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Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 12 Dec 2006 21:01:19 -0700
text/plain (164 lines)
Praying for you, even if I don't always respond.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 6:55 PM
Subject: Update On Gretchen

>I am writing in detail because many of you have been praying for
> our daughter for years.  I just wanted to explain what the latest
> was about Gretchen.  Last Sunday, I believe it was, Gretchen came
> out into my office to tell me something funny that happened at
> work.  She talked for a few minutes and since I have been telling
> her for about four months that I need to speak with her
> concerning, Everett, her oldest son, I took the opportunity.
> Gretchen's boyfriend, with whom she sometimes lives with, if you
> get my drift, is not a Christian nor does he wish to be.  A few
> months ago, he made an appointment to come and see me in my
> office.  He is an x druggy, although he has done drugs with
> Gretchen in the last six months or so more than once so he really
> is still a druggy I guess, and since his parents are very wealthy,
> over his entire life, he has been to all types of counselors,
> psychologists, and psychiatrists.  He is a nice guy but so am I
> and being nice doesn't make you a Christian.  So, after an hour of
> talking, I eventually covered the Gospel in as simple of words as
> possible.  That really turned him off and he couldn't wait to get
> off the topic of God and get out the office door and as far away
> from me as possible.  No, I didn't threaten him or scare him.  In
> fact, what you think about me wouldn't resemble the compassion I
> showed toward this young man.  Besides, I know how to lead people
> to Christ.  Yes, it is sad.  What does Mike, is his name, have to
> do with my talk with Gretchen?  I'm glad you asked.  I started out
> by asking Gretchen if she and Mike planned on getting married.
> There was no definite answer there but when you sleep with
> somebody and hang around them whenever you aren't sleeping or
> working, not to mention talking about them nonstop, then the
> possibility is likely.  Plus, she has hinted around about such
> happening some day anyhow.  A couple of weeks ago, I felt anger in
> my house.  It wasn't a personage, meaning, I didn't sense a
> demonic presence, although some likely believe I find demons
> everywhere all the time, but this feeling, and I know this sounds
> very weird, but this feeling of anger was in the form of rage.
> The anger, and rage, I felt, seemed painted on the walls of my
> house when I focused on it.  I told you it sounded weird.  I
> focused on the anger many times over a couple of days because, as
> I grew up, and I did not understand why this was until recently, I
> had rage buried deep that only surfaced once and awhile.  When it
> did, I threw things, broke things, kicked doors down, yelled so
> loud my voice was hoarse for days, and many other such things.
> Fortunately, it happened rarely.  What did not happen rarely was
> the feeling of rage.  By that I mean, I often found myself doing
> nothing in particular but suddenly had a desire to throw something
> or break something and so on, and for no reason.  I mean, I wasn't
> even angry about anything at that moment of that feeling.  I
> didn't react, of course, unless I was pushed into a corner but
> this feeling of rage had personality.  I did not understand that
> until a little over four years ago.  Now I know what it is and
> what it was.  So, for a couple of days, I kept feeling this anger,
> as I mentioned, but there was no personality feeling associated
> with it.  How do I know?  Because each time I felt the anger, I
> prayed and tried to locate where it might be coming from.  I also
> quickly examined my own feelings and there was no desire to throw
> anything, break anything, nor any feeling of being out of control.
> This, in itself, surprised me.  I had noticed for well over two
> years that fear itself no longer surfaced but now that I sensed
> the anger, in the air sort of speak, I thought it quite unusual
> that the accompanying presence, like something was there, didn't
> exist.  One day, Sandy got a new cell phone in the mail.  She had
> asked little Everett to show her a little about the phone.  During
> the process, Everett went ape, as we say, and his anger overflowed
> almost out of control.  The instant it happened, I spiritually saw
> where the anger was.  Later, his anger occurred a second time and
> this is why I took the opportunity to talk with Gretchen even
> though she wasn't planning on it.  I made it perfectly clear that
> I had recently been healed from the origin of my own rage by the
> Lord not only showing me the first time I displayed the anger and
> rage at about 10 years of age, but as I prayed, the Lord
> immediately showed me where the anger came from.  You will find it
> interesting, likely, that the rage I once had did not come from
> anyone in my family nor did it comes from my ancestors, if you
> are one who believes in generational curses.  In my talk with
> Gretchen, I gave her no choices and explained that what Everett
> was experiencing was largely the fact he had no father.  I know
> that feeling incredibly well since my dad died when I was 11 years
> old.  My grandson, on the other hand, has a father whom no one has
> seen in years but still always spends more time in jail than any
> place else.  Yet, little guys still want to see their real dad.
