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Vicki and The Rors <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Dec 2006 21:58:48 -0700
text/plain (177 lines)

What fun!  So, you had to go back to work to rest, did you?  Lol!  Happy 
birthday, when ever that is, or shall I say happy un thirtieth birthday. 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jenifer Gilley" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: A sweet Christmas

> Hi pat.
> Your Christmas sounds wonderful!
> Ok... my turn!
> Friday we got out of work 2 hours early.  Jeremy and I decided to splerge 
> and for part of our Christmas for each other, we got a limo to go to his 
> parent's.  We spent friday with his dad, had chinese and played cards. 
> Saturday we went bowling and relaxed with him and his stepmom.
> Sunday morning his mom picked us up and we went to breakfast.  We spent 
> most of the day with her and her husband.  That night his dad picked us up 
> and we went to his brothers for christmas eve.  We had fun.  Played games 
> and had a silly-string fight.  And no... neither one of us started it!  It 
> was a fun time.
> We went back to his moms that night to  spend the night.  We exchanged 
> gifts sunday night.  I got a new robe, slippers, an ipod shuffle, a 
> candle... and jeremy got me two beautiful hand-crafted dog ornaments.  One 
> is a black lab with jewls on her tummy... and the other is a yellow lab.
> Monday, we had dinner with his family and came back monday night.  We got 
> home around 10:00.  Tired yet?  haha!  I know i was!
> The weekend before, we had christmas with my family!  Let's see.  I god 
> windchimes from my sister-in-law, this really cool bowl that you put real 
> popcorn in and pop it in the microwave, we both got a clock that chimes 
> everry quarter hour, and on the hour it chimes for the hour-it's cool cuz 
> it sleeps from 11:00-6:00, and we got our talking microwave!  We both 
> asked each other what our favorite gifts were... and we're split between 
> the clock and the microwave!  lol!  O yeah... i got two of my favorite 
> movies, and a dvd also.  I must've been a good girl this year!  lol!
> All in all it was a lot of fun... busy... but fun!  For new years we're 
> probably going to go to friends and just chill!  My mom's coming next 
> weekend and we're going to celebrate my birthday which is... well i won't 
> say when, cuz i'll be that much closer to 30!  uggg!!!  Can't i just go 
> backwards instead??
> Jenifer gilley
> CHRIST came that we may have life everlasting.
> check out my blog
> AIM: jenibear1998
> msn
> [log in to unmask]
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Pat Ferguson" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 6:56 PM
> Subject: A sweet Christmas
>> Hi Everyone,
>> I hope and pray that you all had a very wonderful and Blessed Christmas.
>> I thought I would briefly tell you about our wonderful Christmas.
>> It was truly sweet and filled with so much love and peace.
>> Okay, yes I was bad. I opened a few gifts early. lol. I totally love my 
>> new Nu-Wave oven. I got it in October, I think. lol. Vernon ordered it on 
>> line for me. It uses Infarrered, Conduction, and Convexion cooking. It's 
>> cool.
>> Then the day after ThanksGiving, we were up stairs having our breakfast. 
>> Vernon had just cooked the bacon, brought up the breakfast. I new where 
>> he was. lol. The Microwave started. lol. I told him, and he went down and 
>> shut it off. We agreed it was time for a new microwave oven. lol. We had 
>> not planned on going shopping the day after ThanksGiving, but we did. He 
>> bought me a new Sharp Microwave oven, and I really love it.
>> One day about 3 weeks ago, I got an email from one of our suppliers. lol. 
>> The subject was "An Order Confirmation." I opened it, as I had not 
>> ordered anything from them, but I had thought about ordering something 
>> from them, but I didn't. I read something about phones in the email. I 
>> saw no reference to a credit card number or anything. I saw a shipping 
>> tracking number. lol. I asked Vernon about it. He wasn't too happy that 
>> they sent the email. He was not mad at me. <smile>
>> He told me the story about the phones, and that I would love them. lol. 
