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VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 4 Mar 2007 16:40:45 -0500
text/plain (172 lines)
Well I see you did it!  I gave you permission to do it and I was still 
shocked to see it here.  It is okay, I am not upset but I was surprised.
Something interesting happened when I was reading through it again.  Those 
demons showed their ugly heads and I had to stop reading and pray to our 
Lord for strength because of the ugly thoughts they were planting in my 
mind.  Then I commanded them to leave never to return and to go to the place 
where our Lord Jesus wanted them to go, and they left as suddenly as they 
Totally awesome how the Lord just forces them to leave.  Thanks for writing 
this and thank you for your help.
Virgie and Hoshi
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: Where Demons Hid

> author's Note.
> If you don't like hearing about demons, what they do, and how they deceive
> Christians, you should not read the following article.  The person in the
> testimony has given me permission to use her story as a spring board into
> the topic we all need to be aware of so we are not ignorant of his devices
> according to the Words of our Lord Jesus Christ.
> Where Demons Hide
> By Phil Scovell
>     She was standing up in her crib.  It was night and her
> parents had left the hospital several hours earlier.  She was
> afraid.  She couldn't see normally in the first place and the
> darkness of the late night hours of the hospital made it even
> worse.
>     A nurse heard her cries and came to comfort her.  "Your
> parents are at home but they will be back in the morning.  We are
> here so you aren't alone.  It's ok to lay down and to go back to
> sleep," the nurse said softly.
>     The little girl didn't feel safe.  This woman somehow made
> her feel even worse.  "I want my mom and dad."
>     "They'll be back in the morning, honey, so you'll be ok until
> then.  We won't leave you alone."
>     she felt alone, though, and somehow lonely, too.
>     As we prayed, the Lord had taken her directly to this very
> early childhood memory.  Some of the noise and clutter was sorted
> out but then she suddenly went blank.  I prayed, touching some
> things I had noticed as we prayed, but still she felt blocked.  In
> such cases, it isn't uncommon for there to be a demon blockage of
> some sort occurring but I have learned, it isn't always a lying
> spirit directly associated with the person with whom I am praying.
> I have, therefore, learned to look around, as it were, and to pray
> about the other people often involved with the original memory
> event.  In this case, it was the nurse.  She had mentioned, as we
> prayed, that this particular nurse, every time she came into the
> room, made her feel uncomfortable.  It wasn't exactly her words
> but just something about her she, as a two year old, didn't like.
>     Praying, I asked the Lord Jesus if there was anything else in
> the room we needed to see.  There it was!  A dark, almost amorphous
> inky black shape, back in the corner of the room.  The woman said
> she could hear it speaking in her thoughts.  "Your parents will
> never be back.  It is your fault you are here," and many other
> frightening things she now could hear coming from the ominous
> black shape.
>     I felt led by the Holy Spirit to ask, "Lord Jesus, does this
> lying spirit have any right to be here?"
>     The woman reported that the figure immediately exited the
> room.  She reported she definitely felt it was associated with the
> nurse with which she felt uncomfortable.
>     Praying further, another, but much more defined, evil figure
> was in the room.  She reported this feeling was almost tangible
> and almost always around her dad.  We prayed and it left as well.
> You might find it interesting to know that her mom committed
> suicide due to hearing voices and seeing dark things moving around
> in her house, when this woman was only 6 years of age.
> Additionally, her father, after killing another man and serving a
> prison term, committed suicide when she was only 15 years old.
>     As I have mentioned, not all demons are directly associated
> with the person and the events which took place.  Some are
> residents of the room or house or building or even of a given
> area.  At least, so the demons  say.  this is very likely why many
> people report poltergeists living in their home.  By the way, they
> can appear as small children to adult size or even balls of
> glowing light or any numbers of shapes and forms.  Haunted houses,
> thus called, have been around for literally centuries.  No, these
> are not people who have died some horrible death and their spirit
> left behind as psychics claim.  I don't care if you've been to a
> psychic who speaks to the dead and you've gotten enough
> information that you think you have literally communicated with
> your loved one who has, as they say, "passed over."  I don't care
> if you've been in a seance and heard a voice that sounded
> amazingly like your grandmother coming through another person's
> voice.  I don't care if you used a Ouija board and communicated
> with what seemed to be your dead mother.  In every case, you are
> not talking to the dead but to lying spirits.
>     Electronic Voice Phenomena, commonly shorted to EVP), is a
> ghost hunting technique, now used by many people, who take tape
> recorders, and other electronic recording devices, into haunted
> houses.  While the tape is running, the person encourages, by
> speaking softly, to any entities in the room, to speak or make
> themselves heard.  Later, the tapes are reviewed and yes, often,
> clear voices can be heard saying various things.  For example, if
> a person was murdered in the home or perhaps died of some
> childhood disease, these ghost hunters will traverse the entire
> dwelling, perhaps spending many hours, and then later will analyze
> the recordings they made.  In some cases, they go to cemeteries
> and walk around the tombstones carrying out the same type of a
> electronic search.
>     The short bursts of recorded voices and sounds they gather
> are then studied until they are certain what was spoken.  Some are
> very clear, some are very faint, some echo as if very distant, and
> some are garbled and muffled on the tapes.
>     Research is then conducted to see if anyone died, or was
> killed, or murdered, in the house.  A little girl's voice may say,
> "Mommy, help me" on the tape recordings and at times, the voices
> recorded are very clear.  The researchers, ghost hunters, then
> begin to study the history involved.  Sometimes, in fact, quite
> often, they discover a little girl died 75 years ago in that vary
> house.  Such confirmations are fairly common in the research and
> EVP recordings.  The question is, "what are they hearing?"
>     A newer term called Instrumental Trans Communications, or ITS
> for short, has recently emerged.  This term encompasses all forms
> of communications of any type with the dead.  The methodology is
> basically the same as it is with EVP in many respects but it
> simply includes all forms of communications beyond the spoken
> word.  I have heard of at least one person who claims to have made
> a device that allows people to speak directly to a dead relative
> without going through a medium or a psychic.  If my memory serves
> me, even a movie was made of this technique.  Some ghost hunters
> use photographic equipment as well.  The evidence they claim is
> when human type shapes in the pictures are seen, sometimes ghostly
> in nature and other times quite distinct, once developed.  Thus,
> ITC is the terminology that includes all such ghost hunting
> necrophilia criteria.
>     These forms of communicating with the dead are supposedly
> substantiated by a term called the "Survival Hypothesis."  This
> theory states that we are nonphysical entities living in a
> physical body.  Thus, our physical body allows us to remain in
> this physical world or dimension.  When the body dies, the soul,
> or spirit, or nonphysical entity is thus free to move about
> without the encumbrance of a physical body.  This places the human
> spirit into another dimension.  the hypotheses includes the
> supposition that the spirit entity, is thus still alive, howbeit,
> in another form, and furthermore, it was pre-existent as well.  In
> other words, we existed before and after the physical body.  Sound
> like anything you have heard before?  How about reincarnation for
> starters.
>     My point is that we, as intercessors, and especially those of
> us working with people individually, need to be aware that demons
> don't play fair, they lie, and they at all times attempt to
> maintain control of a situation or circumstances through
> manipulation, deceit, and fear.  In short, it is time to put on
> the whole armor of God as an intercessor and become as wise as
> serpents and as harmless as doves, (Matthew 10:16).