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Katharine Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:13:46 -0500
text/plain (54 lines)

I am new to the list and have just started reading some of the posts
- and now I'm more worried than before.  Perhaps some of you can
answer some of my questions.

I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroid after complaining to my
doctor of severe fatigue, muscle aches and joint pain, numbness in
my legs and so on.  Along with TSH and T4 indicating hypo - I was
also very enemic (though not sure if it was perncious anemia or how
i would know that - I'm now taking iron supp and multivitamin).

Also was a 'nodule' on left side of my thyroid.  Had an ultrasound
done and a biopsy.  Just got the biopsy results yesterday and have
only talked with the endo by phone and did not get all questions
answered (mostly caus eui haven't though tof them all yet - I like
my endo so far - have only had 2 visits - but seems very good).  He
said the report (biopsy) could not rule out cancer so he wants to
send biopsy resutls to antoher pathologist to look at.  (He was more
specific about the biopsy report - actyually read it to me - but I
can't remember the actual terminology used now.)  I have a feeling
if other pathologist says same - he will recommend removal....

I started on thyroid hormone a week or so ago - beleive it is
levothyroxine?  Is this the same as the synthoid(sp?) that others
say they are on?  So far I don't feel much better - how long does it
take?  I beleive my doasage is .05 per day - from what I've read
from others - this seems pretty low dose?

Also, my thyroid antibody tests came back very high - endo said this
inicated hashimotos. I've been trying to read about hashimotos - but
don't have clear understanding on how the hypo, hashimotos and
nodule all relate to each other?

I'm also wondering if some of my other health problems (I have
severe sinus problems and have battled chronic sinus infections for
many years).  Also, for years i have felt there was someth8ign wrong
with my mind - I'm a reasonably intelligent person - yet often it
seems i can't remember the simplest things, peoples names, things I
know i've read about and know about, yet can't rewcall the info, and
so on.  Also very dry skin (I'm outside a lot so attributed it to
this.)  Inability to conectrate on something and losing interest in
reading and so on because I can't concentrate on it.  Are all these
possbily related?

Anyway -this has gotten long- thanks in advance for all responses.

Alos, anyone that's had a nodule surgically removed - how long in
hospital, length of recovery, things to expect?


kitty Cummings