>> Sure enough, I do love them. All 5 phones. lol. Yes, you heard me right. 
>> One base and 5 hand sets. It's so cool. We programmed them all to play 
>> "We wish you a Merry Christmas." lol. That is on line 1. On line 2, which 
>> is the business line, we programmed them to play "When Irish Eyes are 
>> Smiling." It's so cool to hear them all ring. lol. Each hand set has 
>> their separate charger.
>> Then we had our Christmas party on December 9th. There were 7 of us here 
>> and we had a lot of fun. We had lots of appetisers and someone gave me a 
>> neat box of Margarita glasses. lol. This is a friend who comes over often 
>> and yes, we do have a Margarita now and then. lol. We made some that 
>> evening for our little happy hour. Some just had cokes, but 4 of us had 
>> Margarita's in the new glasses. Oh, you all should have been here. We had 
>> breaded mushrooms, breaded mozarella sticks, mini chipotli tacos, bread 
>> sticks with cheese in them, meat and cheese on tooth picks, veggies and 
>> dip, dill pickles, and lots of squeezings and laughs. lol.
>> Then we had our main meal which consisted of spaghetti, garlic bread, 
>> salad, and wine. Then after we finished eating, I played the organ and 
>> Vernon and Kari did the cleanup and started the dish washer. Then we 
>> played a really fun card game with white elophant gifts. It was a cool 
>> game and everyone ended up with something. It was all good and clean fun. 
>> <smile> Then we visited, and passed around the goodie boxes for everyone. 
>> They were all surprised. Yes, we did it, fudge and peanut briddle. I made 
>> the fudge and Vernon made the peanut briddle. It was a fun time.
>> Last Friday Kari and I went to a party here in town. The Country Club was 
>> closing it's doors, there fore they had a party for everyone in town. 
>> Kari and I went, but Vernon did not want to go. It was very nice. We 
>> didn't stay too long, as it was really crowded. The food was excellent. 
>> When she brought me home, it wasn't long and some of our Menonight 
>> friends came over to see us for a short visit. They brought a bag of 
>> buns. Well, let's see, I think there are 6 in the family counting the 
>> parents so I got twice that many squeezings. lol. They really love to 
>> squeeze. They invited us for dinner on Christmas day.
>> Saturday I wrapped Vernon's Christmas presents. It was fun. When I took 
>> them down stairs to put under the Christmas tree, I saw another package 
>> there. I laughed.
>> We always open our presents on Christmas Eve. Sunday morning, I couldn't 
>> wait. I'm worse that a child. lol.
>> I opened my present, and it was a beautiful fiberoptic angel. It is 
>> really beautiful and it is 20 inches high. She is wearing a beautiful 
>> dress that hides the plastic peace that makes her skirt flair out, and 
>> that hides the motor and wires. The wings move back and forth, and she 
>> lights up with many colors. It's sweet.
>> Then, I fixed ham and mashed potatoes for supper. It was nice and we had 
>> a quiet loving day. Then we watched a movie together. This was one that I 
>> bought him for Christmas.
>> Monday, we went to Linda and Wesley Toews house for dinner. It was so 
>> beautiful. The love was incredible, and God's presents was really there. 
>> Oh, the lovings and squeezings, I couldn't believe it. We had a sweet 
>> time with them all. We were given very practical gifts and munchies as 
>> well. The food was excellent, and everyone was so sweet. I'm so glad they 
>> invited us and they did let me help in the kitchen.
>> Someone asked me where I got so much love. I told them that I don't take 
>> any credit for it, and it was all from God.
>> Then, on Tuesday night, we went to visit some more friends. They have 
>> remodeled their house and it was really beautiful and the food and 
>> fellowship was excellent.
>> Okay, I've rambled on long enough. I want to hear aout all of your 
>> Christmas's.
>> I pray that you all have a very blessed new year and that 2007 is a much 
>> better year for everyone.
>> God Bless you all.
>> Love,
>> Pat Ferguson