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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Jan 2007 08:26:54 -0700
text/plain (266 lines)
Yes, Vicki,
I think what troubles me about this article, is that underlying all this 
there is a very subtle statement.  This statement is saying that God is 
getting old and out of date, and if He doesn't intend to make himself 
relevant to today's society, than these people will.
God can reveal himself in whatever way he chooses, and he doesn't need man 
to distort His word to do so.  We are told in Jeremiah that if we seek him 
with all our hearts, we shall find him.
    Now, I never read the good news bible, but I never liked the title of 
"Good News for Modern Man" for the same reason.  If God could supernaturally 
reveal himself through his creation and various events to people who still 
live inthe stone age, hecan even reveal himself to modern man without all 
the trapings etc.
You can modernize God and His word all you want, but if the spirit of God is 
left out of it, God won't bother showing up through this media.
Vinny is
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Vicki and The Rors" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: [CCNN] Bible gets unstuffy makeover

> Vinny,
> I'm not against showing the Bible as relevant, but most of this, to me, 
> seems like a money making deal.  The Experience might not be bad, 
> depending on how it compares to the written word.
> Vicki
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Vinny Samarco" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 6:48 AM
> Subject: Fw: [CCNN] Bible gets unstuffy makeover
> Hi Everyone,
> What do you think of this?Vinny
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Rick Johnson" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2007 5:10 PM
> Subject: [CCNN] Bible gets unstuffy makeover
>>   **
>> **
>> Bible gets unstuffy makeover
>> **
>> *By Tania Padgett*
>> *Newsday*
>> It's called the "Good Book." But is the Bible a good book as in a 
>> riveting,
>> can't-put-down page-turner? Many – with eyes nervously scanning the sky –
>> might argue no.
>> To most people, the perennial best-seller is a moral must-read. It's just
>> not a gut-stirring one. Recently, however, some innovative minds have
>> challenged the view that the Bible is a stuffy, dispassionate tome.
>> A wide range of presentations of the Bible have emerged as technology,
>> multimedia and dry wit have been used to revamp one of the most 
>> influential
>> and widely quoted texts in the world.
>> The results go from the dramatic to the astute to the downright wacky.
>> "We are going back to the future," said Dr. Robert Hodgson, dean of the 
>> Nida
>> Institute for biblical scholarship at the American Bible Society in
>> Manhattan. "The Bible has always been a multimedia product or a product 
>> that
>> is adapted to meet the different needs of many people."
>> Hodgson said passages from the Bible were illustrated in the catacombs of
>> ancient Rome, performed in the passion plays depicting the death and
>> Resurrection of Christ in medieval Europe and displayed in stone 
>> cathedrals
>> around the world.
>> "Now," he adds. "It's on movie screens, iPods and audio CDs."
>> Some examples:
>> •A celebrity-studded, 18-disk audio CD Bible, "The Bible Experience: New
>> Testament," was released in October and, its publisher says, it has 
>> outsold
>> every audio CD Bible that the company ever produced.
>> •A series, "Blogging the Bible," by David Plotz, a deputy editor of the 
>> Web
>> magazine Slate, has prompted nearly 7,000 e-mails from readers, according 
>> to
>> the author.
>> •A pocket-sized MP3 player, called the GoBible, that contains the King 
>> James
>> and New King James versions and is searchable by verse, was created and 
>> is
>> being sold by Manhattan entrepreneur Andrew Block.
>> •"The Nativity Story," from New Line Cinema, tells the story about the 
>> birth
>> of Christ; it was released in time for the holiday season.
>> •A Web site and book series, called the Brick Testament, illustrates
>> biblical stories by using LEGO bricks.
>> •Comic books, novels, and you bet, PC computer games, are also on the
>> market. Can a sitcom be far behind?
>> •The numerous interpretations are not surprising. The text remains one of
>> the most popular books in America.
>> More than 90 percent of American households have at least one Bible,
>> according to Zondervan, a publishing company based in Grand Rapids, 
>> Mich.,
>> that estimates many families are looking to buy more.
>> Despite those sales, statistics show a wide gap between owning and 
>> reading
>> the Bible. About 20 percent of respondents read the Bible daily, 
>> according
>> to a 2005 survey by Princeton Survey Research Associates International 
>> for
>> Newsweek.
>> At the same time, sales of the "Good Book" easily clear $1 billion 
>> annually.
