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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 26 Jun 2007 13:12:45 +0200
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=WINDOWS-1252; format=flowed
Kabir Njaay <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (213 lines)

"It seems I am looking at.....?"

I forwarded an article that exposes lies. I think if you have anything to
say about the article it would be to address its contents?

Liberation from 'White man rule'? That took place in '79 in Zimbabwe
and 'White man' will never again rule in Zimbabwe unless through proxy Uncle
Toms like Tsvangarai, which is exactly what they are out to achieve.

I didn't know Mugabe was playing anything but thanks for the info. The
article on the other hand exposes who's playing what with evidence and
arguments to back it up.

As far as human rights are concerned I'm sure you've read what I've said on
the issue many times before, if not please visit the archives.

When states are in a state of war, which Zimbabwe is as it is under siege by
Western powers who are standing up for their white brother, the situation
requires specific measures. The US interned the Japanese-Americans under
WWII just because they had Japanese ancestry. Zimbabwe has not intervened
any Whites even though some of them have threatened its national security.

America continues to detain innocent people on a flimsy pretext. Britain
continues to harass innocent people even though their situation cannot be
said to be of a national security scale; a dozen might be killed here and a
dozen maimed there, but such actions are not of such extend that they
threaten the state. A Brazilian was shot dead just because he resembled and
Arab and was 'oddly dressed'. Human rights?!?

These are not animal rights, they are human rights. Zimbabweans have a right
to their land, one of the most BASIC human rights.

You "really donot agree with the western geo-politic in relation to land and
white farmers"? Strange!

What is going on in Zimbabwe is a direct result of the land reforms. They
may have bamboozled you into believing that 'Mugabe' or 'human rights' is
the issue, not me... 'You can fool some peole sometimes but not all the
people all the time'.

Omar Bongo, for example has been in power since when? 1967! None has heard
the Papa West calling for him to go because he continues to hold down his
country so that it can be sodomized by the West.

Why is the West not supporting the Gambian opposition, for example, imposing
sanctions and demanding Jammeh's departure? Were not over a dozen school
kids shot and killed in broad daylight in 2000. How many abductions have
taken place since, how many arson attacks, just to name a few atrocities?

Why is the UDP not being funded by the State department, Darbo given
red-carpet treatment in Washington and London?

Ethiopia, Sudan, Nigeria, Libya, you name it! I don't buy into hypocrisy and
lies I love to use the little grey matter that God has given me and refuse
to have anybody else think for me, least of all those who have made riches
on the blood, sweat and tears of the Black man. Unless one feels extremely
inferior I can't understand how one can make certain rationalisations that
are replete with contradictions.

If I can't argue it coherently and convincingly to myself and to my own
child, I won't try it anywhere else.



On 6/26/07, ABDOUKARIM SANNEH <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Kabir
> Thanks for the forward. It seems you are looking at Zimbabwe problem in
> Pan African style of African politics of liberation from white man rule or
> neo-colonialism. Mugabe is playing his utopian Pan African politics only to
> stay in power. He has absolute and its absolute power which corrupt him
> absolutely. The longer he stay in power the more damage he is causing for
> average Zimbabaweans.I really donot agree with the western geo-politic in
> relation to land and white farmers. I am concern about the situation of
> human rights, civil liberty and rule of law which Robert Mugabe and his
> ZANUPF have no regard.
> Kabir Njaay <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> *Germany's plot against Zimbabwe exposed*
> * *
> Posted: Monday, June 25, 2007
> *The Herald*
> *At least the world can now see for itself the extent of the cowardice,
> dishonesty and lies that characterise the West's engagement over
> Zimbabwe.*
> A few days back, the Germany Embassy in Harare denied visas to two key
> members of the Zimbabwean delegation that was supposed to attend the
> Joint Parliamentary Assembly underway in Wiesbaden, Germany, scuttling
> Zimbabwe's participation in the process.
> It is important to note that Zimbabwe was supposed to feature prominently
> on
> the agenda, yet the West did not want Zimbabwe to be present to defend
> itself against their malicious propaganda.
> What is more, they were only too happy to grant a visa to MDC legislator,
> Nelson Chamisa, whom they expected to grandstand on their behalf.
> Head of delegation Senator Forbes Magadu, who was supposed to table a
> resolution to expose the West's hand in the ongoing political and economic
> problems in the country, was conveniently denied a visa.
> Secretary to the delegation Dr Godfrey Chipare, the principal director
> (external relations) with the Parliament of Zimbabwe, who was supposed to
> help Senator Magadu with the paperwork, was also denied a visa.
> Of course, Senator Clarissa Vongai Muchengeti of Zanu-PF was granted a
> visa,
> but it was evident that the EU wanted to use her as a cover for Chamisa,
> as
> they considered her a soft-target since she did not have the
> responsibility
> of tabling the resolution.
> There you have it; Zimbabwe was supposed to be present but not
> represented,
> giving Westerners the opportunity to trash the country at will.
> Fortunately, their nefarious agenda was exposed and we hail the Parliament
> of Zimbabwe for withdrawing the credentials of the entire delegation.
> What is shocking about the saga is not Germany's wanton violation of the
> Cotonou Agreement that guarantees immunities and privileges to state
> parties
> conducting ACP-EU business, but the manner in which the Germans
> shamelessly
> lie that no applications were lodged with them when they refused to issue
> the application forms for the two delegates in the first place.
> They should tell the world why Chamisa and Cde Muchengeti had visas if no
> applications had been forwarded.
> The scandal is, however, consistent with the West's treatment of Zimbabwe,
> their strategy is simple — create problems and blame it on the victim.
> That is the whole story behind the land reform programme.
> White settlers of Western origin created the skewed land ownership with
> their racist policies.
> It was Britain that refused to honour its obligations to fund land reforms
> in Zimbabwe.
> The countries that reneged on the promises they made at the Land Donor
> Conference of 1998 were from the West.
> It was the West again that tried to internationalise a purely bilateral
> dispute between Harare and London.
> It is the West that imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe, which sanctions are
> behind the economic problems bedevilling the country today.
> It is the West that is sponsoring subversive political activities in
> Zimbabwe.
> It is the West that blames Zimbabwe for everything.
> This is why we hope those who are quick to judge, quick to be swayed by
> Western propaganda learn from this scandal.
> The West does not want the real Zimbabwean story to be heard.
> They would rather keep feeding the world with lies.
> If, as they say, they are right, they should give Zimbabwe the chance to
> present its side of the story and let an informed world decide who is
> right
> and who is wrong.
> We have no doubt Zimbabwe will be vindicated.
> ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
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