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Thyroid Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 23:39:26 EST
text/plain (58 lines)
In a message dated 12/6/2004 3:23:07 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
As it turned out, the overactive group had a slightly worse mortality than
normal people, although that had been shown before. Those with underactive
hormones had even better survival, which was the new finding. >>>>
Probably because they were doing more than laying in one place with a low
body temperature. A big part of the question involves how you define living:
Pumping blood and exchanging gasses or interacting with one's environment in
some meaningful fashion, and risking all the things that being really alive
exposes you to.

I worked at a State Developmental Center for Children doing treatment
supervision. Most of these youngsters were seriously mentally handicapped and too
violent to be kept in regular hospitals.

I uncovered a lot of kids with low thyroid:  a nineteen year old with the
physical, mental, and sexual development of an eight year old child; a 10 year
old girl who began breast development at age 8, menses at 9, and was lactating
when I saw her, and a young man who had a variety of other symptoms and a low
body temperature.

One of the Pediatricians there was a fervent believer in the false god TSH
and an obnoxious temperament. He demanded that all the kids be taken off thyroid
medication, and his false counsel was obeyed.

Interestingly, one of those children was staffed some months later. The boy's
behavior problems had actually improved. Less violent, less running away from
the unit, less spitting and less hitting.

While I was beginning to feel embarrassed that taking him off thyroid
actually helped his behavior problems, one of the staff pointed out that he no longer
knew his colors, that he no longer pointed out objects when they took him for
walks off the unit, and that he had been reduced to sitting in a chair all
day, with almost no interactions with any of his peers.

I said a silent prayer of thanks to my Higher Power for the vindication, and
one of concern for the youngster's terrible loss. This story could be slanted
in both directions, but my philosophy is that if God set a certain parameter
to optimize metabolic rate and maximize a safe level of energy production, She
probably knew what She was doing.

Doc Don

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