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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Dec 2006 22:17:01 -0700
text/plain (143 lines)
This isn't exactly finished but good enough to read.

Baby Jesus

By Phil Scovell

     I was praying with a lady the other day who started out by
expressing the depression she had recently been feeling.  This
was nothing new to this woman, of course, because she had lived
with depression for her entire life and she is 53 years of age.
This also was not the only diagnosed disorder she had in her life
either.  Bulimia was just one of many such diagnoses.  We would
run out of the alphabet if I listed all of her diagnosed

     This particular day, however, she was explaining that the
depression felt different and it somehow seemed to be connected
with her eating habits and especially with her diabetes.  Knowing
nothing about psychology and knowing nothing other than how to
pray, I suggested we just pray about it and see where the Holy
Spirit leads.

     The minute we prayed, she saw herself as a little girl at the
table eating a meal with her family.  She explained that her
mother had been bulimic but sometimes they ate lavishly and
sometimes they ate minimally based upon how her mother felt at the

     Almost immediately, the Lord exposed the lie she believed and
that was, she had exchanged love for food.  You see, she was a
child that was constantly molested from infancy, to her teen
years, by both her father and brother.  She never knew what love
really was.  She eventually equated food with love because, she
explained, she enjoyed the time eating with her family because
things were ok and safe and peaceful at those times.

     You may be wondering if there is more to it, that is, the
fact a little girl somehow got the eating of food mixed up with
love?  The answer is, yes, there was more and lots of it.  She
began having seizures as a small little girl.  Add to this all the
physical and mental and emotional abuse, and you have a fine
recipe for not only psychodynamic abnormalities but spiritual as
well.  What do I mean when I say spiritual ramifications?  There
is a demonic realm, they live in a different dimension than we,
and they love to use opportunities of disabilities, confusion, and
emotional distortion to implant lies and deception within the
minds of little children.  Yes, they try doing it with adults,
too, but the adult mind is much more developed and can often think
more rationally through the deception without a lie being accepted
as fact.  Little Children do not have this capability and thus are
perfect targets for both abusers in the physical realm and the
demonics which interface to the spiritual realm and the physical.

     Where might such mind activity occur?  It our thoughts, of
course, which is the same place where the Holy Spirit speaks to

     Does this mean, since demons can speak to us, in our thoughts
that we can be demon possessed?  No, of course not.  In a real
sense, if you are born again, you are possessed, or indwelled, by
the Holy Spirit.  He lives, dwells, within your human spirit which
has, at the moment of salvation, been created anew.  Thus making
it possible for the Holy Spirit to literally, not mystically,
dwell within you.  Therefore, demon possession is literally, and
spiritually, absolutely impossible.  Our minds, however, are not
redeemed, or to use a good old theological term, regenerated, as
of yet.  That day is coming and at that same time, even our
physical bodies will be redeem, glorified, and we will not only
see Jesus as He really is right now, but we will be exactly like
him, (See First John 3:2).

     As I prayed with this woman concerning the shift in her
depression she felt emotionally, the lie, as I said, suddenly was
revealed by the Lord.  Because her little girl's mind became
adapted to the lie that food was good and nobody hurt her during
meals, she believed the lie that this must be what love is all
about.  She embraced it.  In turn, this allowed a demonic presence
a lying spirit, to function, within limitations, in her thoughts
for years.  No, they don't care how old you, or how young, you
might be.  In fact, the younger, the better because, as I have
stated, the mind of a child is easier to fool than that of an

     In this lady's case, and this isn't by any means the rule of
thumb, a demon was involved.  How do I know?  He presented
himself and spoke through this lady's own voice to me.  What did
he say?  He said I couldn't make him leave.  Of course, I wasn't
interested in what he thought, I was only interested in what Jesus
thought.  So I asked Jesus if it was true that He, meaning Jesus,
could not send this demon away.  Yes, I know the demon said that I
couldn't send him away, but I always defer all such statements to
Jesus since Jesus is the one in charge in the first place.  Of
course, Jesus said the demon was a liar so I sent him away in the
name of Jesus and, yes, he left immediately.  This allowed the
lady, who was remembering what it was like to enjoy a meal with
her family and how good the food tasted and that this must be the
meaning of love, to now hear the voice of the Lord clearly and,
yes, she did.

     Now, I realize those of you who believe this sort of thing is
guided imagery, lucid dreaming, visualization, hypnosis, and other
mind manipulating techniques, aren't going to accept how Jesus
healed this woman from this lie that had controlled her entire
life so you might as well stop reading right now.  Those of you
who, on the other hand, have even the tiniest of belief that Jesus
still works in the hearts and minds of His own children today will
want to keep reading.

     This lady often hears from the Lord in unusual ways and
generally a few minutes after the prayer time.  As we were talking
about the lie and how she had been deceived by the Enemy, she
suddenly interrupted me and told me something was happening.  She
reported that Jesus was there and He suddenly turned into a baby
in her arms.  Furthermore, the baby sometimes changed places,
that is, the lady became a baby in the arms of Jesus.  This role
reversal continued for awhile as we talked and, in fact, has never
actually stopped.  What does it mean?  My guess is about as good
as yours.  I personally see it is a matter of identity.  I
believe the Lord was showing her the truth about love and how it
really is.  Why a baby Jesus?  This happened in December; a time
when this lady experiences a lot of depression, discouragement,
and loneliness.  Yes, such is very common.  Isn't this just some
figment of her imagination?  Could be, of course, but her
depression is gone and hasn't returned so how do you explain that?
No, silly.  Demons don't do such things even to deceive.  They
can't because their thinking is corrupt and they do evil; not

     So who is Jesus to you?  Do you know His love or have you
been tricked and misled and disoriented by the Enemy in believing
the Christmas is something different than it really is?  Isn't it
about time you discovered why you feel lonely, discouraged, and
frightened at the very thought of the Christmas seasons?  It is
time for you to change sides.  Jesus is very near.  Wouldn't you
love to hold the baby Jesus at this special time of the Christmas
season?  I sure would.