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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 2 Mar 2007 12:49:17 -0500
text/plain (51 lines)
True, but there's a very very very big difference between almost unusable, 
like the DVD recorders and stuff, and useable with slight limitations like 
the XM satellite radios and Sirius. I guess for some it's a fine line, but I 
have learned over the years that if there's any way in the world I can use 
it, that's fine because when you start pushing for minor things to be 
spoken, eventually what you run in to is, people wanting more than just a 
few models of product X that are 100% accessible and the companies are not 
going to cater to a small group. If you meet them part way, let them know 
what they can do to make it easier, most of them will listen to and possibly 
work with you. I've talked to cell phone providers and various other product 
companies about stuff like that and if you do in demanding you want speech 
read out on the screen, they'll demand you go bother some one else. If you 
suggest things that you're willing to live with, different beeps, or 
something like that, an easy interface, they'll listen and do it. You can't 
see the screen, so what, you can't see out your window either, neither can 
I, is my house not accessible? Let's get rid of windows or have something 
that tells constantly what's going on outside. Hell, let's complain about TV 
since we can't see what's on the screen, or work in the menus or anything. 
Seen a high end coffee maker these days? I don't think I could work my 
mother's very well, let's go after those companies too. There m ay be work 
around, I don't know I've never used it, but hell, half the people in this 
conversation on the other list had never  used XM radio and they come in 
with idiotic comments, so what the heck, let's all do it. OK, I've had 
enough, I'm going to get my not accessible VE testing materials, and put it 
in my not accessible backpack, go to my not accessible cellar, and get 
something I'm giving some one, btw, that person and item are also not 
accessible, and put them in my not accessible closet so I can get ready for 
my not accessible busy day tomorrow and afternoon today for that matter. In 
other words, I have better things to do than worry about the minor things. 
The stuff I can't use at all, of a product, that's worth worrying about but 
if I have 90% usability, it's not worth it.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Harvey Heagy" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: off topic xm and serious

>I understand what you are saying, John, but it is something we as blind
> people are going to have to address.  Everything is becoming more and more
> digital and more and more menu oriented.  And we need access to those
> features.  For example, pretty soon there aren't going to be any more ;new
> VCR's.  There are already no more new Speak-EZ units and parts such as
> remotes are hard to find.  If we are going to be pushed towards DVR, and
> touchpad receivers, the least companies can do is make them accessible to 
> us
> which the technology is there to do.  After all, there is supposed to be 
> an
> ADA isn't there?
> Harvey