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Wed, 9 Jul 1997 19:34:02 -0400
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Laura Dolson wrote:
> > i was recently diagnosed with Hash. The doctor did not explain anything other
> > than the fact that i will be taking medicine for the rest of my life and will
> > be going in the the lab for blood work ever two months for the first
> > year?!.....can anyone help me understand what this is and what to ecpect with
> > it?!?!?

Hi Laura,

The first year you're a "pin cushion" so they can get your thyroid
levels back in range. It tends to take a while because the dosages are
increased slowly. Dosages are increased slowly because your thyroid's
function has been impaired for probably a long time and it takes time
for your body to adjust. This keeps you from going HYPER. Once you are
in range, you then will probably get checked after 6 months, then yearly
(unless a problem arises).

>I don't know what caused my hypothyroidism  - if it is Hash,
> does that make a difference as far as treatment/symptoms/prognosis?

Didn't you write previously that you were dx'd with Hashi's? If so, that
is probably (without a doubt) the reason you have hypothyroidism. Most
folks with hypothyroidism have it because of Hashi's, radiation, or due
to rx's for HYPERthyroidism. Hashi's is an auto-immune disease of the
thyroid which means your body thinks your thyroid is bad and is killing
it off. It is usually hereditary, so it would be good to discuss this
with your family (and also have your kids tested!).

Treatment:      thyroid hormone replacement
Symptoms:       the same as hypothyroidism, possibly additional troubles since
it is an                auto-immune disease.
Prognosis:      This disease is usually for a lifetime. Think about it: once
your                    thyroid gland folds up and dies, it can't come back.

Try not to be too discouraged. At least it is a treatable disease. I'm
sure your probably uncomfortable right now. It can be really tough, but
eventually, things will get better.
Hang in there!