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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 13 Apr 2006 20:12:30 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Lamin, please get used to this nut.  Conteh has been an eccentric ever since 
I first saw him at a conference in Atlanta, back is 2000.  Conteh is good 
and lying, thus, we just have to take him for what he is.  A frequent 
participant of this very forum once accused me of being a younger brother to 
Harry Sambou when he became frustrated with me, but had to come back to this 
very group and apologized for his deliberate oversight, when others who knew 
the NIA Director's family corrected him.  You think Conteh was not here?  
Conteh was right here and read that nonsense and the ensuing apology.  I 
careless whether Harry is my relative or not, I will discuss him just like 
Marcel Thomasi and any other out there that I am related to or know about.  
When I noted the support of the Christian community for Yaya, was I not born 
one?  When I addressed the Jola community for supporting Yaya, was I not 
born one?  When I addressed folks at the Gambian Embassy in DC, was I not 
friends and classmate with Tijan Ceesay?  And so, I am not restrained or 
constrained by relationships when it comes to matters Gambia.  If a person 
or group behaves like a sycophant, I am going to call you out.  It is common 
sense that when ever I discuss any Gambian here, they have nephews, nieces, 
uncles, aunts, etc., that I may know or are close to, but that does not 
preclude me from calling a spade just what it is.  Nice try again conteh.  I 
lost count on the number of times you fell flat on your face and each time 
you get up and act as if it was not you.

As to the Palm Wine thingy, someone has to tap it for some to drink it. :-)! 
  There is a whole brewery called Banjul Breweries for crying out loud.  
It's the economy stupid!  However, I am glad you caught the emptiness of 
this fool.  He can't stand to be reminded of the sycophant that he is, thus 
all this noise.  Out west some where, they have a name for his behavior.  
Conteh is always calculating an opportunity for himself.  That Olive Branch 
thingy, was for him to be given something by Yaya, but Sheriff pulled a fast 
one on him.  Now a days, he is running after Ousainou, and guess why that 
is?  You guess right.  Back in 2000, when this fellow was behind the scenes 
with his mentor, Sheriff, he still came to DC, wrestling with the UDP folks 
to represent the UDP at the Conference, all while he sold his soul to 
Sheriff.  I also met him at Darboe's brothers', in Fredericks, MD.  When he 
thought there was chaos in the diaspora, this time around, he attempted to 
sneak one on us by asking for support of his candidacy.  When I called him 
out, that was when all hell broke loose between the two of us.  Conteh has 
been trying to steal office in the Gambia for more than two decades and he 
will prostitute himself to any length to get that and it is apparent to all 
by now.  However, we are going to discuss the Sheriffs, Harrys, and other 
turncoats, regardless who they are related.  If one is for Gambia it should 
not matter who the sycophant is, you got to call them out.  Conteh, get some 
shame, will ya!

Chi Jaama


>From: Lamin Darbo <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 05:34:38 +0100
>Mr Jassey Conteh:
>   How long will it take you to realise that Joe Sambou is a principled and 
>equal opportunity advocate for the rule of law in The Gambia. He probably 
>ruffled a few feathers along the way, but the consistency of his message is 
>quite refreshing.
>   Joe's arguments are centred on issues of life and death and all you 
>could offer this august gathering is titillating talk about palm wine, palm 
>oil, and how Joe's alleged relatives allegedly dealt in these commodities 
>decades ago.
>   If you must battle Joe, you have to do so on his demarcated battleground 
>of ideas to rescue our nation from the paralysing condition of political 
>tyranny. The more you trivialise the debate, the closer you are to the 
>danger of having your declared presidential ambition permanently 
>extinguished by a credentialed advocate for social justice and the rule of 
>law in The Gambia.
>   Does it not occur to you that crime, and punishment, are 
>person-specific, and that even if Harry is Joe's father, the latter is home 
>free unless you can inexorably link him to the former's alleged NIA 
>orchestrated criminal enterprise?
>   You apparently are not bothered that you thus far presented no evidence 
>of Joe's biological ties to Harry of NIA repute.
>   In case you are unaware, I should probably point out your fantastic role 
>in consolidating Joe's reputation. If he decides to throw his hat in the 
>ring when you make a bid for the presidency, your chickens, as the saying 
>goes, "may come home to roost"
>   Do you want that?
>   Then engage the guy on the issues and stop insulting this gathering!
