Why now though? Do you suppose if he 
> really showed his true feelings, maybe PDOIS' fortunes would look up as far 
> as 
> votes are concerned? The wulli people worshipping Afros according to our 
> friend Suntou is an aberration but just suppose PDOIS folk began to be 
> genuine 
> Gambians, I mean one of us, do you suppose we will receive them as equals? 
> Or 
> are they really our equals??? So many questions, so little time.
> "Your pal, John Edwards is a handsome man too." Bailo.
> Alright what's the catch?? I know you too well Bailo. You cannot say 
> unequivocally that John Edwards is handsome and the best man for President 
> of these 
> Unanted Istates without following it with a bombshell. SO what's the catch?
> "I also think that John would make an excellent choice as Obama's 
> running-mate should the latter be able to ride pass the Clintons' quest for 
> a third 
> term at the White House." Bailo.
> I knew it. You got this backwords my dear. OBAMA will make a fair running 
> mate for John Edwards. John Edwards will make a great running mate for 
> Hillary 
> Clinton if Black folk can get past their day-dreamings. Do you know who 
> will 
> run an OBAMA white-house??? Its time y'all wake up and smell the coffee 
> before its too late. If OBAMA becomes president at this time, blacks will 
> live to 
> regret it for their entire life. If they think that life is sorry now, they 
> aint seen nuttin yet. The days of settin on your fanny and expecting a 
> knight 
> in shining armour to rid you of your misery is OVER.
> "Bill and Hilary seem so desperate to get back." Bailo.
> Bailo, ifanang. Ikeebaayaatale. I beg of you, do not yield to listless 
> gossip and gaucherie. Ginny is crazy's all I can say. Can you believe 
> someone 
> hating and slandering admittendly without reason? If that ain't crazy, I 
> don't 
> know what is.
> "I hope America is at least ready for a mixed raced President in the White 
> House. Amen! I have a dream!" Bailo.
> You guys still don't get it. America, like the UK, France, Italy, Sweden, 
> Denmark, Norway, and Australia etcetera, HAVE ALWAYS BEEN READY FOR 
> STRAIGHT-RACE, SKEWED-RACE candidates. For AMERICA, that just ain't BARACK 
> OBAMA at this time. God I hope you guys don't let sentimentalism and 
> untethered and listless hope confound you. At least not my Bailo and 
> Moribolong. I may 
> have lost Mr. Jobarteh already, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna lose you 
> and 
> Ousman. 
> Please reconsider your unconditional attachment to Barack for President of 
> America. If you don't like John Edwards, please support Hillary Clinton. 
> Barack will make a great Secretary of State in either an Edwards or a 
> Clinton 
> Presidency. Then in 2012, he will have been ready to be President and all 
> of us, 
> including Edwards and CLinton will make sure he is President. Don't go 
> saying 
> that I think Barack needs more experience. NO THAT IS NOT what I'm saying 
> and frankly I think Barack has enough experience to be President somewhere. 
> Just not America. Barack will only be an effective President of America in 
> a 
> more benign atmosphere. Not Now. We got a lotta work to do in America to 
> right 
> the sails after my friend W leaves office. Barack is not suitable for those 
> challenges. One reason is he does have some conflicts of interest that will 
> malign his foreign policy. Two is he lives in fantasy land about bringing 
> independents and republicans to join democrats and move the country 
> forward. Just 
> ask yourself, if independents, republicans, and democrats were to join 
> together, would his administration be needed to do anything??? That is the 
> far side 
> of this fairy tale that our other friend Bill Clinton talks about. In my 
> eyes, Duval Patrick, Governor of Massachusetts will have gotten my vote 
> were he 
> to run for President at any time. I know he supports Barack. He has a 
> different reason for doing that. Bailo, I don't want to go on and on for 
> God knows I 
> want Barack to get as many black votes as he could, but you guys 
> castigating 
> the Clintons and every body else for your support of Barack is detrimental 
> to 
> Barack himself. Don't get carried away by Ginny. You don't know Ginny's 
> politique. Even she doesn't know her own politique quite well. No comment 
> on 
> Maria Del Sol. She will deal with her own unique deamons. And tell joe to 
> friggin 
> settle down. Anytime he opens his big mouth, you think the skies are 
> falling 
> and life's over. I don't know about you Bailo, but I intend to live for 
> another year. I must say though that I agree with him this time about giving 
> idiots a pass. He's just too nervous for my sanity. He's the fear-monger 
> Barack 
> keeps talking about. And of course my other friend John McCain. I didn't 
> even 
> know that McCain cannot raise his two hands past his head. I always thought 
> === message truncated ===
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