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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 5 Dec 2006 17:01:20 -0500
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December 4, 2006
Who Took Christ Out of Christmas?
The e-mail I received shouted,         "The War 
Rages On! What can YOU do?" The group,
Operation:         Just Say "Merry Christmas"
is putting a call out to all         Christians 
to "Proclaim to the world that you
intend to ‘Keep         Christ in Christmas!" 
They say it is long past time for Christians
to stand firm in their faith. They are offering 
wristbands that say         "Just
Say Merry Christmas" and magnetic car stickers 
with a         nativity cutout with
the caption "Keep Christ in 
Christmas".         The cause sounds so noble - what
committed Christian wouldn’t answer         the call?
It may surprise you to know that         the 
wristbands and car magnets were designed
and made by the Knights of         Columbus and 
the Just Say "Merry Christmas" organization
is         Roman Catholic; however their call is 
to everyone who calls themselves
Christian to join the crusade. Not surprisingly, 
they are promoting the         ecumenical
movie "The Nativity Story" that premiered at 
the         Vatican and had Roman Catholic
In reality, no one has taken         Christ out 
of Christmas because Christ has never
been in         "Christmas". It is another pagan 
holiday         "Christianized"
by the Roman Catholic Church. The 
word         Christmas is derived from Middle English
Christemasse and from Old         English
Cristes mæsse
.         It is a contraction meaning "Christ's 
mass".  The mass         refers to
the Roman Catholic celebration of the Eucharist. 
The         Eucharistic Christ is
not the Christ of the Bible. He is conjured 
up         over and over as flesh and
blood through the Eucharist via 
the         incantations of the priest. Millions
upon millions of dear precious         people are 
led to believe they are ingesting
Christ and receiving saving         grace through this sacrament.
The idea that December 25 is         Jesus' date of birth was popularized by
Sextus         Julius Africanus
          (AD 221)".  He calculated that December 25
  was         nine months after Mary conceived 
Christ and this happened to be the
date         the Romans celebrated the winter 
solstice. This is the only account
that         has any validity as to December 25
  being the birth of         Christ, but that is 
only speculation and lacks practicality
as gestation         periods vary.
Nevertheless, unlike other 
pagan         celebrations that have been coated with
a Christian veneer, Christmas 
is         universally celebrated as a commemoration
of Christ’s birth. Most         Christians have 
come to accept it as such and it
is often used as an         opportunity to bring 
glory to the Lord. Countless souls
have been saved         at fundamental 
evangelical Christmas services as the Gospel
is presented         to audiences that might 
never otherwise darken the door of a
Bible-preaching church.
Controversy has always         surrounded the 
Christmas holiday. During the Reformation,
Protestants         condemned Christmas 
celebration as "trappings of popery" and
the "rags of the Beast". The Catholic Church 
responded by         promoting the festival
in a more religiously oriented form. The 
Puritans         of New England disapproved
of Christmas and celebration was outlawed 
in         Boston (1659-81). Meanwhile,
Virginia and New York celebrated         freely.
No one can deny that the major         emphasis 
at Christmas is materialistic and
worldly. In fact, it is so         secularized 
that unbelievers have no problem celebrating
it. Dominionist         types get up in arms when 
governmental authorities refuse
to allow         nativity scenes in public areas, 
but seem to ignore the fact that
as         private citizens we can still utilize 
our personal freedoms to display
nativity scenes in our front yards. The Magi can 
be omitted if desired         to
be biblically correct and the scene need not have 
a "Madonna         with Child"
appearance. All the displays would send a 
powerful         message that the households
are celebrating the birth of Christ. 
Too         much time, expense and energy is
spent wrangling with secular         governments 
and the ACLU on this issue – they
are not the enemy. The         battle lines have 
been drawn and the love of Christ
is not seen.         Demanding our rights is not 
the answer. Christ was never universally
accepted and He never will be. We will never 
succeed in Christianizing         the
world at large, and we should not be shocked when 
the world rejects         Him.
Saying "Merry Christmas" and displaying a 
nativity scene         has the potential
to impact our culture by creating a heightened 
level         of awareness that could
lead to open discussion. But unless 
that         opportunity is capitalized upon
the effort is an end in itself.
Any discussion of Christmas         brings up the 
question: Should Christians celebrate
Christmas given its         connections to 
paganism? Certainly Christmas is not a
biblical         observance. Sincere believers 
are lined up on both sides of the
discussion. Purists say absolutely not and don’t 
acknowledge it at         all. Others
believe in using it as a bridge instead of throwing up a         wall.
Pragmatism is certainly a blight         on the 
Church, but can’t truth be honored
as we commemorate the birth         of Christ 
even with all the "baggage"? The population
is         "forced" to think about Jesus during 
this time and         opportunities
can arise to share Christ if we are prepared. The 
average         person tolerates
the non-threatening Babe in the manger, but the 
risen         Christ and His gift
of salvation call for a personal decision and 
the         need to address one’s eternal
destiny. This requires a 
gentle         persuasion toward self-examination and repentance
which is far from         comfortable, but 
necessary. The Christmas season provides
a natural         atmosphere to present the 
Gospel and declare the love of Christ
and why         He came.
