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Tue, 8 May 2007 11:43:46 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

A clear liquid diet is a temporary diet used for preparation for surgery and
medical tests such as colonoscopy, and other x rays that require little or
no food in the stomach and intestines.  It is also used when someone is
unable to eat any food for several days, or after surgery.


The clear liquid diet keeps you hydrated (with fluids, salts and minerals)
because you could not maintain no intake at all for 3 days.  Keep in mind
this diet does not provide enough energy, protein and any other nutrients,
so you will have that amount of downtime, meaning not being able to handle a
normal daily workload.  If you push yourself, you will find you will be
dizzy, lack normal stamina, and should not drive or operate machinery, etc.
You should not, under any circumstances, be on a clear liquid diet longer
than 3 days, unless you are recovering from surgery and have an i.v. and are
under a medical professional’s close watch.


Liquids that you can see through at room temperature are considered clear


Clear liquid diet consists of:

-        Clear fruit juice without pulp, such as apple juice, white grape
juice.  No juice colored darker than orange the last 48 hours.  No nectars,
canned, fresh or frozen fruits

-        Clear soup broths, bouillon, fat free consommé.  No creamed soups,
soups with vegetables,GF noodles, rice, meat or other chunks of food in them

-        Coffee is allowed but I would use tea hot or cold instead, lighter
colored koolaids and mixes alike if they are gluten free I don’t know

-        Fruit ices light colored without chunks of fruit, plain gelatin,
clear hard candy, popsicle GF made from clear juices

-        No vegetables

-        No milk or dairy

-        No GF breads

-        No meats, chicken or fish or nuts or tofu, etc. you get the picture

-        NO oils or butters or margarines

My personal experience with liquid diets for colonoscopies and other
procedures: I can’t handle 3 days of nothing but liquids unless I am very
ill and have no choice.  My GI prescribes liquid diet 2 days before the
surgery, then day before colonoscopy liquid diet in morning, lunch and then
at 5pm start taking the prescribed drinkable liquid prep Nutely or Go-Tely,
or whatever your doctor prescribes, which is a gluten free dry powder you
mix with a lot of water make sure it’s icy cold and drink that as directed.
Within 1 hr you will commence evacuation of your bowels.  Not painful,
slightly uncomfortable, but nothing compared to a full blown celiac attack
classically GI related certainly.  Make your bathroom a temporary spa,
perhaps a candle, certainly a good book and magazines, music of your choice.
This prep insures that your systems is whistle clean, the GI doc will love
you, and insure that he gets a clear result of your tests.  Don’t forget to
ask for a copy of the procedure, and ask him to take pictures, you will get
those on your copy probably.  And don’t be afraid to ask to ask to be put to
sleep.  The drugs they give you via I.V. like fentanyl are gluten free, the
liquid in the i.v. are normal saline used standardly for surgical
procedures.  Make it well known to all medical personnel if you have any
allergies to medications, besides food.  Leave your jewelry at home, wear
something warm and comfortable to the procedure, they keep those places like
an icecube.  Don’t be afraid to ask for a warming blanket when you get on
the gurney before the procedure.  This will calm you greatly.  This also
helps the nurse who is starting your i.v. as your veins shrink up when you
are cold.  When you wake up you will be offered fruit juice and other
various liquids that potentially might not be gluten free.  The physician
should come to the recovery room after you are coherent, your relative or
friend should be there to hear what he says.  Don’t let them push you out of
there if you are feeling nauseous or whoosy, take your time.  Have a pillow
and blanket in the car waiting for you because you will probably sleep on
the way home.  Have something wonderful but light waiting in the
refrigerator after you get home and begin to feel hungry.  Good luck,
Dorina, near Galveston, TX

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