>> Written versions of the Bible have always abounded – the two most popular
>> being the near 400-year-old King James version and the more contemporary 
>> New
>> International version.
>> Four years ago, Kyle Bowser, a former television executive and attorney,
>> said his goal was to listen to the entire Bible.
>> "I bought an audio one," he said. "And came away disappointed. It was 
>> very
>> boring."
>> So Bowser teamed up with new media executive Ron Belk, music producer 
>> Louis
>> Brown and casting director Robi Reed to create their own production 
>> company.
>> That company, Inspired by Media Group of Beverly Hills, Calif., then 
>> hooked
>> up with Zondervan to create an audio CD, "The Bible Experience: New
>> Testament," featuring a star-studded cast, that was released in October.
>> The 21-hour, multimillion-dollar production, featuring music and
>> state-of-the-art sound effects, includes the voices of Denzel Washington 
>> as
>> King Solomon, Blair Underwood as Jesus, and Samuel L. Jackson as God. 
>> Other
>> cast members include Angela Bassett, Cuba Gooding Jr. and more than 250
>> singers, clergy, actors and athletes.
>> "Every ear shall hear," said Belk, quoting the Bible itself. "This
>> generation is focused on sight and sound; it is bombarded with imagery. 
>> And
>> we felt we had to make a product relevant to them." "The Bible 
>> Experience:
>> New Testament" sold more than 100,000 copies within six weeks after its
>> release, said Paul Caminiti, vice president and publisher for Bibles at
>> Zondervan.
>> The company's previous best-selling audio Bible – a New International
>> version – sold 60,000 copies last year.
>> "Experience" has ranked consistently high on the
>><>and Wal-Mart Web sites and is the
>> fastest-selling audio Bible, according to
>> Family Christian Stores, a Michigan-based retail chain.
>> "Sales have just been mind-boggling," Caminiti said.
>> An Old Testament version of "Experience" is due out next spring.
>> <>'s Plotz describes a similar experience for 
>> his
>> project. He began his "Blogging the Bible" effort in May, offering wry
>> insights into the Bible. His postings – hilarious, and maybe blasphemous
>> depending on how humorless you are – have attracted a rapt and loyal
>> audience.
>> "You'd think God would know exactly what he's doing, but he doesn't," 
>> Plotz
>> posted about God in Genesis, Chapter I. "He's a tinkerer."
>> Plotz, who said he grew up reading the Bible, realized he didn't know it 
>> all
>> when as a teen he came across the rape of Dinah after skimming through a
>> Bible during a bar mitzvah.
>> His interest continued as an adult, so much so that he pitched the 
>> project
>> to his boss.
>> The popularity of his blog has led to a recent book deal with 
>> HarperCollins.
>> "When I first started the project, I expected to be damned to hell by a 
>> lot
>> of people," said Plotz, who estimates that his blog is about 100,000 
>> words.
>> "But that hasn't happened. Americans are very open-minded about 
>> religions,
>> and they want to be engaged. They want to be able to joke and ask dumb
>> questions. They want to look at it in a fresh way."
>> ------------------------------
>> *Bringing Biblical Stories to Life *
>> The Bible and its many stories are taking on many new looks. A sampling:
>> •"*The Deliverance Game" ($39.95).* This action-packed game for your PC
>> focuses on the story of Aaron and Moses. Players battle to free the
>> Israelites from slavery, part the Red Sea and unleash plagues. "It's our
>> answer to 'Grand Theft Auto,' " said Don Triezenberg, founder of the 
>> company
>> that created the game. (
>> •*The Brick Testament. *A Web site and series of books created to 
>> illustrate
>> biblical stories using characters and scenes constructed with LEGO parts.
>> The series, which premiered and has been updated frequently, was created 
>> by
>> Brendan Powell Smith, who goes by the name "The Reverend." (
>> •*GoBible. ($99.95). *An MP3 player, loaded with the King James or New 
>> King
>> James versions of the Bible, fits easily in a shirt pocket. "There is a 
>> real
>> revolution in technology and communication under way, and people are
>> applying new technologies to deliver the word of God," creator Andrew 
>> Block
>> said. (
>> •*Almighty Heroes. ($12.99). *Action figures David, Moses, Noah, Samson,
>> Queen Esther and Deborah the Warrior are available with accessories to
>> introduce and inspire children about the Bible, says Don Levine, who also
>> created the G.I. Joe doll.
>> -- 
>> ___________________________________
>> ___________________________________
>> Rick Johnson