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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 5 Mar 2006 12:16:41 -0800
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
saihou Mballow <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
text/plain (247 lines)
Hi Ginny,
          i really appreciate your participation on
this particular issue and generally your contribution
on other debates trying to make democracy work in The
I believe people should help shape public opinion by
speaking out or writing on important issues that
concerns citizens. This is among the reasons and
couple with demand from some Gambias who have
expressed interest in reading Mr Daffeh's articles
encouraged me to forward them for public consumtion
and analysis.
Well i have come to understand that there are people
who do not appreciate his articles forwarded but
rather prefer himself subscribe to the list and
participate on the debates and i equally want that to
happen but if that has not happen yet, shouldn't stop
me from forwarding his articles after they have
appeared on newspapers.
I thank you and will seek general public opinion
before taking a final decision on it.


--- Ginny Quick <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering
> by "Ginny Quick" <[log in to unmask]> ]
> Hello, Saihou, just to put my two cents in here, but
> it seems to me that 
> what some people have a problem with is not
> necessarily what Daffeh is 
> writing, but they would like to know why he doesn't
> subscribe to the Gambia 
> Post / L, and defend what he's writing, since there
> are some who disagree 
> with what he is saying.  So it would seem that the
> main problem isn't so 
> much what he is writing or saying, but why he just
> don't subscribe to the 
> list and post his articles on his own.  Is there any
> reason he can't 
> subscribe to the Gambia Post / L on his own and then
> pust his articles that 
> way?  I think some people feel as though he is
> hiding or something, and I 
> think that is what has people wondering.
> Ginny
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "saihou Mballow" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: "gambia post" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 11:04 PM
> Subject: [>-<] Re: Ss. Daffeh
> >[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering
> by saihou Mballow 
> ><[log in to unmask]> ]
> >
> >
> > Joh,
> >     i am sorry to say but i don't need an advice
> from
> > someone who will tell me not to forward Daffeh's
> > articles or any other Gambian writer.
> > This is so because many Gambians have expressed
> > positive feelings about Mr Daffeh's writtings.
> >
> > It is troubling that few people on this list
> exhibits
> > a strikingly low level of political intolerance
> and i
> > don't believe you are part of those people. They
> don't
> > want to see any thing written against their favor.
> >
> > Daily we see people on this list using "F" words
> but
> > do any anyone care to tell them to stop, NO.
> > Therefore, it is unfair for me to reject
> forwarding
> > Daffeh's writings. Daffeh has always been backing
> his
> > articles with facts and records.
> >
> > What i expected from you was a response with
> authentic
> > figures to challenge his statistical data but not
> to
> > label him as someone divisive.
> >
> > Saihou
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Camara,
> >>
> >> First, I responded to "Daffeh" because I got
> tired
> >> of reading all of the
> >> twisted propaganda he and those who share his
> views
> >> on this issue have been
> >> trying to feed us. I don't think you guys realize
> >> how much like the  APRC you are
> >> beginning to sound, trying to explain the
> >> unexplainable and  twisting
> >> information to suit your needs and you are doing
> >> exactly that  again here.
> >>
> >> I never said anything in my response about
> whether
> >> Darboe would have made a
> >> good candidate or not had he been selected, but
> the
> >> key word here is "had he
> >> been selected"
> >>
> >> That is not the issue here, the issue is that he
> >> abandoned this  alliance and
> >> now, those who are trying to unashamedly market
> this
> >> idea that  NADD should
> >> now join those who have betrayed the ideals the
> >> alliance stood for  and who
> >> then went on to try to force the hand of others
> by
> >> devious tactics are  the ones
> >> right and reasonable.
> >>
> >> There was a very democratic process in place for
> the
> >> selection of the
> >> flagbearer and Darboe signed on to that agreement
> >> when the MOU was signed. He  left
> >> NADD when he realized that the selection
> procedure
> >> may not result in him
> >> being chosen as the flag bearer, so he left with
> >> Hamat Bah in tow to go  form his
> >> own coalition in which he is flag bearer and
> anyone
> >> who joins him has  to
> >> agree to that fact.
> >> So you don't like the democratic process, then
> >> bypass it and try to force
> >> the hand of others to succumb to your wishes.
> >> Is that what we are aspiring to in The Gambia and
> >> what is the difference
> >> between that thinking and that of Yaya Jammeh who
> >> has operated along the same
> >> lines for the past decade?
> >>
> >> It is Darboe who abandoned the coalition and set
> >> about creating the
> >> polarization you are trying to turn the tables
> and
> >> accuse others of doing. He  did
> >> this by holding rallies and criticizing his
> >> colleagues openly.
> >> Is it important for an aspiring leader to keep
> his
> >> word and honor his
> >> agreements? Is it OK to bypass a democratic
> process
> >> if you think the results  will
> >> not favor you? Is that really what we are looking
> >> for in our future  leader?
> >>
> >> Instead of trying to turn the tables and asking
> >> to join the UDP/NRP
> >> coalition that ran away from NADD when things
> would
> >> not go their way, you and
> >> your associates need to expend your energies to
> >> persuade the UDP/NRP  coalition
> >> to go back and honor the agreement they entered
> >> into.That is what  will
> >> restore the hopes and dreams of the people if
> they
> >> are at all important in  this
> >> process.
> >>
> >> That will also convince the Gambian people that
> >> Darboe and Bah put the
> >> Gambia first instead of their own interests first
> >> and that they do  respect and
> >> abide by the democratic process which we the
> public
> >> must insist any  aspiring
> >> leader to abide by. So it is also a question of
> >> integrity in  addition to being a
> >> question of putting the people first.
> >>
> >> I agree with you, a splintered coalition will not
> >> win against Yaya Jammeh
> >> and the splintering was initiated by the UDP &
> >> walking away and with all
> >> the other defections going on all over the place,
> it
> >> looks like the pursuit of
> >> self interest by politicians will once again
> leave
> >> the Gambian people at the
> >> mercy of Yaya Jammeh and the blame falls on the
> >> shoulders of those who
> >> initiated  the betrayal of trust and it looks
> like
> >> every body else is following suit.
> >>
> >> It is time for some truth and honesty and it is
> not
> >> hard to find  in this
=== message truncated ===

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