> Even adult men often want to meat their dad.  Often such meetings
> make things worse for them instead of better.  I told her I have
> been waiting for a long time for her to take responsibility for
> the sin she is living in, which I repeated three different times
> and pointed out what God calls sleeping with someone else, not to
> mention hanging around with a man who is not born again and
> claiming him as her boyfriend, and I also made it clear that she,
> and absolutely no one else, was solely responsible for the
> behavior of her son.  I told her that she would either begin
> taking responsibility as his mother or she wouldn't like the
> decision I would have to make.  She tried to say she had already
> lost her son but I told her I was sick of hearing that half ass
> excuse.  By the way, sinners, living in sin, sometimes need to be
> spoken to in the language which they understand and not in the
> nice Christian language we all believe in is Godly.  You want to
> hear force?  Let God speak to you just once in judgment and
> you'll find out what real life is all about.  Furthermore, my
> terminology came from the Bible and I can prove it.  Nothing like
> being biblical.  If she wanted to marry an unsaved man, I told her
> that was fine, but under no circumstances would she do that until
> after her boys were raised.  Finally, Gretchen asked if she could
> take Everett with her to a nearby Charismatic church.  This church
> I know about, somewhat, and they have a good size youth group.
> Everett loves such church activities.  I told her that she could
> indeed start going to church there but first of all, her so called
> boyfriend was in no way allowed to come when Everett was there.
> I also said that she had to make a decision about her so called
> relationship with her boyfriend or I would make it for her.
> Secondly, I told her that I would be watching both her attitude,
> and Everett's very closely.  If I saw no changes, the game was
> over because I told her I refused to play any longer.  Children's
> lives are at stake and I'm not standing before God and trying to
> make up excuses why I didn't fulfill my part as, unfortunately,
> the patriarch sort of speak, of the Scovell family.  By the way,
> this is something the Lord showed me a few years ago, that is, my
> spiritual responsibility as the head of my home.  This home
> includes everybody that is my immediate descendant.  I personally
> believe, since the Lord showed me this, the authority I have in
> Christ Jesus shifted gears into areas I never dreamed possible.  I
> have, furthermore, spoken with my oldest son in Florida and
> explained this to him.  I informed him, like it or not, he was my
> first born son and if anything happens to me, it passes on to him
> to lead the Scovell family.  No, I'm not planning on dying but
> this is a Biblical principle I am absolutely sold on so believe
> what you will about it.  And some of you want to know why I'm such
> a mean person.  By the way, and along these lines, Gretchen's
> boyfriend has told her that at her, almost 28 years of age, that I
> have no right to be telling her what to do.  Fine.  Believe what
> you want but that won't keep me from standing my ground.  You
> think I'm kidding.  Listen, several years ago, when my dumb ass
> step father literally was physically abusing my 73 year old
> mother, I called him up on the phone and left him a voice mail and
> told him in no uncertain terms what he could expect if my mother
> ever called me again and told me what he had done to her.
> furthermore, I immediately called his pastor, the largest church
> in Denver, and told him what my step dad had not only done but
> what would happen if it ever happened again.  I think an over
> weight blind man beating up a 70 year old man is a fair enough
> match.  go to jail?  It would have been an honor for my mom's
> sake.  By the way, the old fart never laid a hand on mom again
> either and by the way, he did this a few weeks after her first
> stroke.  Talk about somebody with rage, that was my step dad.
> Now, back to what I was saying.  Gretchen has said she now will
> spend more time with Everett than she had been, she went every
> Sunday afternoon to spend with her boyfriend and left her son
> here, and she said she would furthermore really help him in the
> youth group at church.  So, there is a whole lot more than you
> ever wanted to know.  You may not like me personally, nor my
> attitude, but some day you will say, That Phil Scovell wasn't half
> bad, you know?
> Phil.