>   LJDarbo
>Jassey Conteh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   As a product of Saint Augustine's High School, together with other 
>friends, Harry Sambou
>also a product of Saint Augustine's High School is related to Joe Sambou. 
>Before Joe can
>preach his political intolerance, he needs to persuade his dear brother to 
>resign from
>Also, I knew a lady related to Joe who used to sell palm wine at Dippa 
>Kunda. How did
>I know her? Well, she used to visit the late Fa Ansumana Sambou, a 
>Karoninka in Faraba
>Banta, to purchase her inventory of palm wine. The late Fa Ansumana Sambou 
>was also a good
>palm oil maker. I met her there together with many of Joe's relatives when 
>my relatives sent
>to buy palm oil for them.
>As a matter of fact, the late Mr. Sambou was in our Kabilo. Also, when he 
>died some of
>his family members moved to Faji Kunda.
>Comrade Jassey Conteh
>-----Original Message-----
> >From: Joe Sambou
> >Sent: Apr 10, 2006 5:18 PM
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >
> >"I just want to know whether it is true the gentleman is related to Harry
> >Sambou? Please if that is the truth why not jump on the phone and call 
> >brother strengthening the hand of the devil. All Jammeh's dirty work is
> >done by Harry Sambou at al than decent folks like you and me who don't
> >subscribe to the erosion of human rights violation folding in our 
> >
> >Now, I can either help you with your inquiry or I keep address other 
> >as you suggesting, but I can't do both. Nothing personal Abdou, and 
> >is sacred either to be discussed. It is also your responsibility as a
> >Gambian to also school some of us about Harry Sambou, for I do not know 
> >guy from Adam, but am interested in his shananigans with Murder Inc. As 
> >the nonsense you are talking about, I guess I am not addressing what is
> >happening in Gambia. Darn, what was I thinking, not talking about Yaya! 
> >you think this is not important, why you request the above?
> >
> >Chi Jaama
> >
> >Joe
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: abdoukarim sanneh
> >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >>
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:47:31 -0700
> >>
> >>Joe,
> >> For your information, I am busy with my final month at The university 
> >>Bolton but also folding events with keen interest. I am move concern 
> >>Yaya Jammeh's madness than the issues of tribal politics. I will comment 
> >>irresponsible and deep rooted tribal surface on comment on features back
> >>home period. We are a distant voices with differnt opinion, what matters
> >>now is to focus on Jammeh's crime with impunity than associating Jasseh
> >>Conteh with Sheriff Dibba and the past. Joe, for many years we have been
> >>struggling to arrest Yaya Jammeh's madness. Why are you alway turning it
> >>personal. I don't want to question your zeal and determination but most 
> >>times, joe you turn the debate personal. You have to grow up your 
> >>tendency makes me to label you as a self claim activist. It is not Joe
> >>Sambou I used to phone two or three years ago. Now that Haruna have a
> >>project to restore the missing link for a united coalition, I hope we 
> >>to forget and forgive the
> >> irresponsible comment and work for the wat forward. The 2006 is the 
> >>chance for Gambia. The signs are historical realistic to save our people
> >>from living on the edge of endless political conflict as happening in 
> >>part of our sub region.
> >>
> >>Joe Sambou wrote:
> >> I was wondering where you were for I have not seen your brilliant
> >>analysis
> >>lately. I see you smelt death in the air a the vultures have begun to
> >>circulate. Naah Abdou! Good that you woke up though. While you are 
> >>we are talking about Sheriff Dibba, just so you know. I will hate for 
> >>to start talking about tribalism and circumstance and confuse us all in 
> >>process.
> >>
> >>Chi Jaama
> >>
> >>Joe
> >>
> >>
> >> >From: abdoukarim sanneh
> >> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >> >
> >> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >> >Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 13:00:33 -0700
> >> >
> >> >Mr Conteh,
> >> > I just want to know whether it is true the gentleman is related to 
> >> >Sambou? Please if that is the truth why not jump on the phone and call
> >>the
> >> >brother strengthening the hand of the devil. All Jammeh's dirty work 
> >> >done by Harry Sambou at al than decent folks like you and me who don't
> >> >subscribe to the erosion of human rights violation folding in our
> >>country.
> >> >We just want to express our humble opinion because the essence of
> >>democarcy
> >> >is to tell people what they don't want to hear but so-called self
> >>proclaim
> >> >activist react to issues in a different fashion. It is better if we 
> >> >focus our attention on Jammeh's crime with impunity.
