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Sun, 4 Mar 2007 19:44:49 -0500
Katherine LeClair <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Katherine LeClair <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (66 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


This summary is about a month overdue, but below are the responses I
received about GF friendly restaurants in Cambridge, MA.

1) Casablanca in Harvard Square is very responsive to allergies.  Legal
Seafood (behind the Charles Hotel has a GF menu.

2) For restaurants, Legal Seafood, Elephant Walk (cambodian food) right in
your area have GF menus.  Patou, a thai restaurant in Belmont center is
knowledgeable about celiac and can steer you to dishes that are safe.  Blue
Ribbon Barbeque (Arlington) and Jake and Earl's (Waltham) are GF.  At Blue
Ribbon you need to tell them not to line the food containers with bread
(they do that to absorb grease, etc)  The food is safe but this aspect of
packaging is obviously not.

We have eaten at quite a few of the trendier and nicer restaurants in town
and they have been great to work with - Hammersley;s Bistro, Blue Ginger and
Captial Grille.  There is a PF Changs in Copley square too.

3) You will be happy to know that there are a number of options.
Border Cafe in Harvard Square is one of our favorites... all you need to do
is speak with your server and they will guide you. Often a manager will stop
by to check in, but we've never had a problem.
My son, age 22, loves being able to go there and feel so "mainstream".

Also in Harvard Sq. is Henrietta's Table at the Charles Hotel. It;s
And right next door is Legal Seafoods, which has a gf menu.
Oh, before I forget, we just discovered Jasper White's Summer Shack... about
15 minutes from the Square.
All of these have websites, so you can look at the menu and prices online.

4) Welcome to the neighborhood. I used to live right at the end of the E
line in Lechmere in Cambridge, MA. You're in luck - there are a bunch of
places that are pretty easy. Cheesecake in the Cambridgeside Galleria has
done pretty well and if you call ahead to get the kitchen manager I think
I've briefed them all at this point! The chips and salsa are good at the
Boarder Cafe in Harvard square. There is another Mexican place in Tello
square that absolutely catered to me ... I think it was called Roy's or
something like that. 33Restaurant in back bay is excellent and they did a
wonderful job accommodating me in a large party. And there are the typical
celiac spots ... elephant walk, outback, and the Chinese food place etc.
that are staples. This should keep you busy for a little while, but let me
know if you need any other ideas, I'm in Newton now but I go into the city a
lot with friends and I'm always up for hunting down new tasty restaurants.

5) we've been to Legal Seafood in Cambridge - they have celiac menu.  Also,
like Upstairs in the Square - if you tell them your constraints, they are
very helpful.  We've been to both several times  without incident.  As for
'everyday' places, I don't have personal experience.

Thanks for all of the suggestions. To add from personal experience, I've at
the Cellar. My waitress also works at the Elephant Walk so was very
knowledgeable about Celiac. The food was delicious. I've also been to
Grafton Street with no problems.

Thanks again,

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