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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Dec 2006 09:14:09 -0700
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi Every one,
    I've been thinking about these statements which has kind of lead me in 
the direction of asking, "What Is Sin anyway
    It is a greater issue than most of us want to tackle.  I can't find the 
exact wording of a scripture which says that sin is the transgression of the 
law.  .  Sounds like Romans..  Anyway, I believe that sin is more than 
transgressing the ten commandments--at least in my life.  Sin is disobeying 
the Word that The Lord has spoken directly to me.  Most of the church is not 
teaching accountability these days, that is, accountability to others, and 
to God.
    In my little experiences with teaching of some ministries, sin gets to 
be kind of like a credit card statement.  Yeah, Jesus paid it all, so I 
don't have anything to do about it.  Well, if I sin, I'm only human anyway, 
so what's the big deal?  Right?  Wrong.
Sometimes, at least in my experience, we are not walking closely enough 
withthe Lord to allow Him to convict us, and we just go on our merry little 
way, without fellowship with the Lord, smug and satisfied with our 
doctorine,thinking  we are just fine, thank you.

    I know in my life there are certain areas which God has commanded me not 
to touch, so if I fskirt these issues, and flirt with these areas, it may 
not be sin for you, but between the Lord and I, it is sin.  If I don't 
repent, can I just expect the full measure of his presence in my life and 
walk?  True, he says that he will not leave us, nor forsake us, but if we 
are going to walk with him, it has to be on his terms, not our terms.
    As far as judging others is concerned, there is a difference between 
judging as far is discernment is concerned, and judging unto condenmation. 
Before we fling the don't judge scripture around at one another,  find out 
what you're judging. Do a word study and judging according to condemnaation, 
or according to God's principles. you judging teachings according to the 
scriptuere and asking the Lord to show what is right or wrong?  or are we 
judging to condemn.  We do have to warn others about those who lead others 
away, but our spirit must be right in doing so, we must do that with 
grieving, not with gloating.
  The big watch word out there today is tollerance.  We are supposed to 
tollerate all behaviors today, and if we don't we are intollerant.  Yet, 
What a mess.

Ok, I'll get down of my soap box.