> >> >
> >> >Jassey Conteh wrote:
> >> > First of all, the L is not the venue to decently engage objectively.
> >> >Secondly, your
> >> >dear brother Harry Sambou at NIA is doing a nasty job in intimidating
> >> >Gambians.
> >> >
> >> >Before you jump on me, plead with your brother to resign from his 
> >> >Maybe
> >> >sanity may come to the Gambia.
> >> >
> >> >The Gambia is not the same anymore.
> >> >Naphiyo,
> >> >Comrade Jassey-Conteh
> >> >
> >> >-----Original Message-----
> >> > >From: Joe Sambou
> >> > >Sent: Apr 10, 2006 12:19 PM
> >> > >To: [log in to unmask]
> >> > >
> >> > >Conteh, Conteh, Conteh, how can you miss this low hanging fruit? How
> >>does
> >> > >this enable Yaya in any way? I do not expect you to speak against 
> >> > >mentor, but I do not see why you always see a divided people, even 
> >>the
> >> > >case of your mentor. Is this not the problem of Gambia - nepotism? 
> >> >can
> >> > >talk about others or other things, but not your mentor who fell 
> >> >with
> >> > >his benefactor. Yes, an injustice to any gambian is an injustice to
> >>all,
> >> > >but that does not preclude us from talking about the character that 
> >> > >Sheriff Dibba, does it?
> >> > >
> >> > >Chi Jaama
> >> > >
> >> > >Joe
> >> > >
> >> > >
> >> > >>From: Jassey Conteh
> >> > >>Reply-To: Jassey Conteh
> >> > >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >> > >>Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2006 11:43:22 -0400
> >> > >>
> >> > >>Mr. Darboe:
> >> > >>
> >> > >>By taking such an assertion, your statements would enable Jammeh to
> >> > >>continue on.
> >> > >>At this point in the struggle, an injustice done to any Gambian is
> >> > >>injustice for all
> >> > >>Gambians.
> >> > >>
> >> > >>As we continue to be divided, Jammeh continues to control and
> >>intimidate
> >> > >>Gambians.
> >> > >>
> >> > >>Naphiyo,
> >> > >>Comrade Jassey-Conteh
> >> > >>
> >> > >>-----Original Message-----
> >> > >> >From: Lamin Darbo
> >> > >> >Sent: Apr 7, 2006 2:33 PM
> >> > >> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >Mr Sidibeh:
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > What got into SM?
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > I bet we are dealing with another fabrication, assuming of 
> >>the
> >> > >>gist of Mr Mbai's story on the Dibba angle is accurate.
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > As you are aware, the impeachment procedure is a constitutional
> >>coup,
> >> > >>and therefore depends wholly on a governmental system grounded in 
> >> >rule
> >> > >>of law with its concommittant instrument of checks and balances
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > To tread on the impeachment territory in our current political
> >> >reality
> >> > >>is at best suicidal. I don't think Mr Dibba has any suicidal
> >> >inclination.
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > That said, it is my contention he deserves his plight, and more.
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> > LJDarbo
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >Momodou S Sidibeh wrote:
> >> > >> > Mr. Mbai,
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >Many many thanks for feeding us with news in these very troubled
> >>times
> >> >in
> >> > >> >Gambia.
> >> > >> >You wrote:
> >> > >> >"..Sources hinted that speaker Dibba was arrested at 2pm on 
> >> >for
> >> > >> >allegedly working with MPS for possible impeachement of President
> >> > >>Jammeh.."
> >> > >> >Well, since when did it become a crime to try to impeach a
> >>persident?
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >As sensational as this sounds, it ought to have been a tactic 
> >>by
> >> >the
> >> > >> >Opposition long ago. Even if they should fail in their bid to
> >>impeach
> >> > >> >Jammeh, it would have signaled an important challenge to an
> >> >unmitigated
> >> > >> >tyrant. Standing up to a bully is the first law of resistance!
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >Cheers,
> >> > >> >sidibeh
> >> > >> >
> >> > >> >P.S
> >> > >> >I must admit though, that I cannot stop wondering about old Mr.
> >> >Dibba's
> >> > >> >new-found source of courage. What has inspired him to initiate 
> >>a
> >> > >> >high-risk covert operation, if indeed it turns out to be true? 
> >> > >>Gambia!!
> >> > >> >modou
> >> > >> >
> >> > >>
> >> >
> >> 
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