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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 23 Oct 2006 14:25:44 +0200
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Fye samateh <[log in to unmask]>
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May his soul rest in perfect peace ********Niamorkono.

Peter Norman 1942-2006
Australian athlete supported American civil rights struggle By Margaret Rees

23 October 2006

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Thirty eight years ago, on October 16, 1968, the medals ceremony at the
Mexico Olympics was converted into a symbolic demonstration of the struggle
against oppression.

US black sprinters Tommy Smith and John Carlos, respectively first and third
in the men's 200 metres, defiantly raised clenched fist salutes as the
American national anthem played. Their stand in support of civil rights and
against racism reverberated internationally. The photograph of their protest
has become one of the most recognised images in the world, after that of the
first moon landing.

The unexpected silver medalist, 26-year-old Australian Peter Norman, wore a
button of the "Olympic Project for Human Rights"—a civil rights protest
movement set up by black athlete Harry Edwards before the Games—in support
of his two fellow athletes.

Norman died on October 3 of a heart attack. In a moving tribute, Smith and
Carlos flew to Australia to deliver eulogies at his funeral in Melbourne on
October 9. They recounted how they asked him, as they walked through the
tunnel to the medals ceremony, whether he supported them in the action they
intended to take. Norman replied that he agreed with human rights for
everybody and would stand with them.

As a well-wisher leant over the barrier to shake Smith's hand, the three
athletes asked him for his Olympic project badge. Norman pinned it on and
wore it in support of the demonstration on the dais. Norman told reporters
at Mexico: "I believe in civil rights. Every man is born equal and should be
treated that way."

Carlos told mourners: "Not every young white individual would have the
gumption, the nerve, the backbone to stand there. Peter never flinched. He
never turned his eyes, he never turned his head. He never said so much as
'ouch'. You guys have lost a great soldier."

Norman's funeral became a poignant reaffirmation of the significance of that
day. The dignified presence of Smith and Carlos underlined the trio's
principled stand in 1968. As they led the pallbearers in carrying out his
coffin, accompanied by the theme from "Chariots of Fire", Smith and Carlos
demonstrated an enduring bond of international friendship and solidarity.

The effect on all those present was palpable. As Norman's wife Jan reflected
later: "It felt as though he would sit up in his coffin and say that he
agreed with this."

The period 1968 to 1975 was tumultuous. It saw mass movements of workers in
country after country, including the United States and Australia. During the
1960s, riots had rocked US cities. Six months before the Mexico Olympics,
Martin Luther King's assassination provoked further unrest across America.
In May-June 1968, French workers staged a general strike that almost brought
down the De Gaulle government.

The demonstration on the podium was bound up with the experiences that the
three young athletes underwent as part of these upheavals, and the
radicalisation that occurred among young people around the world. All three
came from working class backgrounds.

In contrast to the current glorification of individualism and financial
success, where talented athletes are turned into high-priced commodities,
they stood on principle at the Olympics—and paid for it. The US Olympic
Committee, under pressure from the international body, expelled Smith and
Carlos from the Games. Their lives and careers in international athletics
were blighted from then on.

Norman also suffered official chastisement. Australian Olympic official Ray
Weinberg told the funeral that although Norman qualified in every respect
for the 1972 Munich Olympics, he was deliberately passed over when the
Australian team was selected.

USA Track and Field official Steve Simmons told the funeral of his anger
when he realised that Norman had been ignored and was not even attending the
2000 Sydney Olympics. He arranged for Peter and Jan Norman to attend, giving
up his hotel room for them and bunking in with the coach.

Jan Norman said: "Steve Simmons thought no-one here in Australia was taking
any interest. That is when I first really felt what Peter represented to
them. They treated us like royalty. I was almost asleep at the Olympic
events—we had been to so many functions. We met Jesse Owens's granddaughter,
who said she was honoured to meet Peter Norman. That is when I got the first
inkling of how they regarded it."

Jesse Owens was the black American athlete who won four gold medals,
including for the 200-metre sprint, at Hitler's 1936 Berlin Olympics,
famously confounding Nazi racial theories. Owens supported the 1968 stance
taken by Smith and Carlos.

Letter writers to newspapers pointed out that Australian Prime Minister John
Howard did not rush to Peter Norman's funeral as he had to that of
millionaire "crocodile hunter" Steve Irwin. Yet Norman still holds the
Australian record for the 200 metres, at 20.06 seconds, and that time would
have won gold at the Sydney Olympics. When a movie of his blistering last 50
metre run in Mexico was screened at the funeral, the audience burst into
spontaneous applause.

October 9 was proclaimed Peter Norman Day by USA Track and Field, an
unprecedented honor. Olympic athlete Michael Johnson sent a message to the
funeral. "I came to know about Peter Norman when I became a huge admirer and
fan of Tommy Smith and John Carlos, not only for what these men accomplished
athletically, but for the courage and bravery they displayed in standing up
for what they believed in on the medal podium at the 1968 Olympic Games in
Mexico City.

"Having read much about the story I gained respect for Peter Norman, an
Australian athlete far removed from the controversial issues that Smith and
Carlos were protesting, who decided to cooperate with the protest.... They
all could have selfishly celebrated their many years of hard work and the
culmination of that hard work leading to success in Mexico City. Instead
they decided to use that moment to bring attention to a greater cause. Peter
Norman was not only a great athlete but a great individual."

The hundreds of mourners reflected Norman's wide range of interests,
including various sporting groups and his work as an actor in a theatre
restaurant troupe known as Circle Players. Dozens of teachers came from
secondary schools in Melbourne's western suburbs—colleagues from Norman's
years as a physical education teacher, as well as those of his wife.

One of the pallbearers, Colin Stevens, an art teacher who knew Norman for
over 35 years, said: "I've never been interested in sport; I never really
thought about his Olympic record. I just regarded him as a friend I could
rely on if ever I was in trouble."

Norman worked for 20 years as a teacher at Williamstown Technical School,
where he was a union activist in the technical teachers' union, and was
often selected as a spokesman for union delegations. On one occasion when
teachers were on strike at the same time as workers from the neighbouring
Williamstown Naval Dockyards, Norman spoke to a mass meeting of dockyard
workers as a representative of the teachers, bringing a message of
solidarity in the same town hall where his funeral was held.

Trade union participation by teachers then was the norm, with strikes and
demonstrations connected with a desire to make decent education a right for
everybody. From the 1980s, the degeneration of the unions saw them and the
state and federal Labor governments inflict defeat after defeat on the
working class.

As militancy subsided in the schools, earlier gains were wound back.
Although the photograph of his run in the Mexico Olympics had pride of place
in the school hall, Norman's teacher training qualifications were questioned
and he was summarily dismissed from teaching. He was forced to revert to his
former trade as a butcher. However he was able to fight back and achieve
reinstatement at Melton Technical School, where he worked for a short period
before being employed by the Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation.

Last year, San Jose State University commemorated the Mexico demonstration
with a statue, and Norman attended the unveiling ceremony. He was
unconcerned that the statue excluded him, and this was bound up with his
unassuming attitude toward his own part in 1968. "I was only a pebble thrown
into deep, still waters," he told Smith at the time.

Norman is survived by five children—Janita, Sandy and Gary from his first
marriage, and Belinda and Emma from his second.

Norman's nephew Matt has made a film about his uncle's life. When the web
site for the movie was linked with Google after Norman's death, the site
received 850,000 hits in a week, with many people sending messages of
condolence. This statistic alone indicates that popular consciousness is
stirring, and there is a deep interest in egalitarian principles, despite
the never-ending media barrage to reduce sport and every other aspect of
social life to grasping self-interest.

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