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Steve Barwick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 15:01:50 -0700
text/plain (49 lines)

        In regards to your comments about your battle against shingles, Steven
Wm. Fowkes and John A. Mann have written a short paperback book called
WIPE OUT HERPES WITH BHT.  I think I got my copy of the book from a
group called CERI (Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute) at (415)
321-CERI.  It was only about $5.  On page 24 of their book the authors
state that BHT has also been found effective against shingles.
According to their book, BHT is a food additive that's available in 250
mg. capsule  form at many health food stores (I found it via mail order
for about $10/bottle from The Vitamin Discount Connection
1-800-848-2990).  They state that BHT "disrupts the virus's lipid cloak,
leaving it naked and vulnerable to attack by the immune system.  Second,
it removes binding proteins that viruses use to penetrate cell
membranes...researchers have found that 250 mg. or more of BHT daily
causes all symptoms of the disease to disappear within several days to a
week...Should BHT be discontinued, the symptoms may or may not
return...In our experience, some people go for very long periods symptom
free, even when their previous episodes were chronic, severe and
protracted.  If dosage is maintained, the symptoms do not recur."

        Irene, you might want to call the above number for CERI and see if you
can get a copy of this book.  It is short, yet extremely informative.
My wife has had good results with the BHT from the Vitamin Discount
Connection against periodic, stress-related outbreaks of herpes.

        Another anti-viral product, which I just found out about yesterday and
have not tried yet, and for which I have seen no research literature, is
called Monolaurin.  According to the distributors, it is a fatty acid
derived from coconuts.  Like BHT, it reportedly disrupts the lipid
coating that protects herpes-type viruses from being attacked by the
immune system.  (According to researchers, without the lipid coating,
the viruses cannot effectively evade the immune system.)  Monolaurin is
available from Olympia Nutrition at (619) 275-6477.  It costs about
$18/bottle.  If you choose to call them, I would suggest asking them if
they have any research literature, or even a simple Fact Sheet on the
product that you could read first.

        Also, I have no idea if either of these products would in any way
interfere with thyroid medication, or any other medication.  Please note
that I am just passing along information, and am in no way, shape or
form giving medical advice.

        Good luck, Irene!

Steve Barwick
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