I very rarely have nuts or seeds, probably maybe a
couple of tablespoons a month on my salad in the form
of almonds, pecans, or sunflower seeds. If I eat too
many, they give me digestion problems and acne. I do
use oil for my veggies/meat. I don't use raw
nuts/seeds, so i'm not sure if that is why they bother
me. This has been a gradual process for me, slowly
moving more towards just meat & veggies. I tried doing
it cold turkey and it didn't work for me.
How does your body react to nuts/seeds?
--- "Kristina K. Carlton" <[log in to unmask]>
> Do you eat any nuts or seeds?
> If so, how do you do on them? I just need to be more
strict again and go back to meat and veg myself - and
> fats/oils of course. When I eat this way I do feel
> better.