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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 7 Nov 2006 16:16:35 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

CSA has been asked to collaborate  with a US-based research institute to 
conduct a qualitative research study on  gluten-free products.
The purpose of the study is to get  some insight into the attitudes and 
expectations with regards to various types  of gluten-free food products.
You are invited and encouraged  to participate in this research  project.  
The requirements and other details follow.
Feel free to forward  this message to any other people who may qualify or 
refer them to the CSA  website, _www.csaceliacs.org_ (http://www.csaceliacs.org/) 
This research project  will be conducted in three major cities (2 groups per 
city) in  mid-November: 
Dates,  Times and Locations: 
1. New York (Mid-Town Manhattan) 
Tuesday, November  14 
Group 1 - 5:00 PM; Group 2 - 7:15 PM 
2. Central Chicago (Near Michigan  Avenue) 
Thursday, November  16 
Group 3 - 5:00 PM; Group 4 - 7:15 PM 
3. Los Angeles (Beverly Hills) 
Monday, November  20 
Group 5 - 5:30 PM; Group 6 - 7:30 PM 
Requirements:  To qualify for the study, you must be. .  . 
1. Resident in  New York City, Los  Angeles or Chicago 
2. Aged 25 -  56 
3. Celiac disease  patient or caregiver of a child with celiac disease 
4. Celiac disease  diagnosed more than 2 years ago 
The study can only  accommodate one participant per family. 
If you are qualified  for the project, you will be invited to participate in 
a group discussion,  including ten other people like yourselves who are either 
celiac disease  patients or caregivers of celiac disease patients. During the 
session, you will  be asked to discuss your attitudes and views about celiac 
disease and various  food products for those who have celiac disease. You will 
also have the chance  to taste a variety of gluten free products. The 
discussion will last no longer  than 2 hours. 
Honorarium  & catering: 
You will be given an  honorarium of $125 as a sign of gratitude for your 
participation. Also, snacks,  including gluten-free snacks, will be served. 
Please fill in the  online form with your contact information by clicking on 
A staff member  of the research company will call you to confirm your 
interest in  participating. Please note that your application will only be  finalized 
AFTER qualifying over the telephone. 
Also note that all  information provided will be used only for the market 
research  purposes of this project. 
Online application  deadlines: 
-          New  York groups: November  12 
-          Chicago  groups: November 14 
-          Los  Angeles groups: November  16 
Thank you for your  cooperationm  participation and being a celiac helping  
Thomas P.  Sullivan 
President,  CSA 
[log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask])  

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