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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 20 Aug 2006 17:31:08 -0400
text/plain (57 lines)
Thanks for the cheery thoughts to start my week.  Only the Lord knows 
how the week will end.

At 05:09 PM 8/20/2006, you wrote:
>I heard this week, and from more than one source, that the world
>should be watching Iran this week as of 22 August.  According to
>the lead Middle Eastern expert in America, Iran's most holiest of
>days will be Tuesday.  One of Mohammed's descendants lives at the
>bottom of a well some place in Iran.  Not my choice of living
>accommodations either.  Anyhow, this descendent of Mohammed is the
>Islamic messiah who is coming to rule the whole world under total
>Islamic dominance.  And to think you never considered becoming a
>Muslim.  Anyhow, according to their prophecy concerning their
>coming messiah, he will be preceded by a cataclysmic world event.
>An nuclear detonation springs to mind right off the bat.  No, I
>doubt very seriously if Iran has the scientific ability to create
>their own nuke but they have been buddies with the Russians for
>decades.  The Russians have literally hundreds of nukes laying
>around, often unguarded due to their lake of money to pay their
>military, so I am sure, for a couple of billion dollars, the
>Russians might be willing to sell them a big boomer otherwise
>known as a nuclear blast.  Iran, is boasting that they are
>strongly considering detonating a nuke underground this week.
>Isn't that convenient?  The American satellites are over flying
>Iran every 90 minutes, of course, but so far no one is saying
>anything other than what I have just told you.  If we are lucky,
>maybe they'll get to fiddling around with the terribly complicated
>fire mechanism of a nuclear bomb and set the thing off in their
>own backyard.  Just think how much glass will be created by all
>that super heated air when it comes in contact with all that sand.
>Talk about a weird piece of art work.  I wonder how their messiah
>survives the whole thing.  Anyhow, just think.  We might get to
>see the real anti christ this very week.  Yes, I still believe in
>a rapture and one that comes before the seven years of tribulation
>so I don't plan on getting to know the anti christ personally.  In
>my 50 years of being a Christian, every decade has had people
>running around insisting Jesus was coming during that decade.  It
>got worse in the eighties.  then, in the nineties, it was every
>year, and sometimes twice a year, until the grand daddy date of
>all times, the year two thousand.  When that slipped by, it was
>2001 and when that slipped by, it was, well, you get the picture.
>In spite of everything, if Jesus isn't coming soon, then I don't
>know how to read and understand prophetic events when I see them.
>Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.  Right on, Brother John.  What
>you wrote back in 95 A D is going to happen just like you said.
>We'll be home for supper.
>He's ready when you are.