Since the holiday is permanently         woven 
into the fabric of our society, if
Christians reject the         observance of 
Christmas it could send a confusing message
to a world         that does not understand. They 
simply see it as a day the Christian
world remembers the birth of Christ. Christians 
who opt out may be         perceived
as strange or legalistic, damaging their ability 
to witness.         It could drive
a wedge between family members who do not 
understand. At         this point it is
written in granite as a national holiday 
and         proverbially speaking, the horse
is out of the barn never to return.         Most 
importantly, every believer must
follow their personal conviction         and 
extend grace to one another, not judge
each another or allow the         issue to become divisive when we disagree.
Christmas is traditionally the         time to 
keep in touch with distant friends
and relatives, recapping the         activities 
of the year, sharing both joys and
sorrows, giving         opportunity to testify of 
what Christ has done. There are
ways to set an         example of how to have a 
Christ-centered observance. For example,
one         family I know is sending gifts to 
national pastors and their families
in         a 3
  world country in lieu of a family gift 
exchange. What a         wonderful way to
stem the tide of materialism in one’s own family. 
We         should not miss the
opportunity to glorify the Savior during this 
window         of opportunity when
He is center stage.
The Bible is our ultimate         authority, but 
where it is silent, it seems appropriate
to consult         trusted Bible teachers. I 
wanted to know what John R. Rice and
H.A.         Ironside, a couple of my favorites, had to say about Christmas.
Brother         Rice comments:
I LOVE the Christmas season. I         find great 
joy in preaching on the Christmas
themes of the angels, the         shepherds, the 
manger, the virgin birth, and the
wise men. I have great         joy in the 
Christmas carol. There is a joyful, happy
note of worship in         our home, and thank 
God, in my heart, through the Christmastime....I
love to give gifts, and I rejoice to be 
remembered by my loved ones and         friends.
I love the Christmas season….It makes me sad that 
many people         do not enjoy
Christmas. Some devoted Christians feel sour, 
cantankerous,         and full of objections
about Christmas. To them I would say in the 
words         of Scripture that if you
regard the day, regard it unto the Lord. And 
if         you do not regard the day,
Christmas, then be sure that you 
are         Christian about it and do it as unto
the Lord. But let nobody be judging         and 
criticizing others for honest, worshipful,
spiritual and loving         attitudes about 
Christmas. He was familiar with all
the pagan         connections and addressed it 
this way:….thank God, all the days
belong         to Christ now and none of them 
belong to heathen gods….Why should
anybody grieve if I sing Christmas carols, if I have a happy celebration
with a feast, and if I go over the Bible story of 
the birth of Christ         and
teach it to my children, on Christmas Day? As to 
the secular         celebration
of the day, he says," …we would be very foolish 
if we         turned Christmas over
to Satan and worldlings. If the world has 
a         Christmas of revelry, let us
make it a day of Christian love 
and         fellowship and a day honoring to Christ.
Let us make much of the         Christmas story 
in the Bible, of Christmas carols,
of Christian love and         fellowship…Yes, I 
love Christmas!...........I like
to use Christmas         time as a good excuse to 
get into people’s hearts and win
them to         Christ. And, thank God, many have 
been saved because I brought a
Christmas message, or because I urged sinners to 
accept God’s great         Christmas
gift at Christmas time.
Dr. Ironside’s devotional for         December 25th
  from The Daily Sacrifice published in 1948 
ends         with this poem titled "The
Triumph of Christmas". The words,         though 
penned some 58 years ago are timely
in our day.
"Can we say ‘Merry         Christmas!’
          When all around it’s night
          When war spreads death and sorrow;
          And wrong o’ercomes the right?
Is love the greatest power?
          Or is it hate and greed?
          If we speak now of Christmas,
          Will anyone give heed?
‘Ah, yes!’ comes back faith’s         answer;
          The hearts of men still cry
          For that one Consolation,
          To cheer them ere they die.
Then still sound forth the         Message
          The angel heralds sang:
          That o’er the hills of David
          In peals of rapture rang.
Then from the lowly manger,
          Shall rise a mighty Throne;
          The Babe become earth’s ruler:
          And men serve God alone."
--Author Unknown
No one has taken Christ out of         Christmas 
– He does not dwell in Christmas.
He abides in the hearts of         those who have 
repented, accepted His gift of
salvation and invited and         welcomed Him into their lives.
Sherry Neese:  The only child of an alcoholic 
father and abusive, mentally-ill mother
who disowned her, Sherry received Christ through 
a radio broadcast as a child. He
has been faithful to sustain her through many 
challenges in her walk of faith.  She
is a wife, mother and “Mimi” to her 
grandchildren. She is active in foreign missions
and evangelism and has a special heart for those 
who are emotionally hurting, especially
children. The Lord has given her a burden for the 
Church in these last days, to expose
error and speak the truth in love to all with an ear to hear.
If you would like to be added to my E-List 
for         Updates, send a message with
"Subscribe" in the subject line         to the link below.
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