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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Rosalie Peipert <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 13 Nov 2006 23:13:17 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I researched information and many people sent in information too.  FYI:
Ergocalcifereol(vitaminD2) is  produced by ultraviolet irradiation of a 
provitamin D ERgosterol is a  component of fungal cell membranes, serving the same 
function that cholesterol  serves in animal cells.  The presence of ergosterol 
in fungal cell  membranes coupled with it's absence in animal cell membranes 
makes it a useful  target for antifuncal drugs which occurs in yeast and fungi.
_http://tinyurl.com/yglkwm_ (http://tinyurl.com/yglkwm)     
Influence of dietary taurine on vitamin D absorption
While most people certainly benefit from increased amounts of Vitamin D,  
Vitamin D should not be taken by those people who have the rare autoimmune  
Sarcoidosis.  Those afflicted with Sarcoidosis are told to  avoid 
exposure to the sun.  In recent studies, Sarcoidosis and Celiac  Disease 
have been linked.  Should you like any information on how the  two have 
been linked or for information on Sarcoidosis, please refer to the  
website _www.stopsarcoidosis.org_ (http://www.stopsarcoidosis.org) . There 
are  other autoimmune diseases mentioned that Vit D would not benefit from or 
could  make them worse.
_http://www.vitamindcouncil.com/_ (http://www.vitamindcouncil.com/) 
Here is a list of companies that make Vit D that our list mates are taking,  
always have blood levels checked when taking vitamin D supplements:
Twinlab Allergy D caps (400 iu each)
Solgar Vit. D
Vitamin D prescription Calcitriol  .5 mcg capsules(not verifed  g/f)
Drisdol prescription (expensive but there is a generic pill) comes in  25,000 
and 50,000 IU
Metagenics Cal Apatite Plus with Iprilflavone & Vit D(available from  doctors 
and Willner Chemists in NYC)
Vitamin D drops
Fish Oil, Cod liver oil (GNC, other brands)
Soloray Calcium Citrate & D (50,000 IU)
Life Extensions D _www.lef.org_ (http://www.lef.org)  
Freeda (400 IU & 1000 IU)
Walmart & Walgreen's stores may have g/f Vitamin D products
Bluebonnet. Whole Foods and Sun Harvest carry it. It has sheep's wool  
lanolin in it.
Vitamin D injections, need to be monitored closely.
It is possible to get Vit D through an IV if all else fails.
More information:
You cannot use any sunscreen when sitting in the sun. Sunscreen may  not 
prevent cancer, but does effectively block the light that your skin turns  into 
Vit D.
You can put Vit D oil on your skin and it will absorb bypassing  intestines 
if you have malabsorption syndrome.
Check out web site _www.austinscdfriends.com_ 
(http://www.austinscdfriends.com)  for healing  leaky gut syndrome, rebuilding immune system and for a source 
of Krill  Oil from _www.mercola.com_ (http://www.mercola.com)  
Try a full spectrum light or check out ultra violet light bulbs or  lamps.
Information: _www.vitamindcouncil.com_ (http://www.vitamindcouncil.com)  
Ask your doctor to check you vit D levels, B 12, Folate and B6, Vit  K.
Thanks again one and all.  Have to read and digest it all and decide  on a 
mode of action to correct this deficiency. 
Good health to all,
Rosalie (NJ)

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